Sexual Research Commission/Grover/Peters/4

From All The Fallen Stories
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The Peters Family

Lyla: an obstinate 5 year old girl

Jack: a 10 year old boy

Emily: a daydreaming 12 year old girl

Michael: 35 year old single father of three

Part 2: Emily | Chapter 4: The End of the World as We Know It

The sun shone down brightly across their path as Emily and Jack walked to school. They stopped briefly when they heard chipping in one of the trees and spotted a mother bird feeding her chicks. The scent of blossoming flowers wafted past as a gentle breeze played through Emily's shoulder length hair, eliciting the kind of bright laugh from her which infected her brother beside her with the same giddy mood she had woken up with. It was an unusually lovely morning without the slightest hint that elsewhere, yes even in their very own home behind them, the fates were already threading patterns into the tapestry of life which would spell the end of Emily's idyllic world.

The morning was so pleasant in fact, Emily didn't care that today in second period she would have to sit through her least favorite class, Sexual Education. She generally liked school. English was her favorite because she loved to read books, but she always got her best grades in Math, and she loved the Science teacher, Mr. Barnes, with the way he always went off topic yet brought it back around somehow. Emily definitely enjoyed going to Grover Middle School even if it had changed so much in the past year. The P-FANS program had rocked the school at its foundation when it launched almost out of the blue toward the end of her 6th grade year. They had really targeted this town, putting that office right next to her old Elementary school. Thankfully, most of the new 'pfangirls' were still high schoolers in spite of the location. Aside from the occasional sex in the cafeteria, the biggest change was the awful Sex-Ed curriculum the SRC had tried to implement. It's not so bad now, but that disaster of a first day was still enough to ruin the whole class for Emily and make it the one subject she dreaded. At least there wasn't any homework.

Entering the school, Emily and Jack parted ways to find their respective classes. The best part of Wednesdays, was Emily shared most of her classes with her best friend, Riley Sullivan. When she entered the History class room, Riley was already there as usual, absently fussing with her grown out pixie cut. She wore the same denim shorts as always, but today she had an uncharacteristically feminine blouse. Emily took the seat next to her but barely had time to ask what had her in the mood to dress up before Mr. Merriweather came in saying they had a lot to cover and no time to waste. He always said that and as usual, most of what he had to say was part of the reading he assigned the class before. Emily let her mind wander away, leading her to the first thing to sour her mood that day.

She couldn't help thinking back to that first day of Sex-Ed. The SRC brought in a new teacher, Mr. Fuchs and Emily's class was the very first lesson he taught. They met in the gymnasium where Mr. Fuchs put them into 8 pairs of boys and girls, handing each couple a large yoga mat. Once everyone laid out the mat and sat down on it with their partner, Mr. Fuchs began his lesson. It all seemed rudimentary as he explained how make sure you/your partner is properly relaxed and lubricated before attempting penetration, and gave tips to the boys on how to use foreplay to ensure the girls orgasm too. He quickly realized the rest of his lesson plan would not go the way he had expected when he asked everyone to stand up and undress. All the students looked around nervously. After a moment, they realized the teacher was serious and a handful, mostly boys stripped down. Slowly, a few more stripped down to their underwear. There were still 5 of the 16 students, including Emily and Riley, who were too stunned to move. Regardless of their compliance, everyone of the students were clearly uncomfortable and the naked ones tried to cover up with their hands. The only exception was Melissa Rogers of course, who actually looked relieved since she was a pfangirl and now she wasn't the only one naked.

Mr. Fuchs approached Emily, the closest one still clothed, put a hand on the shoulder strap of her dress and asked what she was so nervous about. Apparently, he thought it would be totally normal for a class of middle schoolers to get naked in front of each other. He was under the impression his whole lesson would be practically remedial. Somehow he calmed Emily down and slipping the strap off her shoulder, convinced her to let him undress her. As he helped Emily out of her panties, the rest of the class grew the courage to strip as well, save for Riley. Realizing the class was not nearly as prepared for the lesson he had planned, Mr. Fuchs let Riley sit out and instructed her partner, Danny Phillips, to join Melissa's group.

Emily, along with half the class, envied her friend the moment Mr. Fuchs announced the rest of the period would be a simple assessment where everyone should sex with their partner, the boys being evaluated based on how many orgasms they could bring their partner to and the girls how deeply they could take their partner in each hole without discomfort. Melissa rolled her eyes and quickly deep throated Danny while that slut Vanessa D'Angelo pushed Johnny Lawrence down on the mat to mount him cowgirl style. The rest of the class froze. Emily's partner, Billy Connors, reached out to grope one of her breasts which had just started to form over the summer, but she slapped his hand away.

'Who was this Mr. Fuchs?' Emily thought to herself. 'I could get past him wanting us to strip. We had some high schoolers come in last year as live models to teach us anatomy. I thought we would just be doing something like that with each other. I didn't like it but I get that. It's not that though. No, this Mr. Fuchs guy wants me to give my virginity to that idiot Billy Connors just for some assessment test?' She slapped his hand away from her crotch after Mr. Fuchs encouraged everyone to get started.

