Universal Acceptance/Ask her why it would be a bad thing

From All The Fallen Stories
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“Why would it be a bad thing?” you ask your mother.

“That’s because sex is how you make babies,” she says. “When your semen goes inside a girl’s vagina, it makes her get pregnant and she has a baby.”

“REALLY!?” You respond, shocked and amazed at what you just heard. “But I thought you said...” you stop what you were saying mid sentence. You realize the crazy stories you were told before about how babies were made were completely false. For one thing, people say multiple different stories, from the stork to swallowing a watermelon seed. You have suspected these things were false for a long time, but you didn’t really say anything to find out the truth because it never really seemed important. “Are you telling the truth?” You ask her. Now that you realize you have been lied to before about how babies are made, you also realize she could be lying to you again.

“Yeah,” she says, “that’s how babies are made.”

“How?” you ask.

“Well, when the semen goes inside a girl, your semen has these little things called sperm cells, they are like little tad-poles.”

“There are tad-poles in the semen?” You ask, somewhat incredulously. Your mom gives a nod, and you begin to get worried and grossed out. You quickly yank your pants and underwear down and look at the sticky mess in your pants looking for the tadpoles flopping around.

“Jerry,” your mom says, “pull your pants back up.”

“But you just said!” You protest.

Your mom sighs and looks at you. “Ok, I spoke wrong,” she says. “They’re not tad-poles, but they look a lot like them if you put them under a microscope. That’s how small they are, you can only see them if you put them under a microscope.”

She is saying really tiny tad-poles came out of your penis when you wet the bed? That sounds a little crazy.