Charlie’s Punishment/Chapter 8

From All The Fallen Stories
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Chapter 8

Charlie and Ryan were startled later that week when they were called to the office one afternoon. They had no idea what it was about, but going to the principal’s was never a good thing.

“Do you think he knows?” Ryan looked worried. Unlike Charlie or his younger brother, he’d never been in trouble before.

“How could he know about us?” Charlie countered. “Wyatt was the one that actually did everything. And the only people that know about it are our friends.”

“What about the credit cards?” Ryan reminded.

“They’ve already caught the other girls for that,” she replied. “Whatever he says, just lie and we’ll be fine.” Charlie wasn’t so sure they would be fine. But she was trying to stay positive. Their worries were amplified as soon as they arrived in the principal’s office and saw Wyatt already sitting on the sofa.

“Ah, there you are,” the principal looked up. “Come, sit down.” They quietly look their seats on the sofa with Wyatt. The younger boy gave them both worried glances.

“Now that you’re all here,” the principal began. “I have been informed of a rather disturbing turn of events I was hoping you three could clear up for me. . .Another student related to me that you three have been causing trouble for two girls in Wyatt’s class. According to this person, you two have been instructing Wyatt to play mean tricks on them in order to get them in trouble. Anything either of you three would like to add?”

“That’s not true!” Charlie’s lie began. “We never did that.”

“I see, and did you also not try to get the two girls in trouble last month by stealing a school administrator’s credit card and framing them for it?” They froze. How did he know everything?

“No, I don’t know anything about that.” Charlie added.

“Well, I have been informed otherwise and I must say, the boy’s story was quite compelling,” the principal asserted. “And all four girls who have been in trouble in the first grade swears they didn’t do what they were accused of. And two of them had never even been in trouble before. It did seem odd to me that two first graders could be capable of stealing a credit card and charging so much money on it to begin with.”

“It wasn’t us, we swear!” Ryan piped up.

“Then why were you three overheard talking about it in the hallway?”

“We weren’t, whoever said that is lying!” Charlie blurted. Their plans were quickly unraveling and they knew it. The principal had already gotten most of what he needed by questioning Wyatt, the younger and more impressionable assailant before the older two arrived. He hadn’t necessarily given it up, but he’d talked around the issue enough to get his story mixed up a few times. It was clear to him that these children were guilty.

“Well, if you kids don’t want to tell me the truth, I suppose I can’t make you,” he concluded. “But I really aught to thank the three of you.” They were all surprised at his suddenly change of tone.

“Had it not been for you kids getting those two girls in trouble, I’d never have been able to fuck them. Little Angela is such a self righteous cunt. Watching her squirm when I rubbed my cock over her pussy for the first time is what dreams are made of. And Hannah, she’s so flexible she can put her legs behind her head.” He gave them a sly smile. “And it just so happens that a boy made fun of them this morning on the playground because they aren’t allowed to wear clothes. They got mad and started hitting him. So now, even though their punishments are based on complete lies and would normally be over, I still get to make them fuck me. And who knows, they might just turn into naughty little sluts now that keep getting in trouble.” He looked up towards the ceiling longingly for a moment.

“But speaking of naughty sluts,” he continued. “You three got those poor girls sent to the high school for stealing that credit card. I’ve been on the phone and am getting them sent back at once. But you all will have to make it up to them somehow. Poor little innocent April and Tiffany have been fucked by who knows how many high schooler’s cocks thanks to you three losers.” They all have him an apologetic look. The kids had felt bed for accidentally framing the wrong girls. Unfortunately, their feelings would garner them zero sympathy when it came to their own punishments.

“Never in my time as an educator have I dealt with such unruly children like you three,” the principal continued to lecture. “I am going to see to it that you’re all punished accordingly. I’m not quite sure exactly what I’m going to do with you kids, yet. But for now, Wyatt get over here.” The little boy stood up and walked uneasily towards the principal’s desk.

