Charlie’s Punishment/Chapter 5

From All The Fallen Stories
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Chapter 5

That next weekend, Charlie spent most of her time at Ryan’s house. He lived close by after all and it’s not like her parents ever cared where she was. Ryan’s mother was very understanding too and never turned her away.

The pair jumped and wrestled on his trampoline on Friday after school and had a good time. As she often did, the girl ditched her t-shirt and Ryan followed suit. The two friends jumped, wrestled, and enjoyed each other’s company, only stopping when his mother brought our fresh-squeezed lemonade. Charlie thought it was really cool his mother did stuff like that because her parents never did. Her timing couldn’t have been better as they had just finished an intense wrestling session.

“I feel bad for those girls,” Ryan admitted, thinking about the two innocent girls they’d accidentally framed. They were both sitting with a glass of lemonade on the back porch.

“Me, too,” Charlie agreed. “I wish we could do something. But what about the other girls. We can’t let them get away.” Their first plan had been quite elaborate and there was no way they could replicate it without getting caught. They toyed with other ideas, but every idea was either way too risky or wouldn’t get them in that much trouble to begin with. Fortunately—they had a man on the inside.

“Maybe my brother can help,” Ryan offered. “He’s in their class.”

“Yeah, we don’t need to make up something crazy, let’s just prank them all the time. They could just have really bad luck.” Charlie was sold on the idea, but they’d need his little brother, Wyatt to agree.

He had helped them plant the credit card the first time, so they would just have to make sure they’d hit the right girls this time. They went inside and found Ryan playing in the bedroom both boys shared.

When they told him their idea, he had to think for a moment. If he got caught, he would be in big trouble. In the end, Charlie and Ryan both had to agree that they would confess it was all their idea in the first place. It seemed fair enough. In truth, however, Wyatt was much more eager when they confirmed who the real girls were. They’d gotten him in trouble on more that one occasion. This was his revenge as much as Charlie’s.

With it all decided, Charlie and Ryan returned to the trampoline for more shirtless wrestling and they invited Wyatt, too. He was smaller than the other two, but still managed to hold his own, for a six year old at least.

When they returned to school the following week, Wyatt got started making the girl’s lives as miserable as possible. It didn’t make sense to him that the first two girls had actually told on Charlie begin with, they were both really nice and Wyatt actually liked them.

The real culprits were Angela and Hannah. They were just the type of girls to never get in trouble, too, which made what the idea of getting them into tons of trouble even more satisfying.

Angela had dark hair that she usually wore back in a ponytail, tired back with ribbons. She usually wore bright colored dresses with floral or animal patterns. Hannah on the other hand, had somewhat lighter hair and loved to dance. She usually wore tight pants she could easily stretch in and t-shirts that wouldn’t constrict her movement. She was quick to show off a few cartwheels to anyone who paid attention…

“Where’s your homework?” The teacher asked.

“I cant’t find it!” Hannah whined. “I put it in my folder.” Her teacher was surprised, she hadn’t expected her not to have her homework. She had done so a few months ago and earned a spanking, but she was very careful to be punctual after that.

“Well, if you don’t have it for me by the time I’m done collecting it from everyone, I expect to see you in the front of the classroom ready for me.” The teacher moved on as the child frantically searched her backpack.

“Hannah…” the teacher said sternly after all the homework had been collected. “I believe I told you to be at the front of the classroom.”

“Please, I did it!” Hannah pleaded. “I probably left it on the table at home. I’ll bring it tomorrow, I promise.” Since she’d never been in this much trouble before and so, thought there was a chance she could get out of it.

“It isn’t due tomorrow,” her teacher scolded. “It’s due now. Get up here for your spanking.”

“No…” Hannah started to cry as she inched towards the front of the classroom. The second time forgetting homework was so much worse than the first. It was always done in front of the classroom and the student was always naked.

“I don’t have all day. Hurry up!”

Tears were flowing freely when Hannah got to the front of the class. Everyone’s eyes were fixed on her as the teacher lifted her shirt. Unlike Charlie, Hannah was embarrassed to have her entire class see her without one. She folded her arms, but quickly moved them down when the teacher pulled down her pants and panties to her ankles in one quick motion. The girl sobbed, knowing the entire class was staring at her naked body.

The teacher leaned the humiliated child over her leg and then began to spank her. She cried and flailed with each blow, kicking her legs and moving her arms back and forth helplessly. The six year old had just begun to tie her own shoes and wasn’t very good at it yet. As a result, Wyatt had to dodge one that nearly hit him in the face. She’d kicked it clean off her foot.

After another smack against her ass, her other shoe was flung at the door and hit it with a loud thud. Hannah was unable to control herself and continued crying and kicking her legs, sending both her pants and panties across the room in opposite directions, too.

