Offline/Change into your underwear

From All The Fallen Stories
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"I have my own room, so I usually just wear my boxers to bed." you confess.

"That's cool! I have to share a room with my pain-in-the-butt sister." Brayden is clearly both jealous and enthralled. Looks like you officially have cool older cousin status. "Why don't you wear pajamas though?"

"I don't know. They just never felt comfortable, I guess. Especially when it's hot."

"It is hot in here, huh? I guess I'll try it too." Brayden pulls off his shirt and looks up at you. It seems he almost forgot you hadn't started changing yet.

You may have a riot on your hands if you don't play by the rule you made just moments ago, so you decide to undress for bed. If no one else has any modesty, why should you? You toss your shirt toward your bed, but it hits your sister instead. She looks at you incredulously, but you just continue dropping your pants. Brayden does the same and this clues your sister into the latest fashion trend.

Emma removes her nightie and turns to Asha. "Take off your clothes too, it's an underwear party!" She reaches out for the hem of Asha's night shirt.

Asha yelps and springs away from her reach and runs across the cabin with your sister in hot pursuit. It's a good thing your cock has settled down so you're at least that much more decent as you snatch Emma away from peer pressuring her friend. Wrestling your nearly naked sister doesn't help that though. You've never had feelings for her like that, but sometimes skin is skin and your lower brain doesn't care if that skin is blood.

"This is not a panty party, go put your nightie back on!"

"Not fair." Just by the tone of her voice you know you won't win this one. "Why do you get to sleep in your underwear then? I'm hot too!"

You hold your tongue from making a quip there. out of the corner of your eye, you spot May happily losing the pajamas you helped her find just a moment ago.

"Fine, you win. Anyone can sleep in their underwear if they want, but only if they want. No more trying to push anyone into it."

"Thank you!" A voice pops out of the corner of the room. There are a pair of girls whispering to each other and you can't tell which one had spoken up. Nevertheless, you seem to have settled another argument you didn't even know about.

Emma and Asha return to their sleeping bags. Emma looks like she lost the argument even though she still gets to wear her panties. You must be a master of compromise. You scan the room for other disputes to settle as if bickering cousins will just spawn out of the woodwork. No magical cousins, but Nicole is watching you with a thoroughly bemused smile. Suddenly self-conscious, you are aware of a growing tent in your thin shorts.

You turn off the lantern one of the adults hung up for you, drawing out a cry of protest even though there are still a few flashlights offering light. Commandeering one of those flashlights, you pull out your book, and climb into your sleeping bag. You try to read for a while but after rereading the same paragraph uncountable times, you decide it will be impossible to concentrate with the the buzz of activity still filling the cabin. Glancing over at Nicole, you can tell she is having similar trouble with her own book.

"Okay, lights out." you announce and shut off your flashlight. Still trying not to be the bad guy you add "Whispers only until sunrise, got it? We all need sleep for tomorrow."

They all mostly comply and keep their voices down. Some of them even seem to fall asleep the moment the last flashlight goes out. Your sister and Asha keep gossiping for what feels like a couple hours though and you have to keep reminding them to whisper.


Apparently you fell asleep at some point because you wake up surrounded by heavy sleepers with just a hint of light coming in through the windows. You're not even sure the sun has actually risen yet, but you doubt you'll find any more sleep. You stand up to dress since no one is awake to hide your morning wood from. Looking around, it seems it got hot enough last night a few of the kids found themselves sleeping on top of their sleeping bags. Asha is splayed out with her hand over her stomach, lifting her shirt up. May seems to gotten cold again after crawling out of her bag as she is curled up into a tight little ball.

Continuing your scan, you spot the one who must have thanked you for putting an end to peer pressure last night. She must have been cornered when someone challenged wear only her panties to bed because she was afraid to admit what is plain to you now. Her nightie has ridden all the way up to her chest to reveal she hasn't worn any panties at all to bed. You step through the landmine field of little cousins intent on pulling her dress down for her, but when you reach her you see much of it is bunched under her and you're not sure if you can pull it down without waking her. If you wake her it could end up looking really bad, perhaps you should just leave her. In your moment of hesitation, you spend too much time staring down at your basically naked cousin.

You can't let the others see, cover her You can't risk waking her, just leave her like that