Charlie’s Punishment/Chapter 16

From All The Fallen Stories
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Chapter 16

Over the following weeks, much to Charlie’s dismay, she was sent back to the high school to face further onslaughts of horny teenagers. It was at least marginally better when Ryan was sent with her, though. At the very least, they shared the loads. Wyatt got the chance to return to the football team, too. It seems the celebration of their win hadn’t been the same without their little mascot to dump cum into.

The days were often rough, but the kids found ways to blow of steam. Charlie in particular was having a much easier time now that she could get rides to the skatepark from Ricco. And having regular sex with him didn’t bother her at all. At least Ricco actually seemed to like her for more than her body.

One Friday afternoon, there was a half-day at school and Ryan and Wyatt’s mom had made plans for the boys to spend a few hours at the arcade. She invited Charlie along and thus, the plans were set. While she had offered to pick Charlie up from school, Charlie had already made plans to get a ride from Ricco because he had a present for her. All three kids were back at the elementary school that day and were chatting as they left the principal’s office.

“I’ll meet you guys at the arcade in a bit,” Charlie said to Ryan. “I think Ricco might come, too.” The man had occasionally been tagging allong as a “baby sitter” of sorts whenever he gave Charlie and her friends a ride somewhere.

“Cool, my mom said you can stay over tonight if you want,” he infomed her as he realized he’d missed cleaning a bit of the principal’s cum from his chin.

“Okay, I’ll see you in a little while,” Charlie made her goodbye, seeing Ricco’s SUV pulling up to the curb. Ryan and Wyatt were still waiting for their mother to arrive.

“What’s this about you dweebs going to the arcade?” Ryan heard a familiar voice behind him.

“What do you want?” Ryan turned around to see Trevor standing there. His face had healed nicely from where Charlie had whacked him with her skateboard.

“Nothin’,” Trevor answered smuggly. “My big brother was going to take me there today, too. Maybe I’ll see you there…”

“Yeah sure, whatever,” Ryan was thankful that he saw his mother’s car pulling up so he had an excuse to cut the conversation short,

“That was weird,” Wyatt noted when they were out of ear-shot. “What if we see him at the arcade?”

“We’ll be fine,” Ryan asured him. “Besides, Ricco will probably be with us once Charlie gets there…”

“Hey, girl,” Ricco grabbed a handful of Charlie’s hair and kissed her cheek when she got in his SUV. “I’ve got something really nice for you, but we’ll have to swing by the shop. It got delivered while I was out.”

“What is it?” She asked.

“It’s a surprise, you’re gonna find out when we get there,” Ricco looked over at her. “I hired a guy to help me out at the shop, finally. So I can stay at the arcade today, if you want.”

“Cool!” Charlie replied as they drove down the road. It wasn’t long before they arrived at the shop. Charlie was eager to see what Ricco had bought her and once they walked inside the back door, Ricco opened up a large box that was waiting for them.

“It should have come in this shipment,” Ricco opened it and started digging though a handful of skateboard parts that were waiting to be placed out in the store. “Ah, here we go.” He found the box he was looking for.

“I noticed your trucks looked a little worn down, so I got you some new ones!” He handed her the box. “I also got you the sickest bearings that Bones makes, you’re board will roll super smooth with these suckers.”

“Woah, thanks!” Charlie was excited, especially for the new bearings.

“You can put them on your deck, or you can pick out a new on here and you can run across the street and try it out before we head to the arcade.”

“Yeah!” Charlie looked up at him wide-eyed.

“Cool, let’s go pick one,” Ricco said as he walked out of the back of the store. “This is Tim, by the way.” Ricco motion to the new guy behind the counter.

“Hey,” the man waved.

“This is Charlie, she’s my—girlfriend,” He said slowly. Such odd age differences were customery in their city, but it still wasn’t something that one usually said out in the open. If Tim disapproved, he certainly didn’t say anything. It was probably just as likely that he was jealous.

“I got the new Alien Workshop deck in,” Ricco suggested. “The design is pretty sick!”

“What about that one?” Charlie pointed up to a Black Label deck with their fire logo. It was hanging high on the wall.

“Sure, I can get it down,” Ricco went for the ladder and Charlie approved once she got a closer look at the board. Within ten minutes, Ricco had a fresh deck put together for her and they skated to the park across the street so Charlie could try it out. She did some ollies and landed a kickflip on the new deck. Ricco had brought a board of his own and the two skated together briefly before they realized they aught to get going to the arcade.

They skated back to Ricco’s shop and threw their boards in the back of his SUV before climbing in. Charlie liked that Ricco let her sit up front in the car. She was never allowed to when one of her parents was driving. And this particular day, he was in the mood to show Charlie something special that kids can do when they’re allowed to sit up front.

Before starting the car, Ricco leaned over and put a hand underneath Charlie’s t-shirt, “You’re a hot little slut.” He said, kissing her eagerly. She kissed him back and leaned into him.

“I want you to do something special for me on the way to the arcade,” Ricco continued groping at the eight year old’s chest. “Suck my cock while I’m driving.”

“Huh?” She pulled away.

“Yeah, just take my cock out and suck me off,” Ricco took his hand out of her shirt and turned the car on. The girl paused for a moment but then didn’t bother to buckle her seatbelt and instead leaned over the center console and put her head in Ricco’s lap. It wasn’t a very comfortable position, but Charlie had endured far worse. She was grateful that she hadn’t ben sent to the high school that day since her jaw would always hurt from sucking off high schooler’s cocks. That day had fortunately been easier at the elementary school. Without complaining, the girl began.

