The Last Horcrux/Bedroom/Emily Dreams

From All The Fallen Stories
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In your dream you can fly. Not with a broomstick, but effortlessly, like a bird, soaring through the sky, even though you don’t have wings. In the flying dream, you remember that you could always fly, and also remember that you always forget when you wake up again. It doesn’t matter though, the flying is glorious and you always love it, even though it can be scary if you go up too high.

This time you go really high, far, far above the ground, above the clouds even. As you rise up, you see a steam train below. You know that it is the Hogwarts Express, and that you are on that train too, sitting in one of the cabins. It is one of your dreams where you see the future, but you know you always forget about it when you wake up, only to remember again when you next have the flying dream. They said your grandmother was a seer too. You tell yourself to remember this time.

On the train there will be a girl with long blonde hair. You know that when you meet this girl you will fall madly in love with her. Her name is…

There is something. In the darkness. A twisting horrible thing of black and gold and barbed thorns all writhing and horrific. It is flying towards you! It is too late!

The thing flies past you as though you were never even there. It is dreaming it’s own dark dreams and is not aware of you. You know you can hide from it, and you know it will never find you when it is asleep. You decide to hide in case it ever wakes up.

You fly higher, flying toward the moon. Everything seems silver in its light, and you can see a fine silver cord that you know tethers your soul to your body. You suddenly want to see your soul, perhaps because you were so scared by the thing. You dive down and fly past mountains, until you see a lake. You gaze deep into the waters, and see the moon and your soul reflected within them.

Despite the monster that dwells within you, your soul is beautiful.