Brayden and the Bedwetter/Chapter 4

From All The Fallen Stories
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Chapter 4

I was wide awake as soon as I sensed movement in the bed. While she was normally a very sound sleeper, the kid in bed with me was awake even though it was still dark outside. Not that this was a surprise by any means. I knew she had wet her pull-up; something she did nearly ever night. She remain quiet, as she sleepily got out of bed.

I could see her pull-up in the dim light, noticeably heavier. It sagged slightly as she walked across my room. I knew she was headed back to her own room, where all her spare pull-ups were kept. I figured she would take care of things herself. She had been more independent about it lately. Moments later, however, I heard my name from down the hall.

Leaving the comfort of my bed, I made my way to Skyler’s room. I was still completely naked, but it really didn’t matter since nobody else was home to see me. To my surprise, Skyler was still wearing her wet pull-up when I got to her room.

“I used all my pull-ups in the drawer,” she said, rubbing her eyes.

“Oh, I’ll get some down for you,” I answered. My sister usually brought down a good supply for her and left them in her drawer so Skyler could change herself at night. But it seemed she had forgotten to restock the drawer before she left. All the extra pull-ups were kept on the top shelf of the girl’s closet, far our of the small child’s reach.

I easily reached up to the bag and got several down for her. Finally, she slipped her wet pull-up off as I watched. My cock was rock hard as I watched her place it into the trash can near her dresser. I continued watching as she pulled on a fresh one.

“Alright, let’s go back to bed,” I said as I picked Skyler up. My cock rubbed against her torso and then her pull-up as I lifted her up. She rested her head on my shoulder as I walked back to my room. I couldn’t help but enjoy the feel of her warm chest pressed against mine. My erect cock brushed against the bottom of her pull-up as I walked.

The girl was completely out almost as soon as I put her back in my bed. I was always amazed how quickly she could fall asleep. Before climbing into bed myself, I stopped to admire her body. And as you might imagine, I couldn’t help but do a bit more than that.

I was already naked, so rubbing my cock was almost a given. Standing over her, I watched her naked chest rise and fall as I jerked off. It seemed weird, but her pull-up simply increased the eroticism form me. I took my time, though, letting her fall into a deeper sleep before I really went full force.

I’m not sure exactly how much time had passed, 10, 15 minutes? But I was soon going at it with everything I could, excitedly jerking myself off as I looked at Skyler. I looked back and forth between her bare chest and her pull-up. Of course, there was the occasional glance at her face, too. I was going to cum on my little cousin. While our whole family knew she was a sound sleeper, I was about to find out just how soundly she really slept.

When my orgasm arrived, I got closer, pushing the end of my cock right up against her pull-up. My cock depressed the fabric slightly as cum squirted out over her pull-up and onto her stomach. All the while Skyler continued sleeping soundly. I expected her to stir when more cum landed on her chest, but she was able to sleep through the entire thing.

Seeing my jizz all over her pull-up and chest, I climbed back under the covers. I wiped my cock off on her pull-up and got comfortable without even bothering to clean her up.

When I woke up the next morning and saw Skyler laying next to me with my dried cum all over her chest, all my guilt came back. How could I possibly have dome something like that? I was suddenly ashamed that I’d slept with her while I was naked, too. While she was still asleep, I climbed out of bed and got dressed. Only then did I wake her up.

She didn’t say anything about the dried cum all over her when I got her out of bed. But I didn’t give her much chance either. As soon as she was awake, I insisted she take a bath right away. Regardless of my guilt, I still enjoyed touching her when I got her into the tub. As I massaged soap across her skin, I wanted nothing more than to climb into the bath with her, but I resisted. As Skyler was drying herself off, I decided to text Dagny instead.

“How would you like to to go the beach?” I asked Skyler who had just put her towel over her head.

“Really?” She looked excited.

“Why not? I invited Dagny, too!” I added.

“Your girlfriend’s coming? Are you going to show me more stuff that you do with her?” The girl inquired.

“No,” I replied. “We’re not going to do any of that and we’re not telling Dagny about it either.”

“Oh,” Skyler looked off in the distance. “Okay.” It didn’t seem like my answer phased her one bit which was a relief. The last thing I needed was Skyler begging for more.

She ran off to her room and I followed, texting Dagny to solidify our beach plans. In her room, she picked out a blue frilly bikini that I was sure would look cute on her.

“You know,” I caught myself saying. “You don’t have to wear the bikini top if you don’t want to.”

“Like… Just wear the bottoms?” Skyler looked perplexed.

