A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/ClothingOptional/Devin/Friends/Cajole/Randall/1on1/Extend/Always/Forget/Park/Naked/Sun/House/Yes/Brave/Wait/Find1/Rick

From All The Fallen Stories
< A Loli's ENF Adventure‎ | Sally‎ | ClothingOptional‎ | Devin‎ | Friends‎ | Cajole‎ | Randall‎ | 1on1‎ | Extend‎ | Always‎ | Forget‎ | Park‎ | Naked‎ | Sun‎ | House‎ | Yes‎ | Brave‎ | Wait‎ | Find1
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Lori was first to respond. "Yeah, now that you mention it, my mom does sometimes gripe about how dirty I get playing..." She looked down at herself. "At least I didn't get my clothes dirty this time, but she'd probably be happier if I came home clean."

Sally felt she'd had about enough nudism for the day, so she wasn't keen on staying naked longer, but she had to admit Rick's suggestion made sense. "I guess you're right. That's a better way to handle it. You'll be right back, won't you?"

"Of course, quick as I can. It's only like a 10 minute walk home, round trip and time to find what I need, probably half an hour.", Said Rick.

"Alright, see you soon then."

So Rick headed down the trail, leaving the two naked girls alone. They stood in silence for a little while, before Lori spoke up again. "Come on, let's look around."

Sally was thinking more of hiding in the branches until Rick got back, but she didn't want to be a party pooper or look like a bad nudist, so she reluctantly followed Lori along the length of the fallen tree. It was pretty cool to see. As they got closer to the base of the tree, Lori called out.

"Wow! Look at this."

Sally ran up to see what was so interesting, her nudity momentarily forgotten. The tree had apparently uprooted itself, pulling a large chunk of the ground with it, and leaving a hollow behind. Lori was already scrambling down into this.

"Is this neat or what?", asked Lori.

"It is, in fact I'd say it could have been a good clubhouse if we hadn't already found a better one."

"Yeah! But hey, it's like a double-secret club for just the two of us! Come on."

So the two girls descended into the bowl made by the uprooted tree. It really was a pretty cool spot. Low enough that they were shielded from view, and with the vertical "wall" of roots hiding them even better on the trail-facing side. The roots also formed little cubbyholes which, with a little improvement, could become great places to stash clothing, or supplies they wanted for the club. The two girls spent a while just taking this in, but there wasn't all that much to see, and soon Lori just leaned back against the side of the hole, deciding it was as good a place to wait for Rick as any.

Sally on the other hand, was not at all relaxed enough to just sit naked outside doing nothing. "So uhh, if this really were our nudist club, what do you suppose we'd do here?"

"I donno, aren't you the nudism expert? But it's really nice just sitting out here like this, isn't it?"

"I guess..."

"Sally... do you really like being a nudist?"

Sally suddenly felt defensive. "Of course! Why wouldn't I?"

"It just seems like ever since you've been naked, you got a lot more shy than you normally are."

"Oh. Well I'm just new at it is all. You have a lot more experience you know, being around your naked aunt."

"I guess that's true. But you know, my mom says there are like two kinds of nudism."

"Really? What are they?"

Lori looked like she was reconsidering having mentioned it at all, but after a moment she replied. "Well... this is a really big secret, even more more than what I told you before. You have swear you won't tell anybody."

Sally was of course eager to hear anything about nudism that she didn't already know. "I promise. Cross my heart."

"Okay, so after we talked about you becoming a nudist the first time, it made me start wondering again why the club my aunt goes to isn't for kids, because you said other nudist clubs do allow kids. So I asked my mom about it, and that's when she explained this. She said some people are nudists just because they don't think clothing is comfortable, and don't care about people seeing them naked. So they go places where they don't have to wear clothes, right? But other people are nudists because they think it's sexy! They like looking at boobies and kitties and willies, and they think it's exciting when other people look at theirs."


"Yeah. But that's what she said! And guess what? The club my aunt and her wife go to is one of those sexy nudist places. That's the reason they don't allow kids. It's a place for doing 'grown up stuff'... I think mom means sex."

"So... you mean your aunt is one of those sexy nudists?"

"I think so, or maybe a little of both. I was wondering though... Sally, what about you? Because like... you don't seem totally comfortable, but is that why you do it? Is being naked sexy for you?"

Sally was completely caught off guard by this question, but more than that, as soon as she thought about it, she realized she had no idea what the answer was. 'Did' she think being naked was sexy? She knew it was fun, sometimes at least, but she wasn't sure if that was the same thing. After a long pause she stammered out "Maybe... I'm not sure."

"Well, why don't we try to figure it out?"

"How would we do that, Lori?"

"That's simple, we just need to look at each other naked, and you think about whether it's sexy or not."

What did Sally think of that suggestion?