As soon as he was in arms reach, Principal Richter yanked his shirt, bringing him closer and then pulled it over his head. His jeans came down next and were pulled off along with his shoes, leaving him in only his small cartoon briefs. Wyatt trembled in front of him, scared of what he would do next. His hand traveled into his waistband and began toying with his little cock. Charlie and Ryan couldn’t see what was happening, but they could see Wyatt’s distressed reaction as a man played with his cock for the first time. Having someone touch him there just seemed wrong.

The principal paused to think for a moment and then pulled his hand out of Wyatt’s briefs. He stood up and began walking towards the sofa where the other two kids sat. The man looked much taller and more intimidating than normal. Standing in front of the sofa, he looked towards Charlie and began to fish around his pants for his cock. He then turned towards, Ryan.

“You’re going to get me ready,” he told him. “Do a good job and this will be a lot easier for your brother over there.” Ryan suddenly had a dick in his face. It hung down right in front of his nose and from hearing the stories of horror from Charlie and Wyatt before him, he knew what he was supposed to do.

Slowly, the eight year old opened his mouth and braced himself for a moment he’d hoped he’d never have to endure. Much to his dismay, the cock entered his mouth. He grimaced as he felt the tip slide across his tongue.

“That’s it, get it nice and wet!” He said, peeling off his shirt and tossing it aside to get more comfortable. He massaged the boys head as he sucked him and helped him get into the right motion. Ryan was relieved after a few long moments when the principal pushed his head off of his cock.

“That aught to do it,” he exclaimed, stripping of the rest of his clothes as he made his way back to Wyatt. He hoisted the boy up over the edge of his desk. Wyatt laid on his stomach, facing Charlie and his brother on the sofa. His briefs were then stripped off him.

The two older kids saw his concerned expression as the principal’s cock circled his ass. The young boy really didn’t know what to expect. Suddenly and without warning, his face changed to a look of revulsion as the man began to push his cock inside.

Wyatt let out a wail as his sphincter was penetrated. Tears were suddenly forming. Through his watery eyes, he looked towards Ryan and Charlie as if calling for help. But anything they could do would only make things worse.

He panted hard as the cock stopped forcing its way inside for a moment and then began to relax slightly as he steadily grew accustomed to the feeling of a cock in his ass. Nothing could prepare him for what came next.

The principal began thrusting into the little six year old boy.

“Staaawwp!” Wyatt cried as the cock pushed its way in even further than before. He gasped and continued crying steadily.

Ryan watched in horror as Wyatt was completely debased. Partly because he wanted to protect his little brother and partly because he knew he was likely going to be next. Charlie shared similar feelings.

Wyatt continued to cry as the principal held his hips and raped his ass. He heard a steady stream of grunts and moans from behind him. The boy let out a gurgled whimper, struggling to cope with the cock burrowed inside him.

With four final grunts each accompanied by a steady thrust, the principal came in the boy’s ass. Wyatt was relieved when he pulled out, suddenly able to relax on the hard desk. He laid there as cum dripped slowly out of his ass, drizzling down his crack and to his little cock and balls. Ryan and Charlie were relieved for Wyatt, but suddenly more anxious for what the principal would decide to do next.

He pulled Wyatt off the desk to his feet and directed him back towards the sofa, cum dribbled from his ass and down his legs as he limped back towards his brother and friend. Principal Richer sat the boy back down on the sofa. Not bothered about the cum that would most definitely leak out.

“Who’s going to help get me hard again?” The principal shook his cock in front of Wyatt’s mouth. “Huh? No volunteers? Well then…” he studied all three kids. Wyatt was still sobbing quietly, looking down and trying to ignore the cock in his face.

“Here you go,” he said suddenly, walking in front of Charlie.

“Nuh…” she muttered, seeing the cock close up.

“Well? You think those girls you sent to the high school got to chose which cocks they had to suck?” With a great deal of apprehension, Charlie opened her mouth. Gagging several times, she sucked it timidly. The tomboy was determined not to cry, though, and tried her best to tough it out. Eventually, she felt the chode growing in her mouth, steadily becoming harder for her to manage until it was finally ready.