“Yeah,” I replied. I was regretting every single word that came out of my mouth. But I just wanted to see her run on the beach without a shirt on.

She shrugged, “Okay.” And threw her top back in her dresser. Seeing a little girl without a shirt on in America is pretty rare, but at five, it’s not totally unheard of. I knew Dagny wouldn’t care since she’s European and girls in Europe do stuff like that all the time. I grabbed her beach poncho out of the drawer and she put it on over her suit.

Once Skyler was ready to go, I quickly got my suit on back in my room and found a few towels before heading out the door. I texted Dagny to tell her we were leaving and would pick her up on the way.

We arrived at the beach around lunch time, so we stopped at a restaurant just off the beach to grab a bite. It was a little pricey, but I didn’t care since I had Sarah’s credit card.

Even though we’d come to a beach that wasn’t quite as popular, there were still a lot of people there on spring break. That’s Miami for you. Fortunately, we eventually found a good spot that was far enough away from tourists to give us a bit of privacy.

The three of us found a good spot that wasn’t too crowded and I set down a towel.

“Did you bring sunscreen?” Dagny asked just as we were starting to settle in. “Because I have a bottle if you need.”

“Oh thanks, I forgot to grab some when we left,” the thought hadn’t even occurred to me.

“Here, can you do my back?” She asked a few moments later as she handed me the bottle.

“Sure,” I replied. She did her torso and legs and I began to lather the sunscreen onto her back, going underneath the straps of her bikini. While I enjoyed rubbing her soft skin, too, I couldn’t wait to put sunscreen on Skyler. Just the fact that the little girl was more forbidden made it seem so much hotter to me.

“Come here, Skyler,” I squirted more of the lotion onto my hand when I was finished. “We can’t have you getting sunburned out here either.” She took off her poncho and revealed her naked torso. I was so glad I convinced her not to wear a bikini top. Eagerly, I began to rub sunscreen onto her flat chest and stomach. As I began, my cock responded. I hardly noticed at first when my pants started to bulge. Only after it had created a noticable mountain in my swimming strucks did I realize just how hard I had become.

We were far enough away from other beach-goers, so I was really only trying to hide from Dagny when I scooted behind Skyler’s back and adjusted myself. Fortunately, I didn’t think she’d noticed. I finished lathering Skyler with sunscreen, making sure ot get her back, neck, and face really good.

“Alright, you should be all set,” I patted Skyler on her back. With a cheer, she lept up and ran towards the waves. While I had thought I had been able to hide my excitement from Dagny though it, but I was wrong…

“Getting hard for your little cousin, are we?” Dagny said as Skyler laughed jumped over a wave.

“What? No,” I realized I’d been watching her and quickly looked away. “Um, sometimes you just can’t help it, you know…” I tried to play it off.

“Alright, whatever you say,” She began rubbing sunscreen onto my back.

“What? It’s true,” I lied. “I’m not attracted to little girls.”

“Whatever,” It was pretty clear she didn’t believe me. “But it’s okay if you are…” she added after a long pause.


“You can’t control who you’re attracted to,” Dagny leaned into me and whispered into my ear from behind. “If you wanted to fuck her, I wouldn’t blame you.” I didn’t know what to say, so I just kept silent as I watched Skyler continue to leap over waves and splash in the ocean. At least Dagny hadn’t left in disgust or done something even worse. I wondered what she would be saying if she’d know that I had jerked off on Skyler last night. But then, my question was suddenly answered.

“My daddy used to play with me when I was her age,” She was done putting sunscreen on my back and now had both arms around me from behind. “He used to tuck me in at night and make me suck his cock. . .does that turn you on?”

“Come on that’s not funny,” I replied. I knew she must be joking, making fun of me or something. There was no way this was actually happening. Stuff like this just doesn’t happen. I knew it had to be a joke, a dream, anything…

“Do you hear me laughing?” Dagny continued to whisper in my ear. “I’d love to watch her suck your cock,” Then she reached down and felt the bulge in my swimming trunks. I was still looking toward Skyler.

“Hey are you guys coming!?” Skyler yelled back at us. She was still a bit to innocent to understand exactly what we were doing. But that would be changing soon.

“Yeah, we’re coming,” I waved back at her. Before heading to the water, I turned back to Dagny, admiring her blonde hair blowing in the wind for a moment. Then, I kissed her. She kissed back and continued rubbing the front of my swimming shorts. When we broke our kiss, I finally admitted my secret.

“I’ve been teaching Skyler how to kiss like that.”

Dagny gave me a sly smile, “When we get back home, maybe I can help.” With that, we held hands and ran toward the waves.

Chapter 5