Sexy Fun Times/Gay/Work/Leader

From All The Fallen Stories
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Today, you are taking the boys camping. Only for a weekend, but it should be fun. You put your uniform on - khaki shirt and shorts, knee-high socks and boots. Then you go to collect the bus.

All the equipment was loaded into the trailer yesterday, so you hook it up and drive to the High School car park and wait for the assorted parents to deliver their precious offspring.

Mark is the first to arrive, with his mother. He is eight, one of the youngest. A sturdy lad with a shock of red hair and bright blue eyes. Mis mom grabs him for a kiss that he fiercely resists, before climbing aboard. He obviously takes after her as she has the same red hair and blue eyes, and she hangs around giving you a list of all the food he won't eat and trying to find out exactly where we are going.

The camp site is a secret because you don't want any parents turning up unexpectedly. You also collect any cell phones to stop them phoning home. The reason you give, is because they sometimes get homesick and visits or phone calls make it worse. "It's only three days," you point out.

John and Jason are next, delivered by their father who gives them a swat on the backside and