3 wishes/Sandy/Max loves his sisters/His sisters love him back/intimate siblings

From All The Fallen Stories
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Jane goes away into the bathroom. Something about how Jane mumbled about being intimate with Max stuck in your mind. You thought that word meant something else, but if Jane said that about Max, it must be a new slang! Of course, there's no way Jane wants to... do that with Max...

You take the time to wash the dishes and go see what Tracy is doing. Max is still in her room, and they look so lovely together, holding hand and looking at each other. A great improvement from they way she was treating him before. You knew she could be affectionate if she tried, much better than being stuck in her room playing games all day.

As soon as Jane leaves the shower, you talk to her again "Jane, I thought about what you said."

Jane's wearing only a towel, and you hope at least some underwear, since Max and Lisa are in the house. Her body is toned from all the exercises she's doing. "huh? What I said? Do you mean about Max?"

"Exactly. I thought about it and It'd be so nice if all three of you could be intimate"

Jane blushes again "You want that?"

"Oh, I wish"

Some weird noises start coming from Tracy's room. A constant "Ah, ah, ah..." It sounds like her voice moaning with one of her games. You don't know much about technology, but it sounds like she's enjoying it. "Tracy must be playing a Tenis game with Max, it's so good to see they are finally bonding in some way"

"You should definitely talk to him once he's done, maybe even show real tenis, instead of just showing a video game"

Jane is looking at the Tracy's door, the constant moaning keeps coming up lowder and lowder in her mind. Not wanting to spend another second just hearing it, she opens the door.

You also get to see the scene. Tracy is on top of Max, naked and riding him like a cowgirl rides a wild horse, except she's bigger than the horse, maybe a poney should be the right word. Your eyes widen, not believing what you're seeing "Tracy—"

Jane's hand covers your mouth and stops you from uttering another word "Shh" I'll take care of this okay?"

You're hesitant about doing anything, at lest for the moment. You go back to the kitchen, seeing the dishes you just washed. Jane goes into Tracy's room and takes Max with her to her own room. What even was that? You may need some time to process what you just saw.

A few minutes later Tracy shows up, dressed this time in her typical gamer girl outfit.

You can't look at her the same way, not after the absurd scene you just witnessed "Tracy—"

Again, you're interrupted, this time it was Lisa running into the kitchen "mom, you got to see this, it's amazing. Jane is wrestling naked with Max"

You stop in time, but everybody else is moving. First it was Tracy and now, your oldest daughter?

Tracy's face reddens "Ah, I can't believe. That slut!" The teenage girl storms out of the kitchen and head straight into Jane's room, opening the door "You slut, I can't believe you're doing this with my boyfriend"

Did she say boyfriend? Time starts to move again, and you head into Jane's room. Max leaves the room, butt-naked, literally. All your can focus is now at Jane, and she's also naked. "Tracy, I can't believe you said Max is your boyfriend, and Jane, how could you do it with your own brother? I thought you were only talking with him"

"But you said it's okay to do it, you even said you want us to be intimate with him" Jane replies

"I- I didn't mean that" You fluster, not even knowing considering the probability they would actually have sex.

Lisa's voice echoes through the house "Ahaha, this is fun"

"What is going on there?" You walk out of the room to see Lisa on top of Max, also riding his hard cock. Even if she was closer to his height, she was only slightly taller than him and could keep their faces close together in a romantic way. "Children!"

"Hey, it's my turn" Jane said frowning and taking

"The two of you stay away from him" Tracy replied getting close to Max and hugging him "he's my boyfriend!"

"I wanna have fun too" Lisa added.

"I love my sisters" Max whispered under everything.


The days went by, day after day, his sister were quarreling about having sex with Max and who gets to go first. Every time you tried to get in the way of one of them the other would already be having sex with him. You're not sure if they are closer like this, in fact, his sister have been fighting way more, but seemed to stop fighting against Max, even if the base of their relationship seem to be jealousy, you wonder if things could have been better...

By the way you completely forgot about the lamp.

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