April's Punishment/Part 33

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Chapter 33

School was once again looking up for the girls, with the exception of the occasional mistake (intentional or otherwise) that landed them back in the principal’s office. April was spending some nights over at Brad’s too, much to his father’s complete and utter annoyance. And with April’s seventh birthday fast approaching, there was a certain excitement in the air. Like any other almost seven year old girl, she wanted a sleepover party.

Her mother had been busy together invitations to all the girls in her class and purchasing everything April could want for a fabulous princess themed birthday sleepover. She had plenty of games planned and made a number of arrangements to keep the girls occupied.

When the big day arrived, a large princess cake was delivered to the house along with a number of last minute party favors. Pink streamers hung from the bannister along with letter spelling out “Happy Birthday April” in a pastel yellow font.

The girls started to arrive on Saturday afternoon. There were ten guests in total, but one of them wasn’t a girl at all. And if you asked his father, he was a total pussy for attending a birthday party with a bunch of girls half his age.

“I can’t believe our son is such a fucking bitch,” Jerry said as he drove down the street, holding his cigar out the window.

“Honey, he’s right there,” Brad’s mother hollered, pointing to the back seat of the brand new Rolls Royce Phantom.

“I don’t give a fuck if her hears me, any fifteen year old going to a six year old’s birthday party is a fucking pussy!”

“She’s seven now. And would you put that thing out you’re going to stink up our brand new car,” she wined.

“So what? I paid for the damn thing, I can smoke in it if I want to.”

“You shouldn’t be smoking at all you’re going to get lung cancer.”

“Well if I get lung cancer and die, at least I won’t have to drop of my bitch ass son off at a little girl’s birthday party.”

“Uhk!” Brad’s mother said exasperated. Brad just sat in the back of the Rolls Royce, footrest up, saying nothing. Ironically, his father would talk a big game, but when it came down to it, he was an even bigger bitch than Brad was. He was the one driving, after all.

“No fuckin’ way,” Jerry said when he turned down the street and saw girls in princess dresses on April’s front lawn. “You’ve got to be shitting me!”

“Oh, don’t be so dramatic,” his wife put a hand on his shoulder.

“This coming from the woman that watches our security camera footage of our son fucking a six year old,” Jerry countered.

“If you want a princess dress, too, we’re more than happy to drop one off later,” Brad’s mother turned towards the back seat to tell him, promptly ignoring her husband.

“Like hell we are!” His dad didn’t approve.

“Mom, shut up!”

Jerry drove up to April’s house and Brad put down the recliner and opened the back suicide doors. April, had known who was in the car long before it had even pulled up. It was unlikely that anyone else would be riding in a half a million dollar car other than Brad, after all. She ran up as soon as the door opened and threw her arms around him. He kissed her warmly and lifted her to his lap.

“Un-fucking believable,” Brad’s father muttered.

“Awe, you kids have fun,” His mother followed. “Aren’t they just the cutest!?”

Brad carried the birthday girl toward the house, ignoring the fading sound of his father’s voice. He was glad to be away from his nagging parents as they drove off, but a little nervous about being at a birthday party with a gaggle of little girls. Despite his relationship with April, he was a little out of his element.

Like any other young man his age, Brad was overwhelmed by the screams, giggles, and taunts from all the little girls at the party. There were ten in total, including April. All of them were girls from April’s class and as was the party dress code, all of them wore a princess dress.

Their first order of business for the girls was to jump on the trampoline. Naturally, Brad couldn’t refuse when April asked him to join. And he was certainly glad he did. At best, Little girls aren’t at all that careful at keeping their dresses down. And at worse (or even better as the case may be), they’ll even flash their panties on purpose.

The girls all loved having Brad on the trampoline, too, since his weight meant they could bounce even higher. Of course, the higher he bounced them, the higher their dresses went and the better his view became. April wore a bright blue pair of panties while Tiffany had one a pink pair with flowers. Another girl named Angela, had on a very girly pair with floral patterns. He spotted multiple pairs of princess panties as well as a red pair and another that was plain white.

