A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/ClothingOptional/Chat/Pics

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After breakfast the next day, Sally was faced with the usual choice she had to make these days. Get dressed and play outside, or go upstairs and get naked. And as she usually did, she chose the second option. She whipped off her nightshirt the second she reached the upstairs hallway.

The downside was she didn't have all that much to do upstairs. She had no shortage of toys, but she was a bit past the age where she could amuse herself just making up stories about her dolls or the like. And most games of course required a second player. Devin was the obvious choice, so she went to ask him if he could play something with her. She didn't bother knocking when she entered his room.

"Hey Davin, wanna play a game with me?"

Devin looked up, and saw what he expected to, his naked little sister. The novelty might be wearing off a bit, but he still looked every chance he got. This wasn't a good time though. "Can't, Sally, I'm working on a school project. Hopefully I'll be done by this afternoon, maybe we can play something then."

"Oh..." Sally's disappointment was obvious in her voice. "What's your project about?"

"Ugh, random assignment for History class. I've gotta write a paper on the history of glass making. Nothing I would have picked."

"That sounds interesting, how'd they invent that anyway?"

Devin chuckled. "I wish it were interesting. I don't really feel like talking about it, I just wanna get this done."

Sally sighed. "Alright, sorry. I'll leave you to it." She returned to her room feeling dejected. It sure was harder to entertain yourself when you're a nudist. That thought reminded her though, she could always pay the nudist chatroom another visit. They were never too busy for her! She flopped down on her bed and picked up her phone.

It looked like the same bunch from last time, except Richard wasn't on. Knowing they'd see her log on anyway, she decided to say hi right away.

   Pumpkin: Hello
   ObviousFed: Hiyas. Nice you see you again.
   DrippingMommy: Hello, sweetie.
   Pumpkin: Im bored
   Pumpkin: It sucks how i cant go outside or even downstairs naked
   DrippingMommy: I bet you could talk your parents into letting you go naked in the rest of the house if you asked really nice.
   Pumpkin: Do you really think so
   DrippingMommy: Definitely. You should probably start with your daddy. All men like seeing their little girls naked, even if they won't admit it.
   LidKicker69: We like seeing other people's naked little girls too! XD Hi, by the way.
   LidKicker69: Mommy's right though. If I had a daughter I'd wanna see her naked especially.
   DrippingMommy: Of course you would. See? It's totally normal.
   Pumpkin: Wow thats interesting
   Pumpkin: Why do people like to see girls naked so much
   LidKicker69: Because they're pretty. 
   ObviousFed: There might be a leeetle bit more to it, but that's very true.
   LidKicker69: Little girls are the most beautiful thing in the whole world, and clothes just get in the way.
   Pumpkin: But im not beautiful im just an ordinary kid
   DrippingMommy: Now, now, it's not nice to lie. Don't forget we've seen your picture.
   Pumpkin: Do you really think im beautiful
   LidKicker69: Cross my heart. It's just a shame you won't send us any more pictures.
   LidKicker69: I'd even settle for pictures with clothes on.
   ObviousFed: *GASP* What's next, hand-holding?
   LidKicker69: Sorry, I got a little carried away there. He's right of course, they should be naked. You're a nudist after all.
   Pumpkin: But my brother said nudists dont really take pictures like you asked for before
   LidKicker69: How about you just take another picture like the first one?
   LidKicker69: But if you could show a little bet more of your body that would be amazing.
   ObviousFed: That's a good idea. We've already seen you so there's no harm in it.

Sally had to think about this for a minute, but ObviousFed's point made sense, even if he had a weird name. What did that mean anyway? Did he eat a lot? But she tried to think back to Devin's warnings, and while he did say it hadn't been a good idea to show her face, she couldn't recall anything he said that made it a worse idea to do twice. They already knew what she looked like anyway.

   Pumpkin: Ok i guess i can do that
   LidKicker69: Wonderful. You remember how, right?
   Pumpkin: I think so

This time Sally tried the Home button instead of the Back button she usually used to leave an app. It seemed to work. She got to the camera and took another selfie. She tried to hold the phone as far from her body as she could, so it would show more. She thought it looked kind of funny, because you could see her holding her arm out, and the angle was a little crooked, but it did she show her body all the way down to her belly button. She decided to go ahead and see if they liked it. And hey! It worked, when she went back to the browser the chat was still there!

   LidKicker69: Are you having trouble?
   Pumpkin: No im just learning how to use this
   Pumpkin: Guess what I did it right this time without closing chat
   ObviousFed: Hey, good job. Using those things is an important modern skill.
   LidKicker69: Great, now just share it with me like you did the other time.
   ObviousFed: Can't stand smart phones myself, to be honest.

Sally did like before, and long-pressed LidKicker69's name (that was an odd name too, come to think of it), and once again picked her latest photo from the Gallery.

   LidKicker69: Man... I'm tempted to keep this for myself.
   DrippingMommy: Don't you DARE
   LidKicker69: Ok ok
   LidKicker69: https://i.imgur.com/yLleBHhHOu.jpg 
   *Pumpkin left. Reason: Quit*

Sally tapped the link herself, something she hadn't bothered to do the other time. Unfortunately, this once again took her out of the chat room. There was her picture though. She still thought it looked kind of weird, but she wanted to hear what people in the chat room said! Where did it go? She quickly used her bookmark, and had to log in again, but she was back.

   Pumpokin: Oops i did it again
   ObviousFed: Oh good. For a sec I thought we scared you away or something.
   LidKicker69: That's great. You're as beautiful as ever. You gotta take more.
   LidKicker69: But maybe you can make them a little more interesting, if you know what I mean.
   Pumpokin: Im sorry I dont but im glad you liked it
   DrippingMommy: We LOVED it. You are so sweet.
   ObviousFed: Of course she doesn't know, which is probably for the best. You're thinking with the wrong head, my friend. 
   ObviousFed: What we need to do is help her take some proper nudist pictures.
   Pumpokin: What are proper nudist pictures
   ObviousFed: Like the ones you saw in that forum. Happy naked kids doing normal things.
   Pumpokin: Oh yeah that makes sense
   Pumpokin: Most of those were outside though i cant go naked outside
   LidKicker69: It doesn't have to be outside.
   ObviousFed: Hold on, she's got a good point. 
   ObviousFed: But who says you can't? There's gotta be someplace you could get away privately and take a few pictures. 
   LidKicker69: Actually, you're right that would be awesome.
   Pumpokin: Oh that wouldn't be too hard i guess
   ObviousFed: BTW, your name changed.
   Pumpokin: What
   Pumpokin: Oh sorry i typed that ina hurry
   Pumpokin: I dont know how to fix it without leaving
   ObviousFed: Don't worry about it.
   Pumpokin: Im not sure though
   Pumpokin: How could i take a good picture without someone else to hold the phone

Good question. What answer does she get?