Sexy Fun Times/Shemale/Bed/Wee/Breakfast

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"I'm gonna make breakfast," you say, pulling back. "What cereal do you like?"

"Cheerios, But anything will do she says and you hear her giggle as you head for the kitchen. No Cheerios but you find a box of Rice Crispies, not too far out of date and get the coffee going and put some toast in the toaster.

"Hi Martha," you say as she comes in with a towel wrapped around her. She gives the cereal box a suspicious look. "Can I have toast," she asks with a grin.

As she explains how her mum had a phone call that made her need to rush off, her towel keeps slipping, and she eventually stops bothering to cover her embryo tits. "They're only little," she says as she catches you staring.

"Thank you," you say. "They are very pretty. How old are you?"

"Ten," she says. "Last month." She takes a bite from her toast and sips her milk.

"This isn't the first cock you've seen, is it," you say, glancing down to where it is standing up in your lap, hidden under the table.

She giggles and blushes. "Sometimes, Mummy brings men-friends home and they stay the night," she says. "There's one, who came in the kitchen wearing Mum's robe. He did look funny." She giggles and munches some toast.

"So I'm guessing that the robe didn't quite cover him," you say with a smile.

She giggles. "It kept poking out and he asked me if I wanted to touch it. What makes them go all stiff like that?"

"You shrug, not really wanting to go into anatomical explanations just now. "They do seem to have a mind of their own," you say. "They just stand up whenever they think there's a prospect of sex."

That makes her blush, as far as you can tell - all over. She sits there with toast half way to her mouth. "You mean you want to have sex with me?" She almost squeaks.

"They don't discriminate," you laugh. "Women, men, girls, boys... If there is the slightest prospect, they just react."

She munches on her toast and you sip your coffee. "That man. He got me to hold it like I did yours. I dunno what might have happened next if Mum hadn't come in and start yelling."

Now you are in two minds. You could seduce her without too much effort or you could resist the temptation. After all, her mother is a friend and unaware of what you have between your legs.