Summer Holiday/Spain Day 1/Lobby/Kids' Club

From All The Fallen Stories
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After a quick scan of the poolside and play areas it quickly becomes obvious where the Kids Club is meeting. you're not sure you fit the criteria for joining but hey, why not blend in and see what is on offer! It is fairly clear which kids have been here a while as two brightly clad young ladies appear and are instantly surrounded by a clamouring crowd. The newcomers stand off a little, maybe a bit nervous and a few younger ones are shooed back to the front by parents when they come over all shy.

There must be about thirty kids in total of all ages and you immediately notice a pair of girls, twins by the look of it, wearing only bikini briefs and flip flops. They are currently all over a good looking lad of around nineteen who has just emerged carrying a ghetto blaster and you are instantly envious. The two are ten, maybe eleven, blonde and utterly perfect. From the slight tan lines around their upper bodies I guess they have discarded the bikini tops earlier and their tiny little boobs are nicely on display. Next year they may well be too shy to go around like this but for now the kids club leader is getting a nice eyeful as they lean over each shoulder as he sets up the music. He even gives both girls a tight squeeze when he stands up before poking each in the tummy playfully and shooing them away.

As the music starts one of the leaders picks up a microphone and welcomes everyone. The games soon get going and although a couple of the youngsters are a bit still shy and end up in the laps of mummy or daddy, the majority are setting about having a great time. You see the blonde twins have picked up a new friend already, a girl of the same age with slightly darker blonde hair and a rather skimpy little bikini of her own. She is one of the new ones and from the way she carries herself I can see that she is a little self conscious of how much of her little body is on display. As I watch though the effect of her new pals seems to give her confidence, with any luck she'll be shedding that top soon!

Then all of a sudden people start moving around you, men to be precise! The girl running the show is calling all dads up to join in the fun and from being an anonymous face in the crowd you are suddenly all on your own...

Crap, run for the hills, dirty perv with no kid sat there eyeing up all the young talent? It's time to hit the bar...

Keep your nerve and see what happens...

Suddenly you are surprised by a familiar face