It was Ryan’s turn. The man grabbed his shirt and dragged him to the desk. Forcefully, he yanked it over his head and quickly pulled off his pants. Then he dropped to his knees. Neither Charlie nor Wyatt could see what the principal was doing to Ryan, but they could see his reaction.

At first, he was scared and tried to leap back, then started to whine. About a minute into it however, he began to feel better and didn’t seem to mind it. They saw the principal’s head pop up from behind the desk, licking Ryan’s chest and nipples.

Being licked all over was weird, but he was beginning to think he wouldn’t get it as bad as his brother. But then, he was forced to bend over the edge of the desk and pressed against the hard wood.

“Mmmuh,” he whined as he felt the principal’s cock rubbing against his ass. Then he began to squirm as he felt the principal slowly pushing his weight against him, forcing his cock inside.

Ryan didn’t know whether to scream or cry at the intrusion, so he gasped as the cock was forced deeper. It was worse than he imagined when he watched his little brother go through it just minutes before.

“Ah!” He called out and began to cry as he felt another hard push. The principal’s pubes touched his ass and rested there momentarily. He whined again, wishing it would just all be over. But it was just be beginning for him.

The boy began to sob when the principal moving his hips. His body squirmed against the desk, but nothing could aid his discomfort. Just like he had with his little brother, Principal Richter moaned and grunted as he enjoyed the boy’s ass. He grasped the his legs, pulling them apart further so he could get his cock even deeper. Ryan wailed.

“Keep on crying,” the principal called out. “I’m going to make sure you’re fucked like this so much you’ll probably start to like it.” Hearing that made Ryan cry harder.

He attempted to reply, but his words only became loud whimpers as he was fucked into the desk. Finally, he could feel their principal’a cock spazzing as it shot cum into his ass.

Butterflies built up in the pit of Charlie’s stomach as Ryan was pulled off the desk. She knew that it would be her turn next. Like Wyatt, cum dripped from his ass when he walked.

“Brothers always need to learn to share,” the principal exclaimed once Ryan was seated again on the sofa. “So why don’t you two lick my cock and get it hard again for Charlie.” He grabbed both of their heads and pushed them into his groin. Together, the two young boys reluctantly licked and sucked his shaft and all around his balls, being guided steadily by the principal’s hands. Wyatt stopped for a moment to spit out a few public hairs that got into his mouth, but then returned to finish his job.

Charlie looked over at her two friends in apprehension as they licked the principal’s flaccid cock. She wished that it wouldn’t get hard again so he wouldn’t do stuff with her, too. Much to her dismay, however, she saw the boy’s stimulation was working. As his cock grew, her hopes for getting off easy dies. It grew harder and harder until it was fully erect and ready for her.

Just as he had with the boys, the principal yanked her shirt and pulled her to his desk. As the principal began to remove her clothes, she thought maybe he would just use her pussy again. At least there she knew what to expect. She wouldn’t like it, but watching both her friends struggle as their asses were raped made her even more nervous about being fucked in her backside.

Once her last stitch of clothing was removed, he reached down and stuck a finger up her cunt, feeling her insides with his finger. Then he pulled it out and continued running it up her mons and to her stomach, spreading her juices where it went. After using both hands to grab her flat chest as if she had full grown breasts, he decided he was ready for more.

At first, it seemed like he was going to lay her down on her back and Charlie breathed a sigh of relief. At the last second however, he turned her around.

“No,” she whined, now facing Ryan and Wyatt who were still naked on the sofa.

“Yes,” a man’s voice whispered in her ear. “I’m fucking you in the ass just like the boys.” Dejected, Charlie was pushed over the side of the desk. Her arms flailed helplessly.

Both boys saw her eyes widen when the cock began to push inside her ass. She whined, feeling discomfort from the intrusion. Suddenly she didn’t seem like a tough little tomboy anymore.

