Sexy Fun Times/Shemale/Bed/Wee/Breakfast/Seduce

From All The Fallen Stories
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You pour yourself another coffee as Martha eats her toast and drinks her milk. "Aren't men who have sex with kids perverts," she says, going slightly pink at the thought.

"By societies definition, yes," you say. "Of course, grownups have been having sex with kids for ever. A hundred years or so ago, it was frowned on, but no one thought it unusual. It's defined as rape these days, even when the child knows what's happening and is okay with it."

She holds her empty glass out and you get more milk from the fridge. "If your mum hadn't come in, how far would you have gone with that man," you ask.

She shrugs. "I dunno. He was a stranger, so although I didn't mind wanking him, I wasn't gonna suck him or nothing."

"You know about wanking and sucking then," you say, surprised.

"Oh! sure. The girls at school talk about it all the time, and we've seen videos."

"I think you've seen more'n videos."

She blushes again. "How'd you guess?"

It's your turn to shrug. "It's just that... That you seem more grown up than the average ten-year-old."

She nods as if you gave her a compliment. "I tole you that mum brings boyfriends home. Well, some of them are quite young. I mean, Mum's pretty old, even older'n you. A few weeks ago there was this guy... He was nearer my age than hers. Well..." She pauses. "You won't tell on me will you?" You shake your head and promise. "Well, he came into my room. It was the middle of the night and he said he got lost, but I think that was a story.

"So what happened?"

"He got into bed with me. Just like that. 'Budge over' he said and got under the duvet right next to me. I was wearing a short nightie with no panties and he was naked. I didn't know what to do. He wasn't scary, he was nice - like a puppy - and he just snuggled up against me. Once I got over the surprise, I quite liked it - I never even tried to push him out, so I guess he thought I was used to strange boys getting into my bed."

She finishes her milk and looks across the table at you. You can see that her nipples are stiff, thinking about what she did with that anonymous boy.

"He got me to hold his cock. I was surprised at how hard it was in my hand, and he guided me into wanking him. Then he put his hand down between my legs and started stroking my pussy. He wasn't the first to do that - Mell and I did each other on sleepovers, but he was the first who wasn't a girl and he was good at it. I was nearly cumming when he stopped and asked me to suck him."

As she said it, she unconsciously opened her mouth, and you can't help thinking how nice it would be to have those lips wrapped around your cock.

2I was gonna crawl down the bed, but he stopped me and turned me round. Before I knew what was happening, I had a mouthful of cock and he was sucking my pussy." She giggles. "They call it a sixty-nine."

She stopped there and you can't help asking "What happened then?"

"He made me cum almost straight away, and then he was squirting his stuff into my mouth and I tried to swallow it so as not to make a mess on the sheets.