Family Ties/Follow your mom down stairs for breakfast.

From All The Fallen Stories
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Reluctantly you kick the covers off and hop out of your mom's bed and head to your room to toss some cloths on. There really isn't a whole lot to choose from as most of you mom's free time is being spent bent over what ever is handy and having your cock driven into her pussy. That seems to leave little time for things like laundry. You dig out a pair of overalls and slip them over you boxer, not even bothering with a t-shirt you head down stairs into the kitchen.

Mom and Heather are the only ones up so far. Your mom is grabbing a cup of coffee while your big sister is sitting at the table nursing your nephew. Even though the only part of Heather's boob that isn't exposed is the part JT is sucking on you still walk over and kiss his cheek, making sure yours drags against her boob. Heather giggles and smiles at you as you straighten up, beaming with love at watching how affectionate you are with her son. "Morning soon to be 10 year old." She says before leaning forward and planting a kiss right on the lips.

You don't have time to really react since Nicole choose that exact moment to come prancing into the room. "Hey! Don't I get some sugar from the birthday boy?" Nicole is dressed in a light robe tied at the waist and coming down to mid thigh. Even though you are sure her robe is as closed as possible due to her gigantic titties a great amount of cleavage is shown and as you have gotten to know Nicole you are pretty sure she likes it that way.

Heather sets you free in just enough time for Nicole to take you by the shoulder and turn you around to make her lips. She kisses you deeper then Heather did, even driving her tongue into your mouth to find and play with yours. The make out session only lasts for a few seconds but it's enough to harden your cock to full thickness. "Happy birthday cutie pie" She coos with a seductive wink as she stands back up, noticing your eyes glued to her tits she adjusts her robe offering you a split second glance at one of her huge tits.

"It's my birthday too you know." Jessie complains, making her presents known.

"Oh don't I know it sweetie." Nicole beams as she drops to her knees and extends her arms out towards Jessie. Your twin accepts the invitation and moves into Nicole's embrace, pressing her lips full against Nicole as the two actually start making out. You even notice Jessie thrusting her pelvis against Nikki's big boobs.

"All right you too..." You mom teases as she pulls Jessie away gently from Nicole before leaning down to give her a big passionate kiss of her own. "Good morning baby girl, excited about your party?" She ask taking a seat next to Heather at the kitchen table while Jessie hops up and down, nodding her head enthusiastically.

The chiming of Heather's phone sort of breaks the light and rather horny mood of the room. "Damn.., Jacob and dad are ready for me to drop off the baby for the week end." Heather groans, separating JT from her nipple giving you a good, all be it brief look at the hardened nub. "I guess I should start getting him together."