2T4U/Tiffany/Middle of night/Go back to your room and try to get some sleep

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When you get to your rom, you sit on your bed, looking down between your legs and at the stuff that Aaron put in there. Then you hear someone at the door and look up. "Phew, it's only Bandit."

"Hi Bandit, what are you doing in here," you say.

He stands in front of you, looking up with his tongue lolling out. Then he puts his head right between your legs and sniffing

"Get off," you say, pushing him away.

He sits down, looking hurt and giving you the full-on puppy eyes. Bandit's a friend and you feel sorry that you were sharp with him.

"Sowwy," you say, reaching out and scratching between his ears. "Aaron did somefink weird."

Without warning he wriggles forward, and and starts licking right between your legs. You jump back and clamp your legs together. "You're a Naughty Boy. Just like Aaron," you say, and stand up.

Bandit stands up too, facing you, and you move round to give him a pat. Then you see it. His weiner is sticking out. "BANDIT! your weiner," you exclaim.

For what seem like an age, you stand there looking at it, and then, curios to see better, you kneel down beside him. He stands there panting but doesn't seem to mind when you touch it.

"It's so big and stiff," you say as you wraps her hand around the shaft. "Aaron's is all pink and much littler."

For a moment, you think he is peeing, but then you realise that it's a lot like the stuff Aaron squited. It's slippery,so you use it to help your hand slide back and forth. He jerks away.

"Sorry," you say. "Did I hurt you?" You look at Bandit's big weiner and think about what it had felt like when Arron poked his in your pussy.

You lean round and lick her face, nudging her back so she sits on the floor. Straight away, you get your head between her legs and start licking her pussy and this time she doesn't push you away. She is making funny noises and saying NO, but you can tell she likes it, so you lick harder - both her ass and her pussy are in reach now, so you keep going. You wonder if you can get on top of her like humans do and stop licking to move up.

After a few tries you know it isn't going in and are almost at the point of giving up when she suddenly rolls over onto her front. "Go on Bandit. I want it inside me," she says, and gets up on her hands and knees with her bare bottom sticking up. You don't hesitate and straddle her, supporting your weight with your front legs so as not to squash her. It's hard to get the angle right without a tail to guide you, but after a few stabs, you finally hit the mark.

Her pussy is tight. Tighter than that little Pug down the road. But after a few strokes, you can feel your balls bumping against her ass. Your knot is swelling too to seal the puppy juice in and at last you get the release you need. She is not happy though. "Get it out," she hisses. You guess she doesn't want anyone to hear. Of course, you are stuck. You turn round and get your back leg over, and she flops down, but your are firmly knotted in and know that if she waits a while, it will go down by itself. You can hear her crying and you are sorry if you hurt her, but there's nothing you can do.

The door opens: