Charlie’s Punishment/Chapter 15

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Chapter 16

Charlie quickly shut her eyes as a hairy ballsack made its way across her face, rubbing up from her chin to her forehead and making its way back down. The high schooler whacked her face with his cock, too, laughing as precum stuck to her eyebrow. Several other high school football players laughed and cheered along as they observed the scene.

She’d been sent to entertain the football team. And so far, her effort was a success. Reluctant as it may have been. The coach had specifically asked for a younger female student from the elementary school to help them celebrate their big win. And Principal Richter knew that Charlie would be perfect for the occasion.

So there she was, laying on the locker room bench and serving as the center of attention for a group of rowdy teenage athletes. The bench had no back, of course, making it all too easy to put her arms behind her and handcuff them together. And all her efforts to resist had been completely worthless. Charlie may have been tough, but she was no match for a group of high school boys. There would be no escaping for her; not until the entire football team was fully satisfied.

Having a line of 30 hungry cocks salivating over her was not Charlie’s idea of a nice time. And she wasn’t accustomed to not having any control. With her arms handcuffed behind the bench, there was nowhere for her to go and very little she could do to improve her situation. Indeed, she would just have to wait it out.

She felt a cock rubbing against her feet, though she couldn’t see through the teen jerking himself off in front of her face. Another phantom cock began to spread precum over her knee.

“Ah, lick my balls!” The teen in front of her placed them over her mouth again and she did as she was told, running her tongue through a forest of pubes.

“Hey, twenty bucks if you can blow your load up her nose,” Charlie heard a voice say.

“Deal,” Just then, the balls moved away from her mouth and the tip of the athletes cock was placed right at the base of her left nostril as he gave himself a few final strokes. She turned her head quickly, pulling herself away from the cock briefly. But the boy managed to move back to place his cock back in front of her nose just in time.

Charlie coughed as the first squirt of cum shot up her nostril. She turned her head back the other way, but the damage was already done. And this gave the boy a clean shot at her other nostril, too. A shot of cum landed across her forehead before he lined it up and filled her right nostril with yet another shot of cum.

By then, Charlie was too overwhelmed to try and turn away. She simply coughed more and tried to blow the cum out of her nose. With her mouth open, the teen took advantage of the chance to shoot the last servings of cum right into her mouth. She felt her eyes start to water as her frustration was amplified.

Charlie saw the teen swing his leg back over the bench and she was glad it was over. Only then could she see several more naked teens near the foot of the bench and she could feel the presence of several more behind her. Hearing the sea of voices and seeing several erect cocks around her the moment that her reality truly sunk in. She was their little fucktoy and there was nothing she could do about it.

The girl teared up and blew cum from her nose, though there was no way for her to wipe it off of her face. As it dribbled it’s way out her nose and over her lips, another student climbed on top of her. This one chose to fuck her cunt and wasted no time getting started, placing a hand on either nipple as he began to violate her twat. Just then, she felt cum splash across her foot.

As she looked down through teary eyes and watched her young pussy getting fucked, Charlie continued to work on getting cum from her nose. Her efforts were disrupted when out of the corner of her eye, she could see a football player unbuckling his belt. Sure enough, the boy’s cock poked her cheek and her head was forced to turn in his direction.

With eagerness, he drove himself into the girl’s mouth. As her cunt and face were being fucked, she was completely oblivious of the other high schoolers that had continued to gather around her, jerking their cocks over her body. The cock in her mouth pushed its way toward the back of her throat when a string of cum landed across her stomach. She felt someone else cumming on her feet and over her legs shortly after that, too.

She hadn’t even felt the teen in her cunt orgasm, but she assumed he had blown his load inside her when she felt him pull out and climb off the bench. Naturally, there was another eager to take his place.

Another football player was pleasuring himself near her face, though she couldn’t see him the whole time as she was preoccupied sucking cock. The girl was only made aware of his presence when his cum shot over her chin. He got quite a bit into her hair, too.

