Offline/Mention the girl who lost her panties

From All The Fallen Stories
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"That girl losing her underwear was kinda funny," you mention.

"Mary, yeah! It was! She was all, 'a fish stole my panties!' and dancing around." Nicole then bows her legs, taps her feet, and flaps her arms, imitating the young girl, making both of you laugh. "Seriously, I don't know why she just ran away. She could've put on her pants or something."

You shrug and nod. "Maybe she didn't want to? Maybe she lost her panties on purpose."

"What? You mean a dare? Like from her sister?"

You nod again. "Yeah, maybe. It sure wasn't a fish. And her sister was laughing the hardest. But, you know, some people just like to get naked." You can't help but glance over at Nicole.

"Yeah, well I'm not one of them, jerk," she notes with a grin and another playful shove, blushing a little. "You... that was just unlucky."

"For you," you mutter.

"Well it won't happen again. I'll make sure.I'll change when you're asleep."

"You might start to smell then. I can stay awake a long time."

"Jay!" she exclaims, shoving you again. You shove her back this time. Now it's on. She tries to push you over but you grab her arm and dodge to the side. You're now locked in a wrestling match, both trying to take the other down. You could both be trying a lot harder but neither of you want to hurt each other so there's lots of repositioning and hugging and spinning around. The grabbing and struggling causes one of Nicole's shoulder straps to get pulled down her arm just as an adult yells at you.

"Hey! No fighting!"

You both let go and Nicole quickly adjusts her straps, preventing further exposure, before calling out, "We're just playing!"

"No play fighting either!"

Nicole just rolls her eyes and starts walking. "I almost had you."

You chuckle, certain of your victory. "As if."

"I just needed a minute."

"For what? Your suit to fall off?" you cockily chide.

She adjusts her strap again. "No! That just... happened!"

Your overconfidence leads you to take it one step too far. "Ah. Like this morning? You just 'happened' to be holding up your shirt when I walked in, right?"

It takes you a second before you realize Nicole isn't beside you anymore. You start to turn around and that moment is when you feel a sharp tug on your swim trunks. They only get pulled to mid thigh, the inner lining stuck to your legs and turning inside out, but it's plenty enough to showcase your ass and for your dick to flop out into the sun.

Caught off guard, you squeak out an unmanly yelp. Nicole quickly steps back to get out of reach as well as watch you struggle. "Sorry, that just happened too. I guess you're unlucky after all."

You turn away, clawing at the damp material suctioned to your legs. Mercifully she did it behind a cabin - although it was probably coincidence - so you don't think anyone else saw your junk. Then again, you're not sure how much Nicole got to see.

"Okay, I'm sorry," you apologize, pulling your suit back over your hips before turning around. "I didn't mean it, honest. I just..." You pause to take a deep breath, looking around to be extra sure no one is watching. "We're even now, 'kay?"

Nicole thinks about it for a few seconds, looking you up and down. Her ears are burning red, but maybe that's just the sun. "Fine. But you can't tell anyone."

"That you pantsed me?"

Her gaze drops to your shorts. "Well, yeah, but about everything. About..." She shrugs her shoulders, refusing to say anything out loud. " know."

"If you don't tell on me I won't tell on you."

"Okay. Deal."

You both shake on it and resume your walk as friends. You kick yourself inside for being a bit of a dink, but thankfully Nicole isn't afraid to give as good as she can take, so hopefully everything is indeed square. It takes longer to dry than you'd like, but at least it's a nice day. You get in on another game of frisbee then help out with some of the dinner prep. Nicole tells you she's going to get changed and you make a point of waiting in the same spot for her to return before heading back to do the same.

The cabin is so stuffy when you get there. The harsh heat of the day is doing a number on the tiny shack, even amongst the trees. You open up both of the windows, some old vertical sliding kind. Thankfully there's a screen on the outside of it to keep out bugs. You have to find some sticks to hold up the sliding pane, but after a short search outside you get it sorted without too much fuss, get changed and return to camp.

Thankfully dinner is a little more varied today, although it brewed out of disagreements on what to cook. Vegetable soup, baked potatoes with corn on the cob, as well as gyros with fire charred meats and veg, are all available in limited quantities. You opt for a gyro even though you helped prep the potatoes and corn mostly because, like mom, you don't really trust your cooking either.

A few of the younger cousins setup a tent just outside of camp after dinner, nestled between some trees, perhaps to get away from their parents, but you're not sure. There's more music tonight and more drinking and you manage to snag a beer from one of your older cousins. You see flashlights inside the tent later on inspiring you to scare them. You yell and shake the outside of it and induce many a frightened scream from within. No one even bothers to check on them from camp. Either the music is too loud or it was expected that the kids would get rowdy, but you manage to have your fun and leave without anyone spotting you, kids or adults.

Despite some laughs here and there, you miss sharing them with Nicole who is nowhere to be seen. You turn in a little early thinking that you'll find her back at the cabin but she isn't there. You wonder if maybe she was serious about not getting caught changing again and is going to bail on you completely, a thought that makes you a little sick with worry, but she's probably just hanging out with other relatives.

You consider going out to look for her but you don't want to seem like you're attached or needy. Besides, part of the allure of this cabin was spending time alone. So instead you prop up your flashlight in the corner and dig through your bag to enjoy one of the candy bars you brought with you. You flip through some comics, pee outdoors, do some pushups, then, running out of ideas, strip down to get changed for bed.

Standing naked in the cabin, you contemplate actually evening the score for Nicole. If she caught you naked that would make you totally square with equal shares of embarrassment all around. Not that she would want to see you naked... would she? She did pants you, although that was more of a revenge or punishment deal than anything. Making her 'catch' you would be a pretty big coincidence, wouldn't it? Wouldn't she get suspicious? You should probably find something else to do. Like maybe...

Snoop through Nicole's bag

Try to have Nicole catch you naked