Teaching My SisterP2

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 22:12, 3 July 2022 by Cunnies (talk | contribs) (Continued story, formatting)
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Last weekend our parents made plans to drive out of town for a party a friend of theirs was having and to stay the night there. They decided that we were mature enough by now to stay at the house by ourselves for a couple days. Of course, being the oldest, some responsibilities fell on me: I'd have to respond to my mom's regular check-in texts, and I'd have to make food for my sister and I, although Emily was starting to feed herself and could probably handle the frozen pizza my mom had left for us.

My sister and I stood in the doorway waving as our parents' grey SUV backed out of the driveway and then drove down the street and out of view. The excitement of being home alone set in immediately, and surprisingly I don't think either of us were thinking of doing anything inappropriate, not just yet anyway. Our parents being gone meant we got to use the big TV in the living room, and we spent most of the afternoon just hanging around in the living room, Em arguing with me about what to put on during every commercial break but then always staring as if hypnotized at whatever show was on when it came back.

We broke the few usual rules kids do at any opportunity; we turned the speakers up too loud, had ice cream before dinner, ate snacks in the carpeted living room which our mom always gets mad about. I was having a great time just not worrying and relaxing with my sister and I could tell that Em was loving it too.

After dinner Emily went upstairs to have a shower and I checked in with mom and dad, who had just arrived at their party and would likely be busy until we went to bed. Walking into the living room, I put my phone facedown on the coffee table and lay down on the couch on my side. The squishy cushions lightly bounced as I settled into them and started flicking through channels on the TV. Secretly, I was feeling kind of horny and wanted to masturbate, which I had only learned to do recently but was trying more and more frequently as I explored the internet and found more things that really turned me on. As I lay there with a bulge slowly growing in my shorts, pushing out against the soft cushions, I didn't know what to do. Even though my virgin masturbation sessions were rarely longer than a couple minutes still, my sister was probably nearly done her shower and if I tried to masturbate my way to orgasm she could come down before I finished. Or worse, while I was finishing. The image of my innocent little sister watching me uncontrollably pump my cock and shoot streams of semen across the living room flashed across my mind and I wondered just how she would react if she saw that. Would she be horrified? Or would she enjoy it, like she usually does when she learns something new about the male body?

I realized that picturing this scenario was making my penis throb against the couch cushion and start to leak precum into my shorts so I quickly tried to shake the thoughts from my head. Masturbation wasn't even an option any more regardless, since I could hear my sister shutting off the water and stepping out of the shower upstairs. I tried my best to focus on the TV as I flipped aimlessly through the stations (yeah, cable TV. When my parents are going to finally just get streaming services like the rest of us I'll never know) but nothing seemed even remotely interesting and it was hard to keep my mind from wandering back to horny thoughts.

Eventually I settled for a channel showing a movie that looked like some kind of bargain bin spy thriller. Not quite James Bond, but clearly trying to be. If anything can distract a teenage mind from horny thoughts, it would probably be senseless violence, and watching this guy in a suit shoot the absolute shit out of a secret villain hideout with a handgun that apparently never has to reload was actually doing the trick. My penis was almost completely soft by the time my sister came down the stairs into the living room, wearing nothing but a white towel wrapped around her, hanging teasingly high over her slender thighs. Suddenly the TV might as well have been on another planet. Nothing on that screen could be as important as the sight that was in front of me now.

As my sister meticulously dried her long brown hair with another white towel, she was earnestly focused on the movie, paying no attention to me as I looked up and down her nearly naked form and tried to imagine what she looked like under that towel. In seconds, all my efforts to get my hard-on under control were undone. Really, she wasn't showing that much, and it's not like I hadn't seen my sister wrapped in a towel before. But the way she was just casually standing there like that, when just minutes ago I had been imagining blowing a load in front on her was really turning me on. And looking at her shiny, clean skin, I couldn't help but picture her in the shower, the steamy stream beating down on her chest and running over her hard nipples, the water cascading down her tight tummy and over her puffy little-

"Wait, I thought they were working together. Why did he shoot him?"

My sister's question snapped me out of my fantasy and forced me to pull my gaze back to the TV, where our suit-clad hero had apparently been shot and taken prisoner by a man in a similar suit, wielding a similar, presumably also magical handgun who, as I was hearing, had until now looked like an ally of the protagonist.

"Um, I uh... dunno, I wasn't really... paying attention..." I awkwardly muttered as I tried to subtly roll my crotch down into the couch a bit to hide my erection.

WIP to be completed