Brayden and the Bedwetter/Chapter 6

From All The Fallen Stories
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Chapter 6

After our bath, we took it easy for a while at our place. But Dagny had already made plans to meet up with one of our friends, so I drove her back to her apartment and we decided she would spend the next few nights with us. But for that night, it was just me and Skyler again.

It wasn’t quite dinner time when Skyler’s mother called to check in and talked to Skyler and me. Thank goodness Skyler didn’t say anything about what had happened with Dagny. I knew she was one to keep secrets, but I was still listening to the call like a hawk, making sure she didn’t accidentally blurt something out. She was just a little kid, after all.

“You’re a big girl for not telling your mom anything about what we did earlier,” I told Skyler when she hung up the phone.

“You told me not to,” she replied.

“I know, I knew you wouldn’t say anything,” I leaned closer and our foreheads touched. “I’m glad because I like doing stuff like that with you and it’s even more fun because Dagny does, too.” We were sitting on the sofa in the living room together as I spoke at her level.

“I like Daggy, too,” it was so adorable that she couldn’t quite say her name.

Feeling horny again, I kissed her and started feeling up her skirt. She leaned into me and kissed back. But I stopped myself when an idea came to me.

“You should go upstairs and get a pull-up on,” I instructed.

“But it’s not bedtime yet,” she put her hands on her hips.

“I know, but I like seeing you in one, so how about you just do it for fun?” I brushed against her arm.

“Okay,” she laughed a little and indulged my fantasy, running to her room to change. When she returned, she was still wearing her t-shirt, but had a pink and white pull-up on in place of her skirt and panties. I was instantly in love.

She plopped herself back down on the sofa again and I pulled her close to me. “You’re a cute kid” I said as I touched her thigh. “I like hugging and kissing you. And I really like squirting you with my jizz.” She laughed at my comment and I started kissing her again.

We made out on the sofa for a few minutes. I felt up her t-shirt and ended up pulling mine off to get comfortable. It was hot, but I wanted to savor the moment instead of cumming too soon, so I pulled away and suggested we play a game or something.

“Or, I know,” she said excitedly. “We could play house! You could be the daddy and I can be the mommy.”

I thought for a second, “What if I was the daddy and you are his daughter? But you have to do what I say.” I didn’t really know what I had in mind, but it sounded really hot.

“Okay,” she agreed and started to skip around the room as she pretended to make her daddy a pizza. I had no idea where that came from, but I just played along with it.

This went on for several minutes until I decided Skyler aught to take her t-shirt off for “daddy.” She walked up to me and I watched her start to pull it off. It’s so cute how little kids are so bad at changing their clothes…

The game of pretend continued with Skyler only wearing a pull-up. She ran and skipped around the room and I delighted in the view of her little body. “Daddy” made a few more requests, too. I asked to see her doing a bridge so her ribs would stick out. And I asked her to kiss me in several odd places and of course I returned the favor. She laughed when I lifted her arm and kissed her armpit.

“Hang on, I have to go pee,” Skyler said suddenly as she skipped toward the bathroom.

“Wait,” I stopped her. “You don’t need to use the toilet—just go in your pull-up.”

“Uh, that’s only for when I go to bed!” She laughed.

“I know, but—it doesn’t have to be,” I answered her. “Daddy wants to see you wet your pull-up.”

“Uh, okay—I guess,” she looked down at her pull-up and stood there for a moment. “It’s really hard when someone else is watching.” She laughed and stood there looking down for a moment longer. By her silence, I could tell she was doing it.

“Does it feel warm?”

“Yeah…” she replied. I could see it looking slightly bigger as she stood there in front of me.

“Okay, I did it,” she laughed. “It feels really hot!” She pushed against if lightly

“Come here,” I motioned. She crab walked closer and she continued looking down and pushed gently against the absorbent fabric. Once she was within arms reach, I grabbed her and began touching it. She squealed when I gave it a squeeze and caused some of her warm pee to drip down her leg.

“I think I should go change now,” she said, putting a finger in either side of her waistband.

“In a minute,” I spoke before putting arms around her and kissing her. My cock grew to full mast as I pulled her closer. Skyler was my little bedwetting queen.

She was caught of guard, but kissed me back while my hands explored her bare back and traveled back down to her wet pull-up.

“You’re so hot,” I said to the girl as I began to kiss her chest. I let go to pull down my pants and boxers and immediately pulled her back to me. My cock rubbed against the dry side of her wet pull-up, spreading precum across the front.

“Fuck yes,” I moaned, grinding against her. “I love your hot little body. You’re so fucking cute.” I felt up her chest and kissed her cheek before moving down her neck and then kissing her nipples.

“Can I go get changed now?” Skyler asked again impatiently. Instead of answering, I lifted her up and placed her on the sofa. Before going any further, I reached for my phone and snapped a photo of Skyler.

“I bet Dagny will think you look so cute in your wet pull-up!” I made sure to mention that I had made her wet it in the message. There was no way I was waiting for a reply, though. I was way too busy with Skyler for that.

I rubbed my against her pull-up and closed the girl’s legs around my cock. I started moving in and out of her legs. It felt so good fucking her legs like a vagina, but I knew it would feel better if I finally took off her wet pull-up.

“Alright, Sky,” I looked at her. “I’ll take it off.”

“Finally!” She lifted her hips so I could easily slip her pull-up off of her hips. Her legs were still up in the air in front of me. So I lifted it all the way up and off of her feet, tossing the soiled pull-up to the ground before continuing.

Without the disposable garment in the way, my cock rested on Skyler’s pussy and as I sat at the base of her legs, it extended up to her stomach. My cock looked massive by comparison to the small child. She looked down, seeing the tip pointed up at her.

I pulled her legs closed again and continued with what I had just discovered was the best way to fuck a little kid without having to force your way inside. I knew I was probably too big for that. With each thrust between her little legs, I felt her juices from her cunt smearing over my cock and no doubt mixing with my precum. Meanwhile, Skyler had turned it into a little game, laughing and saying “peekaboo” when my cock reappeared.

The sensation was outstanding and I was soon ready to cum. I began to fuck Skyler’s legs harder and started shaking the couch as I neared the end. Finally, and with some force, jizz started spraying out.

“Ahh. eeeh. uughk.” Skyler made a series of noises as my cum shot out at her face. I looked down at her struggling to escape the rapid fire of semen, but I was too far gone to care. It continued to shoot out over her chest and eventually stopped as my orgasm subsided.

“Sorry, Skyler,” I laughed as I looked down. “Are you okay?” She looked like quite the mess. There was cum all over her face and in her hair.

She spit some out of her mouth, “That tastes nasty!” Skyler made a disgusted face.

“Oh, Dagny swallows it,” I replied.

“Huh? That’s gross!” Skyler looked shocked.

“Well anyways, I didn’t mean for you to get it all over you,” I said, though I was glad I did because it looked cute as hell. “Let me go find you a towel or something.” Walking over to the linen closet, I grabbed a fresh towel and brought it over to where my bedwetting cum-queen was laying.

“Let’s order Chinese for dinner,” I said as I cleaned Skyler up.

“Okay, I want teriyaki chicken!” She agreed. “But can I have some juice, too. I have a funny taste in my mouth.”

“Of course, I’ll go get you some,” I leaned down and kissed her forehead. She was mostly free of my cum by then. Though I had a little trouble getting some out of her hair. But that just meant that another bath was in order before bed.

Chapter 7