Possessed pedo/Timmy Scott, a 10 year old with a 3 inch dick/go to your baby sister's room(2 years old)

From All The Fallen Stories
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The twins, Mandy and Kevin share a room. They used to share a cot, but now they are big enough to have a bed, they get one each. They weren't much fun when they were babies, but now they are a bit older, they can play games like hide and seek, or with a ball in the yard. Mom has to spend most of her time with the new baby so you are pretty much left to your own devices a lot of the time and Mom's pleased when you keep them out of her hair.

You've seen Mandy naked quite often helping Mom change her diapers when she was younger and you still help out at bath time sometimes. You've woke up with this strange feeling and now, you're looking at her cute little body, with her knees curled up to her chin and your pee pee is really stiff. This voice in your head says "Look at her, She's so cute. Maybe she could help with your stiff pee pee. You decide to:

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