Summer Holiday/Spain Day 9 Phoebe/Anal

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The way Susan acted makes you think that little Phoebe’s already familiar with an adult cock. Her kitty looks tiny and, much as you want to get your rocks off, you don’t really want to injure her. You hold JT down and slide him up and down her slit. She doesn't react, but when you start pushing, she slides away. “Sorry Phoebe,” you say. You read about people fucking little kids arses and you think that if her cunt is too tight, maybe the back entrance…

You pick up, give her a cuddle and tickle her a little bit to make her laugh. “What’s the best way to do it,” you think. You grab one of the pillows and arrange the toddler across it on her tummy, which pushes her cute little bum nicely up. She seems to think it’s a funny game and tries kicking her legs around and laughing. You pick up a jar of cream from the nightstand and smear some around and over her little pink starfish. When everything is nice and slippery you press the tip of your finger against her anus and push gently.

As you slide a creamy finger through her sphincter, she still seems to think it’s a good game and you can feel her squeezing and letting go. You get your finger in as far as the second knuckle without meeting any resistance, so you pull it out and try a second finger. You wouldn’t have been surprised if she’d objected to being stretched this much, but she still seems happy, although she has quietened down. John Thomas is straining at the leash, eager to get where your fingers are, so you get up with your knees on either side of Phoebe’s legs, carefully extract your fingers, and before her sphincter can close up again, you have the tip of your cock embedded in that tight baby hole.

Phoebe lets out a squeal, but she doesn’t seem to be too distressed. You hold still, feeling her squeezing and letting go, and then get a firm grip of her little body while you try to get some more cock inside. Your knowledge of anatomy is limited, but you do know that the intestines are coiled up and you wonder how far you can get in before you reach a bend. It seems… Quite a lot is the answer. Maybe your stiff cock straightening her guts out. You don’t really care. All you do care about is the intense feeling you’re getting from the pressure on John Thomas and, perhaps more importantly, the sight of your shaft penetrating that little baby’s bottom.

You pull back and start a gentle fucking motion. Phoebe’s moaning, but you neither know nor care whether it’s because she’s enjoying the feeling of having the best part of six inches of cock sliding in and out of her arse or because it’s hurting. If you hadn’t cum so recently, you would have already filled her guts with spunk, but you’re able to take full advantage and you are able to fuck her for several minutes before your balls begin to clench and you make that final thrust before you pump whatever spunk you’ve got left deep into her belly.