Not long after that, she tasted cum from the cock in her mouth. The onslaught of sperm caused her to gag and cough. Charlie’s cries continued as she gagged on the cock, still shooting cum toward the back of her mouth. She had always played with the boys, but this was never what she had in mind.

When he pulled out of her mouth, Charlie swallowed a healthy serving of cum and looked up just as another boy came across her chest. Another football player that had been jerking himself off, stepped up to the side of the bench.

“Drink up, skank,” he grabbed Charlie by the top of her head and turned it toward the ceiling. She had no energy to resist and allowed him to push her jaw open, tasting his goo as it fell across her tongue. She did indeed drink it down, too much to the amusement of her horny audience.

After nearly two hours in the locker room, every member of the football team had cum at least once. And many had gifted Charlie with more than that. Indeed, the captain of the team had fucked every hole by the time he was done. Her stomach churned from thinking about all the cum she’d been forced to drink down.

While Charlie was normally a confident tomboy, always up for a fight, that day she was just a little girl. When it was over, she laid over the side of the locker room bench, tears mixing with the cum that decorated her face. Indeed, cum had decorated her entire body. It was caked in her hair, dripping from her pussy and ass, and spattered all across her flat chest.

When they had undone the handcuffs to bend her over the bench, she hadn’t even attempted to fight back as she normally might have. The girl simply had no other choice to accept her fate as football players lined up to fuck her ass.

“Hey!” She heard a man’s voice reverberating off the hard lockers as she lay naked on the hard concrete. Slowly, lifted her head and saw a man through her cum-soaked hair. She recognized him as the football coach. At first she thought he was going to fuck her, but she was unaware that he already had.

“Your parents are here to pick you up,” he said, walking closer. Charlie pushed herself up slowly, sore from all the action that had been forced on her young body. And the hard locker room bench hadn’t helped matters, either. Brushing hair from her face, she looked around the locker room for her clothes, but they were nowhere to be found.

“Where are my clothes?” She shivered, sounding much more like a young child than she usually did.

“Hell if I know,” the coach answered. “I’ll be sure to turn them in to lost and found if they turn up. Best not to keep your parents waiting, though.” Charlie’s used the locker room bench to push herself up, slipping for a moment on a pool of wet cum on the bench. She wiped her hand off on her leg and tried again, raising herself up to a standing position this time. The coach held his hand out to help her when she limped for a moment. Her first instinct was to grab it, but she ignored him and walked toward the door by herself.

She was grateful that school was out and there was nobody to see her disheveled state. She could feel cum between her toes as she walked, drops of the stuff falling down her legs and more dripping from her hair, too. The sticky cum in her hair made it appear as though she hadn’t washed it in weeks.

“Where are your clothes?” Her mother asked when Charlie got in the car.

“I dunno,” she answered dispassionately.

“You really aught to take better care of your things, we buy you such nice clothes,” her mother scolded, not bothering to say anything about the copious amounts of cum she was wearing instead.

“We were supposed to run a few errands before we head home,” her father joined in. “But I think we aught to just take you home.”

“Honey, we won’t get there before the bank closes if we go home first,” Charlie’s mother complained.

“Well she clearly needs a shower,” her father looked in the rearview mirror. “We can just go tomorrow if we don’t make it. But we can’t just bring our daughter into the bank looking like that.”

“Why should we have to sacrifice just because our daughter can’t seem to take care of herself?” Charlie’s mother complained, completely missing the point of being a parent. Unconvinced, her father still insisted they go home and the couple continued to argue as the car went down the road.

At Ryan’s house that same evening, the pair of brothers took to a usual sport for a pair of siblings: wrestling. This was something they did on a regular basis, though this evening it would take a new and unexpected turn.

In their bedroom, things began as they normally would, with a pretend wrestling match in the middle of the room. Wyatt always held his own, but the disadvantage of being younger and smaller was always apparent.

They would take shots at each other until in the end, they both wound up on the floor. Due to his smaller stature, Wyatt would look for any possible advantage he could. One of his preferred moved was to make a pass toward Ryan’s feet and cause him to topple over. Of course, Ryan usually brought Wyatt down with him when this happened.

