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Kidnapped From School Warning: May be disturbing for some readers! (contains torture and gore!)

I left school, it was a short walk home, only about 5 minutes, I did it every day. I started walking the path that I have had memorized for over a year. I was in second grade, I was only seven years old.

Because it was elementary school, we didn't have a dress code, or uniform. I was wearing a light pink t-shirt with cat faces on them, and a black pleated skirt, that went to my mid-thighs. I was not wearing underwear, because a bully stole it.

I noticed someone was following me, I was only a few minutes from home, so I ignored it and just started walking slightly faster. I saw a white van driving up the road in the opposite direction than I was going.

The van stopped abruptly a few feet ahead of me, I stopped walking, it was very suspicious. Someone got out, I turned around and started walking the other way. The man who was following me before, caught up with me, and put his hand on my mouth and picked me up.

I kicked and punched randomly, just hitting air, I was scared and tried to break free. He went towards the van and got in the back of the van. There were a total of 8 people in the van, driver, someone in the passenger seat, 4 in the back, the person who was holding me, and me.

I was kicking and flailing, hit nothing, except occasionally the ground. The four other ones than the one that was holding me, started tying my arms together, then they did my legs.

They took off my shirt, shoved it into my mouth, they duck taped my mouth, wrapping the duck tape several times around my entire head, making sure I couldn't open my mouth. Also wrapping duck tape more vertically, from chin to upper back of head, making me unable to move my jaw.

I was super scared, not knowing what to do, I couldn't move much of anything. Legs were together, arms were together, and mouth was gagged. I was now wearing only a skirt, absolutely nothing else, I cried softly, fearing that I would die.

The van stopped I was dragged out of it, we were now in what appeared to be a warehouse. I was carried to a bed, where my legs were untied and they were tied to the bed, spread apart. My arms were tied above my head, and I was laying on my back, virtually unable to move.

They all stripped naked and one started fucking me while the others groped me in various places. I cried as he fucked me as hard as he could, making my super tight, no longer virgin pussy bleed.

One of them slapped me across the face, as hard as he could, leaving a red mark on my face. The one who was fucking me, cummed in me and pulled out, allowing the next guy to fuck me. After an hour, everyone had fucked me once, and the first guy was back for a second turn.

One of them grabbed a knife, he sliced my arm, he went deep enough to draw blood, but not super deep. I screamed into the gag, virtually no sound came out, and he made another slice, perpendicular to the first one.

He moved the knife to my face, and made a slice down my cheek. As he was slicing my cheek, I made the mistake of moving, and he ended up going deeper than he intended, making it hurt way more.

He made more slices on my arms and did some on my legs, while I was still being fucked my random people. He grabbed a big bottle of hand sanitizer, in that sort of gel-like consistency. He put some in his hand and rubbed it over where he cut me, it burned like hell, if I wasn't gagged, Australia would have been able to hear me scream.

He rubbed the hand sanitizer over all the places he cut, sending intense pain throughout my body. He grabbed the knife again, and started slowly slicing, not very deep, a slice between my eyes, then down my nose, and stopped after that, because then there is duck tape.

Someone cummed in me and pulled out, the guy with the knife got into position to fuck me. He instead, took the knife, and slowly inserted it into my pussy, I didn't dare move. He abruptly pulled it back out, slicing the inside of my tiny pussy, he smiled.

He grabbed some more hand sanitizer and put it in my pussy, he filled it up with hand sanitizer, it burned. He grabbed a lighter, and heated up the knife until it was visibly orange-ish color. He took the heated knife, and didn't slice, just laid it gently on my left nipple.

It burned, but I controlled myself not to move so that he didn't cut it, he did it with the other nipple. Someone started fucking me again, fucking me along the cut inside my pussy, and rubbing the hand sanitizer into the cut, making my pussy burn.

He heated up the knife again, then put it against my neck, it burned. I didn't move, because if I did, I probably would have died, he held the knife there while more people fucked me. Eventually he removed it from my neck.

He decided that I was smarter than to make noise, and he removed the duck taped, then fished the shirt out of my mouth. I didn't say a word, even though I wanted to scream. He doused the shirt in hand sanitizer, used the alcohol in it to fuel a fire and lit the shirt on fire.

He shoved the shirt back in my mouth, and forced my mouth closed, to keep it in. I felt the heat inside my mouth as it burned my mouth, eventually I was able to put out the fire, by removing the oxygen from my mouth.

I could still taste the hand sanitizer, it tasted awful, I coughed into his hand and tried to spit it out. He removed his hand and took the shirt out, then he grabbed the knife again. He opened my mouth, laid the knife on my tongue, and closed my mouth over it.

I didn't move anything, not even my tongue, I barely even breathed, I just stayed perfectly still. He pulled the knife out, while my mouth was still closed. It caused a slice on my tongue, and a slice on my lip, I fought the pain and didn't scream.

He decided that I needed more hand sanitizer, so he hand sanitized all my cuts again, including my lip and tongue. This time I screamed at the top of my lungs, it burned, he slapped me and sliced my ear clean off, as punishment for screaming, which just made me scream more.

Severe gore warning!

I suddenly lost hearing in that ear, well, duh! He shoved the knife into my belly, not enough to kill me, but I did lose my breath. I realized that nobody was fucking me anymore, I wondered why. He redid my gag, shirt, duck tape, everything, then punched me in the gut.

I didn't see anyone but him anywhere, they all left, I wondered where they went, but I was thankful. He heated up the knife again, and put it in my pussy again, this time, not slowly, he went in and out super fast, making cuts and slices along the entire thing.

He adjusted me and held me up, so that my pussy was in the air. He filled it up with hand sanitizer, the reason he made me go up, was so that it would stay inside. I screamed into the gag, making almost no sound.

EXTREME GORE WARNING! May cause you mental pain if you read further! (jk, but seriously, gore)

He undid the gag, cut out my tongue and pulled it out. He heated the knife up and lifted it above his head, he slammed it down on my leg, slicing it clean off, then he did the same for my other leg, and both my arms.

I had about a minute left, before I would bleed out, and he knew it. He put hand sanitizer in my eyes, then proceeded to pluck them out. He cut off my nose and other ear, then cut my head off. The last few hours of my life, were probably the worst hours of anyone's life ever!

The End

I am sorry about the gore, I usually don't go that far, I hope I didn't make you guys uncomfortable.

(To be honest, I was almost puking, writing that last paragraph, but I decided to keep it in anyway.)