Sexy Fun Times/Laid/Mall/Food Hall/3yo Girl

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It's the girl that catches your eye. She is a real cutie with curly brown hair, held back with an Alice band, big brown eyes and a snub nose. There are any number of similar little girls around, but what makes this one special is that she is sitting in the trolley, with her legs spread wide apart, displaying a pretty little pussy, unencumbered by underclothes, to anyone who cares to look. You can't see who is with her at first but then a man appears.

He is quite old, with white hair and a short beard, probably granddad, you think, and when he notices you looking at the girl, he makes a rather ineffectual effort to cover her up, then turns and gives you a what-can-you-do look. You try to be nonchalant as if it is unimportant, but he has noticed the bulge in the front of your jeans.

His trolley is full, so it's no surprise that he heads for the checkout. You grab a few random items, including a six-pack of beer and follow him. While he unloads his shopping onto the belt, you make faces at the little girl to make her laugh. When you stick your tongue out, she copies you and giggles as her little pink tongue pokes out between her lips.

You don't really expect to see them again, so it's a surprise to find them waiting outside. Trying to manage a three-year-old and two bags of shopping is proving to be a problem. "Can I help," you ask.

He smiles gratefully and hands you a bag. "My car is just over there," he says, and sets off, holding the toddler's hand, towards the underground car park. He has a problem when we get to the pay machines. He puts his bag down and starts hunting through pockets for the token. The girl promptly makes a break for freedom and you grab her. By the time he has sorted himself out, you have picked her up and she is perched on your hip.

"Thank you so much, She can be a bit of a handful at my age," he says.

"Your granddaughter," you ask.

"Great granddaughter," he says. "Penny," same as her grandma, my daughter. He sticks out a hand. "Barry," he says.

His hand is dry and his grip firm. "You must have married young," you say after introducing yourself.

"Hmm, yeah, you could say that," he says. He picks the shopping up and leaves you to carry Penny. You give her a bit of a hitch up, and somehow your hand ends up under her bare bottom which does nothing to help the growing problem in your jeans. His car is bigger than you expected. Quite old but immaculate. "My wife was in a wheelchair so we had to have a big car," he says as the tailgate springs up.

You are still holding Penny while he stows his bags in the back and then opens the back door for her to get into her seat. It doesn't seem to bother her that your middle finger seems to have found its way between the lips of her little baby pussy and she gives you a big smile as she climbs in and waits patiently while the old man straps her in. "Thank you again," he says. "Can I offer you a lift anywhere?"

"I was thinking of getting some lunch," you say.

We drive out of town into the countryside, and after about half an hour, he turns into the drive of a big old house and parks in a yard by the back door. As soon as we come to a stop, a young woman in her twenties comes out. "Hi dad," she says. "Granddad surely," you think.

She gets Penny out of her seat and lets her run off into the house. "Oh! Hi," she says when she sees you. The old man gets out and gives her a big kiss. A full on snog with his hand cupping her large bum. He eventually introduces you. "This is Mandy, Penny's Mum," he says and you shake hands. "He helped with the shopping and seemed to get on with Penny pretty well," he says with a grin in your direction which makes you think he may have seen more than you thought.

Mandy is rather overweight, but carries it well. Her face is kind of round and her brown hair short with a fringe. Her eyes are the same blue as the old man's and, now you come to think of it, Penny's as well. You follow her into the big old kitchen and can't help admiring her ass. The kitchen is clean but old fashioned, with a huge oil-burning stove at one end, and a scarred and battered wooden table in the middle.

Mandy makes tea and you sit with the old man while she goes off to see to her daughter. "Is it just the three of you here," you say, just to make conversation.

The old man nods. "Ever since my wife died, a couple of years ago.