“Alright, you can get dressed again,” the teacher stood the first grader up after 10 good swats. She rubbed her sore bottom, but suddenly felt the urge to cover herself seeing all her classmates watching. Hannah leaned down to pick up her t-shirt, using it to cover her pussy. The rest of her clothes were strewn across the classroom and she was forced to scurry around naked and collect them. Laughs and jeers followed her around the room, especially when she fell over as she tried to put her panties back on. The entire class erupted in laughter.

Charlie and Ryan were both pleased to hear Wyatts account of events after school. He hadn’t been able to get Angela in trouble yet, indeed the real leader of their two person clique, but it was a great start. He’d been able to successfully steal Hannah’s homework and get it into the trash without anyone finding out. Being a little smaller than his other classmates and not very talkative, helped him go unnoticed when he wanted to be.

Angela’s time came a few days later. You see, once a week, a first grade student is chosen to do show and tell for the class. This particular day, it was Suzie’s turn. She was really quite proud of a particular pony figurine she had brought in and had kept it on her desk all day until it would be her time to present her things.

As the class was coming in from lunch, Wyatt hurried out ahead of the rest of his classmates, giving him just enough time to steal the small toy pony off her desk and slip it into Angela’s backpack.

“My pony is gone!” Suzie said in a panic, looking frantically around her desk.

“Did you check around your desk?” The teacher replied. “Are you sure you didn’t put it in your backpack?”

“No, it’s not anywhere,” Suzie cried.

“Well nobody else has been in this room. Everyone put your backpacks on your desk and line up against the wall.”

The students all did as they were told, none of them were the least bit worried as they all knew they hadn’t stolen her toy. They watched curiously as one by one, their teacher looked though their backpacks and all around the desk. When she made her way to Angela’s backpack, Wyatt had to contain his excitement as she peered inside.

“Angela,” the teacher said to the normally obedient child. “Do you have something you want to tell me.”

She froze, “No…”

“So you’re telling me, you didn’t steal Suzie’s toy?”

“No…” she said again, a bit more frantic.

“Then why is in your backpack?” She pulled it out and the entire class gasped.

“I didn’t take it, I swear!”

“Well, it didn’t get in there by itself.”

“Please, you have to believe me,” Angela began to cry.

“Here you are Suzie,” she set the toy down on her desk. “Class you can all take your seats. Angela—you can go to the principal’s office.”

Angela whined and cried as she was led out of the room. It seems their teacher wasn’t bothered to listen to her side of the story. The evidence was undeniable.

Her pleas to the principal also fell upon deaf ears. He was much more interested in the fact he had another little girl to punish. He’d sent his two favorite first graders off to the high school for their misbehavior, but Angela would surely make a nice fuck while they were gone.

He slowly pulled the ribbons out of her hair and then put his hands underneath the straps in her sun dress. He pushed them off her shoulders and her dress quickly fell to the floor. She flinched, feeling the cold air against her body. Her discomfort grew as Principal Richter began to touch her, rubbing her chest and then even kissing it.

Angela had never kissed a boy before and whined when the principal moved in and shoved his tongue into her mouth, making him her first. She grew even more frantic as his hands dove into her panties and began carelessly feeling around. He soon peeled them off, too.

Holding the naked child, he pushed her over the edge of his sofa and quickly released his cock. She let out a shocked cry as her ass was violated for the first time.

“Please, stop!” Angela cried gasping for air as she felt his cock driving in and out of her backside. He didn’t stop and the girl continued to wriggle and sob as the act went on. The principal grabbed her waist and pushed in further, eliciting even more distress from the first grader who flailed against the sofa. He enjoyed every minute of it, defiling the normally obedient child with every inch he could manage.

Only after Angela’s ass received a deep and thorough fucking, did the principal blow his load. He slowed, filling her ass with cum and letting out a loud moan. But it wasn’t loud enough to be head over the girls cries.

Her sobs grew quieter once he pulled out. She whined her eyes as she tried to recover from the experience. However, she wasn’t quite finished yet. When she opener her eyes again, she saw the principal’s cock in her face, The quickly realized this had been what she was feeling in her ass.

“Clean this up, thief,” he pressed his cock against her.

“No…gughk” She whined again and let out several more cries of discomfort. The little girl didn’t really do anything once the cock in her mouth, she simply laid there and cried while the principal moved his hips back and forth. She hated both the taste and the sensation of it traveling across her tongue, He cleaned his cock in Angela’s mouth much longer than she would have liked and then she was sent back to class—without clothes.

She gave him some attitude when he told her she wouldn’t be allowed to wear any for the next week, but a quick cock slap to the face shut her up. Anxiously, she walked slowly out of the office and down the hall, dreading the moment she would have to walk back into class naked.

Wyatt was pleased to see Angela sent back without her clothes, cum leaking from her ass. She felt every eye follow her as she limped across the room and back to her desk. The girl was still crying audibly as she sat down, trying to ignore the stares and jeers from the other students.

“She got exactly what she deserved,” Charlie responded when she heard the news. She and Ryan celebrated with Wyatt that evening at the skate park, all three of them pleased with their success.

Chapter 6