
From All The Fallen Stories
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When you get outside mom’s bedroom, you hear a strange buzzing noise. It sounds like her electric toothbrush, but that’s in the bathroom. You push the door open.


She turns over, opens her eyes and looks at you. “Wha…”

“It’s happened again,” you say. You look around. You don’t come into her bedroom very often and she changed it a lot after dad left. Everything used to be plain; brown furniture, beige carpet and, if you remember rightly, blue curtains. Now it’s gone all pink and white. The beige carpet is still there, but it’s partly covered up by fluffy white rugs. The curtains and the bed cover are pink and everything smells of mom’s perfume.

She looks down to where your pipi is sticking out of the front of your pyjamas. “Hmm. So I see,” she says. “I told you it’s nothing to worry about. It happens to little boys, and big ones too, especially in the morning. Did you try rubbing it like I told you?”

You nod, wrapping your hand around the shaft and sliding the loose skin back and forth. “See? It feels nice, but it doesn’t stop it being stiff. In fact, I think it makes it even stiffer.”

Mom sighs. “I told you to knock before you came into my bedroom,” she says, changing the subject.

“Maybe I’m doing it wrong? And what was that buzzing noise?”

She sighs again. “I know that when your dad left, I told you that you were the man of the house, but that doesn’t give you permission to wander about waving your cock around.” You can’t think what to say, so you just stand there stroking your pipi. She rolls over onto her side and fluffs the pillows up a bit more. “When you were a baby, I had a way of getting you off to sleep.” She licks her lips. “I could do it now, but it would have to be a big secret just between us. Do you think you can keep a secret like that?”

“I kept the secret about where dad is,” you say. Dad is in prison for selling drugs, but you tell anyone who asks that he’s gone away on business.

Mum nods. She pulls the covers down as far as her waist. She is wearing an old nightie with straps over the shoulders and you can see quite a lot of her boobs. She hitches herself back away from the edge and pats the empty space. “Take your pyjamas off and get up here beside me,” she orders.

You’re only wearing the bottom half of your pyjamas anyway, so a quick tug down and they’re round your ankles. You step out of them, climb up onto the bed and lay down on your back. You reach down to catch hold of your pipi, but mum beats you to it and wraps her own fingers around the stiff shaft. It feels strange to have someone else touching it, but it feels nice when she starts sliding it up and down and squeezing at the same time.

She carries on rubbing it for a while, but you guess she must be a bit uncomfortable because she keeps squirming about. After a while she says “I’m going to try something, and this is where the secret comes in. If you ever tell anyone, there will be serious trouble for both of us.” Without waiting for a reply, she lets go of your pipi and gets up on her hands and knees. She pushes the covers right back and gets down beside your feet. When she looks up at you, you can’t help staring at the boob that escaped from her nightie. Her boobs are very big, at least not when you compare them to some of the other moms, but now, the way she’s kneeling, the one you can see is hanging down and you can see the big brown nipple on the end.

“You like that do you,” she says, instead of getting cross. Then, to your surprise, she slips the other strap off her shoulder so that you can see them both. “I don’t suppose you remember getting milk out of them, do you?” You shake your head. You know a bit about breastfeeding. You watched a programme on TV not long ago that explained how breastfeeding made healthier babies. They even showed some video and, for some reason, your pipi got stiff. “Most moms give up after about six months, even after you started eating solid food, you still liked mommies milk.” She got a dreamy look in her eyes. “Your dad liked it too, so you were nearly three before it dried up.”

While she’s talking, she crawls forward forcing your legs apart with her knees, then WOW! She lowers her head and sucks your pipi right into her mouth. It feels really weird, but great. You can feel her lips around the shaft and her rough tongue working on the end. It almost feels painful, but it feels so good you want it to go on forever. Then you feel something happening, like everything is getting tight inside you, and you want to push your pipi even further into mom’s mouth. Your whole body seems to have become sensitive and you can feel her boobs brushing against your legs and her hands squeezing your bottom. Your hips are jumping and mom keeps licking and sucking and then it’s all over.

You flop back and mom relaxes, slowly sliding her lips off your pipi which isn’t stiff any more. “I think that did the trick,” she says, sitting up on her heels but not bothering to cover her boobs.

“What happened,” you ask.

“You had a climax. If you were older, you would have squirted the stuff that makes babies. So now you know why people like having sex,” she says with a big grin and a slightly nervous giggle.

“Do girls get that feeling as well,” you ask.

“That’s a good question. They do, if it’s the right man.” She pauses, looking up and down your naked five-year-old body. “Or boy I suppose.”