He had been introduced to all the girls at the beginning if the party, but he was hard pressed to remember all their names. However, after ten minutes of bouncing with them on the trampoline, he could remember what color panties each girl had on.

After a while on the trampoline, they started wrestling with him. Brad would try to stand up and then a girl would jump on him and he would fall back down. This allowed Brad to get even more intimate with the girls, since he had an excuse to touch them pretty much anywhere.

One if the girls named, Suzie, wore a yellow princess dress and had on yellow panties to match. Her dress was a little big on her. This meant Brad could easily see down her dress when she bent over even a little.

“Hey, Brad was looking at my panties!” Angela, a girl who’s name he did not remember belted. She seemed annoyed, but other girls started teasing him more as he was pinned by four girls to the bottom of the trampoline.

“Look at mine,” a girl named Jennifer said as she walked right over his head, ensuring he got a good glance up her dress. He already knew she was wearing pink panties. Their folly on the trampoline continued for several more minutes before a voice announced it was time to play a few games.

April’s mother had planned on several to keep the girls occupied before it was time for pizza and cake. The first was a scavenger hunt which had the girls running around the backyard using April’s favorite things as clues to find prizes. Tiffany’s mom helped run the event which gave April’s just enough time to get things set up for the next event she’d had planned. An event in which Brad would play a central role.

She hadn’t exactly asked Brad if he wanted to participate, yet. But she was quite sure he would have no objections. When she took him aside and let him in on her plan, he was so shocked he asked her to repeat it to make sure he’d heard correctly. And according to her mother, this little game was all April’s idea.

Brad was in a daze when it was time for him to get in position. He could hardly believe his luck. It felt like it was his birthday instead of April’s. Sitting down in the middle of the family room, he had stripped completely naked, only wearing a blindfold which ensured he couldn’t see a thing. His hands, too, were handcuffed behind his back.

Outside, April’s mother explained the rules to all the girls before letting them in. The game was simple enough and like the other games, the winner would get to pick out something from the prize box.

“Alright girls, line up!” April’s mother said. Some girls bustled with excitement while a few looked a bit apprehensive. There was no doubt at least one person in the room was excited, though. And that person was Brad, who’s cock stood on high alert for everyone to see.

A few adult chaperones stood off to the side, talking with one another. None of them took issue with whatever was happening nearby. It was all in good fun, after all.

“Go on,” Brad heard a woman say. Then he felt a presence on front of him just before a mouth closed around his cock.

“Good, just like that until I tell you to stop,” April’s mom looked at her timer. Once fifteen seconds had passed, the girl was instructed to pull away.

“Alright, Brad,” she said. “Give us your best guess. Which girl was sucking your cock?” Brad truly had no idea. And even if he did, there’s a good chance he wouldn’t know her name.

“Tiffany?” It was the one girl he did know.

“Nope, sorry, that was Hannah. Okay, next up!”

Brad felt another girl take the Hannah’s place. At least April’s mother was helping him remember the names. Of course, he didn’t know which girl Hannah actually was. If his mother would have described her as the girl with purple Disney panties however, then he would have known immediately.

The next girl who started sucking Brad’s cock was a dead giveaway thanks to her two missing front teeth. Admittedly, Brad missed the sensation now that April’s had begun to grow in. When her fifteen seconds were up, he really hope’d he would get her name right so she would keep going.

“Uh… Cassandra!” He said hesitantly.

“Cassandra?” He heard April say. “There’s nobody even named Cassandra!”

“No, that’s Samantha,” her mother affirmed. It was hard for him to be disappointed since the next girl was already dropping to her knees to take Samantha’s place. The new girl had pigtails that brushed against his thighs while she bobbed on his cock. He couldn’t remember her full name, but he did recall that she went by JJ. Still, he allowed her to continue for the full fifteen seconds before making his guess.

“JJ,” he said when her time was up.

“Correct!” April’s mom almost cheered. “Alright, JJ, you get to suck it for a full minute.”

Largely indifferent JJ slipped the boy’s cock back in her mouth and continued. Brad had noted earlier that JJ had the most distinctive panties of any of the girls. Her’s were bright red, though Brad was the only one know knew that detail.

