Offline/Tell Hannah how frustrated you are

From All The Fallen Stories
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You can't help but get a little defensive from her question. "Fun with what? Watching you and Jet touch each other? Or getting her butt molested by you?"

"You jerk!" Hannah exclaims in a hushed tone and slaps your chest. "I was trying! What were you expecting?"

"I dunno. It's just that you said you'd do stuff with her and nothing really happened, so-"

"What was supposed to happen? She didn't exactly make a move. Did you expect me to get Jet to rape her or something? Or to make her blow you? Like, what the fuck? I mean I could do that..." she contemplates briefly. "Probably, if I tried. Don't think I couldn't! Was that what you wanted?"

You wave your hand defensively. "Jesus! I didn't... I don't know what I was expecting, okay? But it's just been kinda boring is all. All we did was sit around and talk all night."

"Yeah! And she's, like, a billion times more open now than she was when we got here. Ugh, you stupid boys! I can't believe that you don't even..." Hannah interrupts herself, huffing some more and shaking her head, internalizing something. "Girls think about sex too you doofus. And I'm not the one who wants to fuck my cousin, so don't eve-"

"No I don't!" You look around after realizing that was louder than you intended. "No I don't. I'm not weird. I just... she said all that stuff to me yesterday, and... well yeah, I like her, but I was just trying to help her out, since she was curious. Because she's my cousin. And I just thought, since you and Jet are always doing stuff, that it would be easy for her to-"

"God, your family is so fucking weird," snips Hannah, sitting up. "Listen, I'm not into girls, okay? I don't, like, want to do things with Nicole. But if I do I'm just doing you a favor. Got it?"

How sure is she that she doesn't like it? Because she has sure looked like she liked it. "Oh, um, thanks?"

She scowls at you, expecting more. Hannah has such a penetrating stare, like she's about to eat your soul. "And?"

"I dunno. I guess... I'll owe you one right? What do you want?"

"Seriously? This is what I want." She places a hand atop your damp boxers and deftly manipulates your cock. You've never felt yourself get so hard so fast, life surging into your dick. "If my dumb boyfriend will let me. But I'm, let's say, flexible. I'll do whatever I have to with your stupid little cousin... but you have to help me have a threesome with Jet."

"Threesome? Y-yeah. He probably w-won't like that." You stare bugged eyed at her hand, still in disbelief. She squeezes you, testing your hardness, and leans closer.

"I want this so bad, Jay. It's the only thing I've thought about since you invited us to this cabin; just you, me, Jet. I'm in the middle. I wanna be the center of a creamy cock sandwich. I want to be the filling." Hannah paws at you then lays down beside you, putting her lips right against your ear. "I want you to fill me."

You're about to fill your fucking pants is what you're about to do. Is this girl always this horny? She seems to be able to turn it on and off at will. Through it all, you still manage to think to yourself, "Nicole's not stupid."

Hannah lifts one of her legs over yours, her supple bare skin dragging over your equally bare thigh as she presses the crotch of her panties against you. Her leg closes in on your erection when she suddenly removes it, turning away and sitting up in the grass.

"Did you find your perfect pee tree?" asks Hannah in her impossibly cheerful voice. Nicole is coming back but she's still a good distance away. You can just see her while laying down so you hope she didn't see what Hannah was doing.

"Um, yeah, I guess so. I just didn't want to get any pee on my suit, so I had to take it all the way off, but that means I was, well, y'know. So I needed privacy. But it's hard to see, and... anyway." She stops herself from rambling, waving the air with a smile.

"Aw, you're still so cute and shy. I love it! I am totally gonna break you!" Hannah adds a giggle to the end of her strange threat, not entirely playful. "You'll be peeing at Jay's feet when I'm done with you!"

"Ew! What? No!" Nicole replies with a nervous laugh.

You scramble to put your pants on, unsure of any other way to hide your raging hard on without laying on your stomach. Maybe Nicole won't notice without her glasses but you certainly can't chance that. Hannah stands just as you zip up and she wanders off without a word, presumably to get herself dressed as well. You technically didn't agree to her offer before your cousin showed up, but it's not like you were about to say no either. Nicole, a bit puzzled by what she walked into, sits down beside you with an attentive gaze.

"So?" Nicole asks with anticipation once Hannah is out of earshot.

"So?" you mirror. What is this, deja vu?

"So are you ready to admit that they're just a normal boyfriend and girlfriend?"

That makes you chuckle and sit up, although in part that's just to hide your boner. "Normal? What's normal about Hannah? The girl's a freak!"

"No she's not! I think she's funny!"

"Really? But... she was massaging your butthole just like tw-"

Nicole is quick to interrupt you. "She what?! N-no she wasn't! That was... she was just joking! Okay? And she's great at giving back rubs! And you wouldn't know that because you didn't get one, which means you're just jealous." That escalated pretty fast. Is she still embarrassed about this morning? She takes a second to calm down before continuing. "And that's probably what this is all about, deep down, isn't it? It's like some weird boy ego thing? You're jealous that she's Jet's girlfriend. And that she doesn't want to sleep with you."

You can't help scoffing aloud. "No, that is definitely NOT it. I promise you."

"Then what is it?"

"That they're doing it right in front of us! That's not normal!"

"But they didn't though. They just love each other." You examine her closely. Is she really so full of shit? Hannah blew him this morning! Did she not see that? "Besides, you said it yourself, Jay. Sex is sex. Everybody does it. Everyone... needs it, right? And you just can't handle that the two of them have a good relationship."

"Woah! Hold up! Just yesterday you refused to believe that they ever did it right in front of me. Now you're saying that's a 'good relationship'? What are you talking about?"

"Well you were obviously exaggerating things. They just love each other so much and so it's normal that they'd want to kiss and... stuff, and you just don't know how to handle that."

You stare at Nicole blankly. How did she not see what you saw? She has some weirdly romantic notions about this stuff that must be clouding her judgement. Or she's super deep in denial. But clearly there's only one way, one perfectly terrible way, to reconcile all of the crazy.

"One more night."

"Huh? Really?"

"Yeah. I dare you to spend one more night and then tell me they are not two super duper horn dog weirdos."

For a second you swear you can see a glint of honesty in her eye, like she knows you're right. But it's gone in a flash. She shrugs and picks at the grass between you.

"It's not gonna prove anything. They're just going to have even less time alone."

"Yeah, that's not the problem."

"Well it won't help. We'll only make it worse. And they're already so grabby. And when they know they can't, that they shouldn't, they'll just want to do it more and more... until they're... desperate..." Her words fade away. You look over and catch her daydreaming, her gaze distant yet focused. She comes to a moment later, realizing you're staring at her. She quickly looks down to avoid the next obvious question of what that was about. "Umm... Okay. Just one more night. But we have to leave if they want us to. Right?"

Agree to leave with Nicole if you have to. You don't want to pressure her.

It's your cabin dammit. No one is forcing you out of it.