A few more couples laid down together, but the majority of the class remained frozen in shock. Mr. Fuchs came to Emily once again, this time pulling her aside to ask why everyone was being so shy.

"I can't speak for everyone," she explained, "But this is not how I imagined my first time!"

"First time‽" he asked rather loudly. "How old are you?"

"I'm only 12!" she shouted back to remind the class he was the weird one.

Mr. Fuchs looked stunned. He scanned the 7th grade class in disbelief. That's when he noticed Sally Jones' virginal blood staining the yoga mat beneath her nubile body, writhing in pleasure as Marques Johnson pumped inexpertly just a few inches into her at a time.

"How many of you never had sex before?" He asked them. Almost all the kids still standing raised their hands and a couple of the kids on the mats seemed confused on how they should answer. "Fuck! I mean, uh, Fuchs how could you be so uh—Nah, Fuck it. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He was at a loss. "I don't know what to do now. You're all in middle school, at least half of you must have started puberty already. Why haven't you all been having sex already? I don't know what to do. I guess everyone who doesn't want to have sex, just masturbate or something. No one can put their clothes back on till the end of the period though." He pulled a chair from the side of the room and just stared at the class while some of them fucked, some jacked off, and others just sat there covering themselves with their hands until the period ended.

The next time they had Sex-Ed, it was back in the health classroom like last year and Ms. Lovelace the school nurse taught the lesson from then on. The school sent out an email apologizing on behalf of the SRC saying the curriculum was more advanced than they had anticipated and they were working with the SRC to develop a more appropriate course. The SRC followed up with an email on their own behalf apologizing for their oversight of the strength of social conditioning already present in students at Grover Middle School which has caused more cognitive implasticity than they had accounted for and promised they would soon reach a solution to remedy this issue.

Emily was pulled out of her daydream when the bell rang and she barely caught Mrs. Merriweather's instructions to watch the documentary he posted on "The Orgiastic Solution: How the Congo Ended WWIV". She listened to Riley gush once more about how Merriweather make history come alive and waited until they'd sat down in Ms. Lovelace's class before teasing her friend about her crush on the history teacher. Their tired argument ended when Ms. Lovelace began her lesson, repeating the same lesson she had in rotation since she began teaching months ago, expecting to receive some form of curriculum long ago. Once again, she asked for a volunteer to demonstrate female anatomy. Once again, she had to call on Vanessa, who was now a pfangirl, to be the model. After proving once more how much the vagina can be stretched by masturbating her student with a monster dildo, she dismissed Vanessa and filled the rest of the time with another story of her many college lovers.

"I almost forgot," Ms. Lovelace announced just before the bell rang, "The school and the SRC have finally come to a compromise on the final grading rubric for the class. In order to get an 'A', you will still need to have done well on the exams and get a good grade on the final which will be cumulative. As long as you know your anatomy, both male and female, and the 10 basic positions for heterosexual couplings, you should be fine. However, in order to pass the class, you will also need to provide proof of experience. A simple photo showing your face and either vaginal or anal penetration will suffice. All you have to do is email me your proof of experience before the final and you will be guaranteed at least a 'C', but if I do not get this from you, the highest grade you can get is a 'D' which is considered a failing grade. Thank you, you can all go enjoy your lunch now!"

As soon as they left the class room, Riley gripped Emily's arm saying, "What are we gonna do? My parents are already upset about my test scores and they've been talking about putting me in the program if I fail Sex-Ed! Yesterday I found this pamphlet on my dad's desk about some summer camp that's supposed to get girls ready for P-FANS."

Emily had been lost in thought, barely hearing what her friend said. She was afraid something like this might happen. She'd never failed a class before. She had straight A's on her last report card. Now she was going to fail Sex-Ed all because she never had time for boys.

"Emily! What are we going to do?" Riley shook Emily's arm.

"Hmm? Oh summer camp, yeah that sounds fun I guess."

"No! Where you even listening? It's like a rape camp! It's all about showing girls who haven't officially joined P-FANS what it will be like."

"Wait what? Are your parents signing you up for the program?"

"That's what I was saying! If I fail Sex-Ed they'll sign me up."

"They wouldn't do that would they?"

"You should have seen the look on my mom's face when she saw my last report card. I had a 'C-'. She said if I didn't start improving my grade, they'd have to intervene. She picked up an info packet last week and my dad's been really researching this Camp Wanafuka."

"They can't. They just can't. They wouldn't actually do it, right?"

The question simply hung in the air unanswered as they gathered their food trays. They ate in silence. Even though the cafeteria was serving their shared favorite, salmon with lemon drizzle and rosemary roast potatoes, neither could taste it and they left their meals half eaten. They parted ways for third period. Emily could hardly focus at all. She wrote on her math quiz "√4 = Missionary" and didn't give it a second thought. The only thought she had on her mind was how glad she is her father would never let one of his daughters join P-FANS.

Chapter 5: Revelations