While the majority of the girls were either indifferent or enthusiastic about this particular game, a few didn’t like it at all. The next girl to kneel in between Brad’s legs was not one to misbehave. She never got in trouble at school and have never done anything close to sucking cock before. Thus, she hated this game they’d only just begun.

A few times, she moved as if she was about to suck Brad’s cock, but immediately backed away. Instead, she looked at it and whined.

“Come on, just stick it in your mouth,” April’s mother kneeled by the girl.

“I don’t want to,” the girl wined. From her voice, Brad knew who it was and he happened to remember that her name was Tanya.

“Don’t be a poor sport, just put it in your mouth,” April’s mother encouraged and pushed her head forward. Tanya pouted as she opened her mouth wide. Then Brad felt her mouth close around his cock.

For her, the fifteen seconds felt like an eternity. And when she heard her name come out if Brad’s mouth, she started to cry, knowing she’d have to continue for a full minute. Tanya wasn’t the only girl that didn’t want to do it, but she was definitely the most vocal.

When it was April’s turn, Brad knew right away that it was her. He’d memorized all her signature tongue moments and she just seemed way too comfortable for it to be anyone else, really.

Once all the girls had their turn on Brad’s cock, April’s mother started having girls come up at random. He started getting names better, but some of the girls were pretty difficult to figure out. JJ had taken the hair ties out of her pigtails so he wouldn’t guess her and gave them to Samantha who tied her hair up instead. Regardless, Brad was in heaven as all ten girls shared his erection.

Other than April, one girl Brad guessed correctly every time was, Tanya. Tiffany had just stood up when the darker skinned, Tanya was pushed back in front of Brad. She once again protested, unable to come to terms with the idea of putting any boy’s cock in her mouth.

She wasn’t very skilled at sucking it either, so this time, April’s mother nudged the girl’s head so she would bob back and forth at the very least. When her time was up, Brad knew exactly who it was and guessed Tanya with 100% certainty. Her distress grew as she would have to suck him for a whole minute once again.

Fortunately for Tanya, she didn’t actually have to suck Brad off for a minute this time. After the repeated stimulation from every girl in April’s class, his cock was ready to explode.

Tanya whined and tried to pull away when she tasted the sour substance. But April’s mother was right there with her hand on the girl’s head.

“Keep at it, sweetie,” she said as she ensured Tanya kept her mouth over Brad’s cock while she whined and coughed. He let out several moans as it happened, too.

Tanya’s mouth filled up quickly with Brad’s cum and it began to pour out over her chin and onto her dress. The girl continued to whine and cry as she felt cum pouring over her tongue. She gagged a few times which only allowed more to seep over her lips.

When it was over, her face was splattered with cum and tears. Quite a bit had dripped down the front of her dress, too. She continued crying softly, though her distress had largely passed.

“Oh honey, let’s get you cleaned up,” April’s mother said. “You didn’t swallow a thing did you. You can go pick a prize for winning.” She lifted the princess dress off of the little girl, leaving her in a pair of panties that Brad immediately recognized. They were blue with Disney characters on them. Now that the game was over, he unclipped the fake handcuffs around his wrists and took off his blindfold

While April’s mom took Tanya’s dress to the laundry, another adult brought a wash cloth over to wipe Brad’s cum off of her face. Brad, along with several other male chaperones at the party were more than happy to see Tanya almost completely naked.

“You did really great,” Brad complemented Tanya who as still a little upset. “And so did you.” He leaned down toward April and they kissed briefly. Brad dressed while the girls moved on to the next game—musical chairs. He was happy to see that Tanya didn’t seem bothered by continuing in panties, since she could have just changed into pajamas early.

Musical chairs was followed up by a craft session in which the girls all made their own bracelets. After that, it was time for pizza, cake, and presents. April received lots of toys befitting a child her age and after they’d eaten, the girls returned to the Trampoline, a fine suggestion by April’s parents to cure the girls’ sugar rush before it was time for them to get ready for bed.

Brad joined them once again and enjoyed the spoils of admiring the view underneath their dresses. But alas, the night had just barely begun…

Part 34