2T4U/Blake Fucks Tiff's Ass

From All The Fallen Stories
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You look at your naked three year old daughter laying face down on the floor after being violated by the family dog. You look at the dog, sitting in the corner licking his cock and balls and he looks up at you and then at the toddler on the floor as if to say "If you don't, I will."

One part of your brain says that you should be comforting your daughter before taking the dog outside and shooting him, but there's another, louder part, that sees the helpless body on the floor, and the the sexy curves of her ass-cheeks with the tiny pucker of her ass almost hidden, is telling you that this is an opportunity not to be missed.

"Fuck me Bandit, you sure make a lot of cum," you say as you run your hands over Tiff's smooth ass-cheeks. Bandit can't see you but he senses something and he watches as you part the twin globes to expose the three-year-old's little starfish.

You straddle her small body and press your dick down against that tiny entrance, but there's no way it'll go in. Tiff whimpers and you remember how you can control this corporeal body. Just by imagining it, your dick shrinks to a more practical size. Now it's more like a young boy - four inches long, half-an-inch across and stiff as a poker. "That's more like it, you say as you press it against Tiff's anus again.

Toddler asses are not meant to accept intruders from outside, so even your boycock has difficulty getting past her sphincter. You scoop up some doggy jizz and use it to lubricate a finger, which you can then get through the obstruction. Tiffany moans and moves a little, but she still seems out of it.

Once you have opened her up with a finger and pasted her with some more of Bandit's cum, you try again with your cock. This time it goes in and you almost wish it hadn't as she clamps down on it in an effort to force it out again. She's moving now, rolling this way and that, which only serves to let you in further, then she starts to moan.

She looks round to see what's happening, but of course you are invisible, so she keeps trying to get away.