3 wishes/Sandy

From All The Fallen Stories
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Max walks down the stairs, you hear the clomp of his footsteps "mom, Tracy kicked me out of her room".

Your eyes widen, you're not sure if your family is ready to see the genie yet,. "Wait Max... I'm not properly dressed". Your eyes dart around the room looking for something to hide the Genie.

Max stops in the middle of the stairs "but mom you're in the basement" he sounds annoyed, you can see his feet and his shorts from where he's standing. And his face slightly showing, was he trying to spy on you? "I know you're lying to me".

You look at the Genie floating next to you "can you please hide in the lamp". And with that the Genie turned back into a blue smoke and returned into the lamp. You don't know if he saw the Genie or not, but you hope he didn't.

Max runs down the stairs this time "Tracy is not letting me into her room and it's not fair, can you tell her to let me in"

It seems like he didn't.

Unaware wish