The Last Horcrux/Investigate Pensieve/Memories of Sofia/Being Spanked by your Housemaster

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“First year girls are not allowed to wander the school grounds at night! No students are!” Your housemaster snaps at you both. You have never seen him so angry.

“We’re sorry Professor Slughorn,” you apologise between sobs, “we promise we won’t do it again…”

“That is what you said last time Miss Zambini,” Professor Slughorn snaps back at you, “and as for you Miss Black, you should know better, and set a good example for your friend, not lead her astray. It is unbecoming behaviour for young pureblood witches like yourselves.”

“We really are sorry,” Bellatrix Black replies, managing to keep her emotions under control better than you can, “We really mean it this time, we won’t go out wandering at night, please don’t expel us!”

Horace Slughorn’s eyebrows raise in surprise at Bella’s last statement.

“Expel you? Oh come on, no one’s talking about expelling you. Not at this stage at least. Although if you do continue down this line, it’s not out of the question that the Headmaster might reconsider…”

“We really won’t do it again!” You plead with him.

“Yes, well your fellow House students are quite angry with you, costing them so many points in punishments. You really don’t seem to care about letting the side down do you? No, your punishment must be more severe than a few House points.”

The Professor stands and starts to pace his office. Whenever he does this, a lecture is forthcoming. You breathe a sigh of relief that he is not going to have you expelled from Hogwarts, but fear whatever the more severe punishment may be.

“Back in my day, if a young witch, or wizard, stepped out of line too often, we had a certain way of dealing with them…”

You watch as he silently intones a spell under his breath, and his wand starts to grow until it is over three feet long. Whatever magic he has just used has transformed his wand into a long and swishy cane, that he is now brandishing.

“Six of the best, my Housemaster used to call it,” Slughorn continues, “Do you know how painful a cane is on your bare bottom girls? No? No, I don’t suppose you do, do you?”

Your housemaster then brings his cane crashing down onto a pile of books atop his desk, making both of you jump.

“Excruciating pain,” Professor Slughorn continues, “thick red welts, that slowly turn purple before your bottom heals up. So painful you can’t sit down properly for a week.”

You burst into tears again. Surely he wouldn’t cane you? Would he?

“So, which if you will be first?” Slughorn asks you, with a disconcerting grin on his face, “Will it be you Miss Zambini? Or you, Miss Black?”

You and Bellatrix look at each other desperately. Of all the mischief you’ve got up to and punishments you’ve endured, this is by far the worst.

“Come on now girls,” your Housemaster says, in an almost jovial voice, making it very clear how much he will enjoy this punishment, “I haven’t got all day. Which of you will be first.”

When neither you, nor Bellatrix are forthcoming, he continues.

“Oh very well. I suppose that the cane is something of an unusual punishment nowadays. You girls have no idea how common it was when I was a boy at Hogwarts though. I’ll give you a choice. Either way, you are going to be punished, but will it be six of the best with the cane? Or twenty spanks on your bare bottom by hand? The choice is yours girls, but choose quickly, or it will eb the cane after all.”

You swear that Professor Slughorn’s grin has grown even wider. Surely he can’t expect to get away with spanking you on your naked bottoms in front of each other, can he?

“I’ll take the spanking by hand please professor,” Bellatrix quickly blurts, no doubt eager to avoid the cane.

“Bella, no…” you start, but your friend is already walking over to your Housemaster, who looks almost jubilant at the prospect of delivering her punishment.

“It’s better this way Sofia,” Bella says, “Professor, it’s not really Sofia’s fault, it’s me that should be spanked, not her…”

“Nonsense,” Professor Slughorn interjects, “you both know the rules, you both know the punishments. This is the third offence for both of you. You will both be spanked, or caned of you so choose.”

“Yes sir,” Bella says, averting her eyes by staring at her feet.

“Now, be a good girl and bend over my lap,” your Housemaster tells her.

You watch in growing fear as your best friend bends over your Housemasters lap and he pulls up her skirt, revealing her white panties underneath.

“Now come on Miss Black,” Slughorn admonishes her, “this is a bare bottom spanking, pull down those knickers. I want them around your ankles so you can receive your punishment properly.”

You watch, hypnotised with fear as Bella slowly pulls down her white knickers, revealing her young behind to the Professor, who licks his lips and grins at you.

“So,” he says, making no pretence and staring directly at your friends bare bottom, “twenty spanks then.”

He lays his hand on her bare flesh, making Bella shudder slightly, then he begins to spank her.

He spanks her hard, bringing his hand down on her poor bottom and leaving a red imprint on her pale behind after each and every spank. She is silent at first, but starts to wince and gasp as the spanks continue. He starts off quickly, but as he continues and Bella cries out in pain more and more, he slows down, letting his hand linger on her bottom for longer and longer. By the end, he is stroking her bottom in between each spank, and lecturing her on her transgressions.

“Naughty girls get spanked,” he says, stroking Bella’s behind and cupping the reddened flesh of her cheeks with his hand, “that is my rule in this house from now on. Any more wandering the school grounds at night will lead to more spankings, do you understand?”

“Yes Professor,” Bellatrix cries out, desperately trying to stifle her sobs.

The the professor does something that really shocks you. He moves his right knee in between Bella’s thighs, opening her legs so that as well as her bottom being exposed to you, her bare pussy is visibly on display. You think to yourself that you should look away, but the sight of her like this is so enticing, that you look on, half hypnotised and half terrified.

“So I’ll just give you the last few spanks then…” the professor continues.

He delivers them, half onto her bottom, and half onto her bare pussy lips, making her cry out in pain and protest.

“There there,” Slughorn comforts Bellatrix, giving her bottom and pussy a gentle rub in pretence of friendliness, “it’s all over now.”

Slughorn pats your best friend on her pussy and lets her up from his lap. Despite her pains she leaps up and pulls her knickers on, fleeing to your side of the room.”

Your Housemaster, Professor Horace Slughorn, stands and stares down at you menacingly, not even bothering to disguise the look of lust in his eyes.

“Come along now Sofia,” he says, “It’s your turn to be punished. I’ll try to be… gentle…”

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