Like usual, when Wyatt saw his opening, he thrust himself forward, committing his whole body to taking Ryan out at the legs. He took him down as usual and when Wyatt tried to stand back up, Ryan had his leg and he fell back to the ground with him. This evening however, Ryan missed his brother’s foot and wound up grabbing his jeans instead. He fell down all the same, but his jeans began to fall down in the process.

“Hey!” Wyatt said when he noticed. Ryan decided to keep pulling at his jeans and by then, had managed to pull them around his knees. Wyatt’s attempt to stand and fight back only resulted in his tripping over himself. When he fell back to the ground this time, his brother wad able to pull his jeans clean off.

Determined to get his brother back, Wyatt allowed him to get close and went for his pants, too. Their game had suddenly taken on a different form.

While his younger brother went for his own jeans, Ryan decided to move on and take off Ryan’s shirt. However, it proved more difficult than he anticipated. Despite, pulling it up as hard as he could and stretching it out in the process, he couldn’t get it past the kid’s arms.

Ryan’s move left him very exposed, too, giving Wyatt easy access to pull off his own pants. Not only was Wyatt able to take then off with ease, he had stuck his thumbs into his briefs and yanked both down at the same time.

Caught off guard, Ryan tripped and fell backward, relieving him of both garments in the process. Wyatt had barely been able to keep his shirt and it nearly ripped in the process, but it was so proud of his win that he wouldn’t have cared either way.

Wyatt laughed at his brother’s state, quite pleased with himself. Ryan laughed a bit, too, finding the whole game rather amusing even though it was clear he was losing. It didn’t take long for him to retaliate, though. He got on his knees and made a quick pass toward Wyatt who dodged it at first. But Ryan leaned in, using his superior strength to take his brother down and this time, pull up his shirt before he had a chance to react.

Instead of going for Ryan’s shirt after losing his own, Wyatt immediately grabbed his brother’s cock. It wasn’t hard enough to inflict pain, mind you. But Wyatt held it tight enough just so Ryan couldn’t pull himself away.

The only thing Ryan could do in response was stick his own hand into his brother’s briefs. Laughing, Wyatt stepped back, doing his best to keep his brother out of his underwear while maintaining his grasp on the older boy’s cock. In the end however, Wyatt lost his grip along with his briefs.

“You know,” Ryan stopped, throwing his brother’s briefs to the floor. “We should do that thing that the Principal made us do the other day.”

“Like, where we were on top of each other?” Wyatt wanted to be sure


He looked down, “I guess so.” The younger boy shrugged. Ryan stripped his shirt off and got on the bed. Wyatt climbed in top of him and swung his leg around so that his cock was dangling in his older brother’s face.

Ryan began to flick the younger boy’s cock with his tongue, directing it into his mouth. Meanwhile, Wyatt dripped his head onto his brother’s.

Both boys had been taught well by the principal and knew what to do. Ryan’s mouth fully engulfed his younger’s brothers junk and Wyatt had done the same with him. They went on steadily, pleasuring each other on the bed. Soon, both of their legs started to twitch under the excitement.

Wyatt felt Ryan’s orgasm come first as his thighs unconsciously gripped his younger brother’s face. He soon relaxed, but continued sucking Wyatt’s cock. Just as Wyatt’s was about to come, himself, their was a knock at the door of their room.

The boys scrambled to cover themselves just in time as their mother opened the door. “Dinner will be ready in 10,” she informed, popping her head in. Wyatt was completely hidden under the sheets while Ryan was only visible from the neck up.

“Okay,” Ryan replied, trying his best not to look guilty under the bedsheet that covered them. Both boys relaxed as she walked back toward the kitchen, though she left the door cracked just slightly.

“Can we still finish?” Wyatt popped his head out.

“Hang on,” Ryan responded, hoping out of bed to close the door. Then he turned back and climbex underneath the bedsheet to find Wyatt’s cock once again with his mouth.

Chapter 16