A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/ClothingOptional/Devin/Friends/Cajole/Randall/1on1/Extend/Always/Forget/Park/Naked/Sun/House/Yes/Brave/Wait/Find1/Rick/Yes/Sally/Lori/intermission

From All The Fallen Stories
< A Loli's ENF Adventure‎ | Sally‎ | ClothingOptional‎ | Devin‎ | Friends‎ | Cajole‎ | Randall‎ | 1on1‎ | Extend‎ | Always‎ | Forget‎ | Park‎ | Naked‎ | Sun‎ | House‎ | Yes‎ | Brave‎ | Wait‎ | Find1‎ | Rick‎ | Yes‎ | Sally‎ | Lori
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Ryan was finishing lunch at work (an egg salad sandwich and microwaved leftover chili, both courtesy of his wife Ava, of course) when Hank Gorden strode into the break room. "You aren't gonna believe this shit. Or hell I donno, maybe you're the only one who'd believe it... you still got that little nudist at home, right?"

Ryan wondered where this was going, but he nodded. "Yeah, Sally still insists she's a nudist. In fact, we made a new rule, she's not allowed to wear clothes at home. That was her mom's doing, believe it or not!"

"Holy fuck... wish my Sally'd take after her... Don't suppose you got any advice on how to encourage it."

Ryan laughed. "You think this was my idea? Hell if I know what got into her. Hey you know, best bet would be to get them talking, maybe they could start an all-Sallys nudist club or something!"

"Fuck, right, my story. So we had a tin-bully in the hole on the east line this morning an' they sent me out 'cause it couldn't get moving again. Usual fuckup with the sensors. But once I gave 'em the all black and hopped off you won't fucking believe it, I see these too chicks walkin' along the track... They both got their tits out! Just swinging in the breeze. Nice tits too."

"Is this gonna be another one of your 'three hot babes tried to rape me last night' stories, Hank?"

"God's truth, I swear. And you ain't even heard the good part yet. So I tip my hat like a gentleman, you know, because those tits were Grade A. An' they're kinda blushing you know, but one of 'em works up the guts to ask me a question: 'Hey you know where the Running Bear nudist club is?' she asks. I was half tempted to direct 'em you your house! Seeing as your little minx is the only nudist I know around here!"

"You're kidding me!"

"I'm shootin' straight shit, Ryan. What are the odds I hear nudist talk from two different peeps in as many weeks? That's what I wanna know. Anyways, I had to let those girls go empty-handed, 'cause I'm pretty sure we got no nudist club, or I'd fuckin' be a member already."

"Did you set them straight? About walking around topless like that?"

"Around the railroad? Hell no! Who's gonna complain? We're real men out here ain't we? The more bare tits the better I say."

The two me high-five.

"I wonder though", said Ryan "If that club really exists... maybe they got us confused with Cedar Wells or something. I'm sure Sally would like to know about it if it really exists."

"Sally would like to know? Hell, I'd like to know myself! You ever find it, you invite us both, you hear? Maybe I can get my girl to come too, you never know."

"You bet." Ryan drains his cup of coffee and wonders if his coworker is talking pure bullshit as usual. It actually sounded a little more believable than usual...

Curious thing, isn't it? But now, back to the story of Sally's Nudist Club.