EOTW/Follow the Sound

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 10:45, 30 August 2016 by Jackmaster (talk | contribs)
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"Hello?" You call out, nervously, as you try and squeeze your way through impossibly small gaps, and clamber over dangerously unstable bricks and beams. "Is anyone there?" You call out again. You're not sure why you asked that question; you already know the answer. Ahead in your direction, further into the shadows, you can hear something moving about amongst the rubble. That said, you're still getting no response from whatever it might be.

'It's probably rats' you think to yourself. There are few types of animals you've seen alive in the last week; rats is certainly one of them! As you look around you, the building doesn't seem too stable, especially since you have disturbed it on your way in. You're about to turn back when you are sure you hear something that far more resembles breathing.

Do you
