Hot Summer Job/You ought to complete her education, including periods pregnancy and all the important things

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Well, crap. Now that you know her education is so lacking, you can’t just leave her like this with a fresh load of cum in her pussy and no knowledge of what any of this sex stuff is all about.

“Umm...” you respond, trying to figure out exactly where to start. “Well… no, I mean, yes… well…” Hmm…. this was going to be a complicated subject. “Well, actually, this is sex, what we are doing right now. It is called sex when a boy’s penis goes inside of a girl’s vagina. I don’t think the book you read in class was talking about sex though. When you touch your privates with your hands it is called masturbating.”

“Master… what?” She responds with a strange look in her eyes.

“Anyway,” you continue, “sex is when you touch your privates to another person’s privates like this.”

“Oh!” She says, “Sex hurts when you put it in,” she comments with an odd look and then starts bouncing up and down in your grip and giggling. “Is this sex too?” She asks. You are taken a little off balance by this and you struggle a little to keep hold of her and keep control of your mind as you deal with the sensation of having your cock milked by your little sister’s pussy.

“Ahhh… yes! Yes, this is sex.” You inform her.

“Sex is weeeird.” She says, squirming and grinding her cervix against the top of your dick a bit more. “Why do people do sex, because it feels good like with your hands..”

Wait, was that a question or a statement? It sounded like she answered her own question, but the pause was a little too brief without the intonation to separate the two out. Whatever, you just chalk it up to being a kid thing. This does seem like the right place to move on to the next lesson though. “Sex is how people make babies.” You tell her.

“Make babies!?” She responds.

“Yeah… well… girls have eggs and boys have sperm, and when a boy puts his penis inside a girl it puts the sperm inside her and the egg starts turning into a baby.”

Bree just seems to be looking back at you with a completely lost expression, and you realize that was probably not that great an explanation. Hell, even you were a little confused by it.

“Umm…” you continue, “you know how a baby grows inside of the mom’s belly right?” You ask her.

“OH! Yeah!” She responds, a smile spreading across her face as she starts to understand, but that smile immediately fades and you can almost see the wheels starting to turn inside her head. “So a boy puts the baby inside with his penis!?” Bree says in sudden shock as she pulls back away from you and looks sharply down at the point where the two of you are linked together by your genitals. Suddenly she starts struggling in your grip.

“Ow!” You cry out in response to the mild pain as she attempts to pull away from you with her crotch but the angle with witch your once again stiff cock goes into her. Bree seems to see the source of the problem and settles back onto your dick, but she seems to have a somewhat urgent look on her face now.

“Did you put a baby in me!?” She asks as an accusation. Your back begins to grow hot as you think about it. She did say she hadn’t started her periods yet, but you know she might have been lying about that. You try to think about how to respond to it.

“No,” you tell her. This seems to settle her down a little and she stops trying to rip your dick off with her hips. Her body language seems to tell you she is considerably more worried now though. “You can’t put a baby in a girl’s belly until she starts bleeding from down there.”

“Oh.” She responds. “Well I haven’t started bleeding yet, so don’t put any babies in me.” She says with a surprisingly harsh tone after witch she begins to struggle in your grip again. She seems to quickly stop though as she looks back down at her groin and you feel her vaginal muscles twitch around your cock witch keeps shifting from semi-hard to full hardness. Right now, it is starting to stiffen again as you think about the fact that you already have painted her belly full of your baby making semen and the fact that she still doesn’t quite seem to completely get the concept yet. At any rate, she does seem to want down. It seems the realization of the consequences of sex has made her a little uncomfortable.

Let her down

Keep her like this