“I know it was all your idea,” he leaned over to speak as his cock continued to slide up her rectum. She whimpered as he pushed the rest of the way in. He didn’t wait for her to get accustomed to the sensation, instead, he started to fuck her hard on the desk. Tears streamed down her face.

Her friends sitting on the sofa in front of her were nothing but a blur through her watery eyes. They watched as she went through her own ordeal, both of them sympathizing the extreme discomfort she was feeling. Since the principal had just cum twice inside each of the boy’s asses however, Charlie got used for longer that either of them.

She struggled as her last virgin hole was violated. Just as Ryan and Wyatt had before her, she struggled and squirmed for relief that never came. Her body tossed on the desk with each thrust of the principal’s pelvis. He leaned over again and continued his motions into her.

After many grunts from the man fucking her ass, much writhing from the poor girl, and more than 30 aggravating minutes, it was finally coming to an end. He pushed himself all the way in, thrusting forcefully. His balls hit the back on her leg as his cock pulsed and began to cum. She gave one last gasp and several more sobs along with his thrusts.

At last, he pulled himself out. Charlie felt instant relief, but collapsed for a moment on the desk. She was breathing hard and letting out a few final sobs. It may have been over for now. But in reality, it was only just beginning for all three of them.

After she’s recovered a bit more, the principal pulled Charlie up off his desk and led her back to the sofa to finish up his final instructions for them. She walked carefully, almost feeling as if a large appendage was still thrusting inside her.

“Now,” he traded glances with all three children. “I haven’t quite decided what I’m going to do with you three. But I’m sure the high school is going to miss its two little whores. So Wyatt, tomorrow you’ll report to a suspension at the high school and take their place. As for you two, report to me tomorrow morning. And from now on, none of your are allowed to wear clothes in this school for the rest of the year. And don’t even think about going to recess. I’ll be making arrangements for regular detentions for the three of you. For now, get back to class.”

The three children, now with thoroughly ravaged assholes, left the principal’s office in shame. None spoke as they walked naked down the empty hall. The cum on the back of Wyatt and Ryan’s legs was mostly dry, but Charlie could still feel the wet substance seeping out of her with every step.

Wyatt’s classroom was near the office and he gave a dispassionate wave as he walked towards the door. Before Charlie and Ryan made it all the way to their classroom, they were stopped by a slightly older boy. He was leaning against the wall as if he had been waiting for them.

“Enjoying your afternoon?” Trevor asked slyly.

“Trevor!” Charlie said as they stopped in their tracks. “You ratted is out!?”

“Of course I did,” he admitted. “How else was I supposed to earn my respect back? All my friends think I’m a stupid weakling now and it’s all because of you. You turned them all against me just because you’re a stupid little girl that had to play soccer.”

“So, that doesn’t mean you had to go tattle on us!” Charlie was fuming. “I beat you up once and I can do it again. And this time, I wil break your nose.” Her usual attitude returned and she seemed to forget about the fact she was completely naked.

“Charlie, don’t,” Ryan warned. “We’ll get him back, but not here. We’re already in enough trouble.”

Trever continued trying to egg her on, “You barely even got in trouble after we fought. I had to go around naked for a week! But now a whole lot worse is going to happen to you.”

Ryan was barely able to hold Charlie off by this point, but they were all interrupted by a voice from the other end of the hall, “What’s going on here?” The two friends spun around to see the school janitor.

“Shouldn’t you two be trying to avoid getting into fights right now?” He looked down at them. They both knew what he wanted. He was notorious for finding kids roaming the halls who were not allowed to wear clothes and taking full advantage of them.

“Why don’t you get back to class before I call the office and let them know I’ve found someone else trying to cut class,” the janitor spoke to Trevor in a serious tone. Not eager to get himself in trouble, he started down the hall towards the fifth grade classroom.

The janitor may have saved them from Trevor, but his services weren’t free. They suddenly saw him pull out his cock and he instructed them to trade off as they sucked him. The end result sprayed out over both of their faces. Without any way to clean up after, the two children returned to class with their facials on full display.

Chapter 9