“That’s it,” Ricco massaged her head while Charlie fumbled with his zipper. Sticking her hand in the front of his baggy shorts, she fished her way into his boxers and grabbed a hold of his cock. Wriggling it out, Charlie began by putting her lips just over the tip, causing her much older boyfriend to moan with pleasure as he pulled out onto the street.

As he accelerated, Charlie felt the rumble of the SUV beneath her as she held his dick in her mouth. It felt a little disorienting not being able to see where they were going. And when the car would jerk, she had to be careful not to gag herself. The first time Ricco accelerated hard, his cock went to the back of her throat and she let out a slight whine. He didn’t say anything, but pat her on the shoulder in consolation. She started to get the hang of it as the drive went on, though, feeling when Ricco’s leg moved and preparing herself for when the car would come to a stop or start moving again.

Her mouth was still hard at work around Ricco’s cock when he pulled up to the mall. It wasn’t that far from his shop, so this wasn’t all that surprising. Plus, having to focus on the road meant that he was taking quite a bit longer to cum.

The man enjoyed the feeling of Charlie’s young mouth engulfing his cock while he pulled into a parking space. She continued moving her head up and down. Alas, after a few more swirls of her tongue, he was ready.

“Oh shit,” Ricco moaned as he shot cum into Charlie’s mouth. She swallowed and tried not to gag, continuing to suck him. He massaged the back of her head and she could feel his legs twitching in pleasure. Charlie took the brunt of his cum right into her mouth and swallowed quite a bit. A healthy serving still remained in her mouth when she was done, though and she knew just what she wanted to do with it.

Pushing herself out of Ricco’s lap, she kneeled in her seat but still leaned over the center console. Before he could react, Charlie leaned in and gave him a kiss right on the lips.

“Mmmught,” He mumbled, trying to pull away when Charlie shoved her cum-covered tongue into his mouth. The driver’s seat head-rest kept him from being able to resist, along with a strongly placed hand from Charlie.

“Muah!” Charlie completed her kiss and pulled away.

“Fucking nasty!” Ricco turned away and made a face.

“Oh please, it’s not that bad,” She laughed. “If I have to eat it you can, too. Just be glad you don’t have to suck off the entire high school football team.” Ricco was at least a little amused as he recovered from his first taste of jizz.

“Come on,” Charlie kissed him again on the lips, more gently this time. “Let’s go inside!”

Ryan and Wyatt enjoyed the arcade for a good while on their own, knowing that Charlie would be joining them eventually. Their mother had left plenty of money with them and the brothers were all too happy to spend it any way they could. Together, they traded off choosing games and were having a great time on their afternoon off school.

“I have to pee,” Wyatt said just as Ryan was finishing up his final lap of the racing game they were both playing. He’d crashed his car half-way through the course and couldn’t catch up in time to beat his younger brother. Wyatt had been quite ecstatic about winning—little brother’s usually are when they beat their older siblings. But now he had a more pressing concern that was growing as he waited for Ryan to finish.

“Okay, hang on,” Ryan replied. “I’m almost done.” He turned the wheel around a tight corner, smashing into the wall.

“Damn,” Ryan cussed as Wyatt started to do a dance. A minute later, Ryan had finally finished the race and the two went to the arcade’s bathroom. Just as Wyatt was about to step up to one of the two shorter urinals, the bathroom door opened behind them and one again, a voice could be heard from behind them.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t a couple of losers.” Ryan quickly spun around, already recognizing Trevor’s voice. “Have I introduced you to my brother, Torbin?” Trevor motioned to the taller kid behind him. Ryan was speechless. He and Wyatt could have maybe managed to hold there own against Trevor if they were lucky, but with his older brother there, they had no chance. Like his older brother, Wyatt was frozen in place and had forgotten all about his need to pee.

“Hey, I recognize this kid,” Torbin said, locking the deadbolt on the bathroom door before putting a hand on Ryan’s shoulder. “He sucked my cock yesterday when I was at the high school. Well, now you’re going to get a lot more than that!” The two older kids moved quickly. Trevor grabbed Wyatt by his shirt and twisted it so he couldn’t get away. Torbin on the other hand had grabbed Ryan’s shirt and yanked it off before shoving him into the handicap stall.

Ryan fell backwards, hitting the door of the stall as he fell inside. Torbin was close behind, picking the kid up by the waistband of his shorts. Ryan kicked and hollered, but nobody in the loud arcade could hear him. At the mercy of the older teenager, Ryan’s could only watch in dismay as his face came closer to the toilet. Ignoring the boy’s protests, Torbin pushed Ryan’s head into the toilet and flushed, letting his hair swirl around as it did.

“Ha, that’s payback for making me get stitches!” Trevor yelled, still holding Wyatt by his shirt collar. Torbin kept Ryan held down and flushed the toilet again. Then with one hand, he undid his pants.

Still bent over the toilet seat, Ryan felt Torbin pull off his pants and underwear and had a pretty good idea what was coming next. Sure enough, he felt an erection poking against his ass. While Ryan’s face and hair may have been wet, Torbin’s erection was not. Regardless, the high-schooler pushed it into the kid, eliciting a loud whine. With his hands grasping the boy’s hips, Torbin began grinding against him, thrusting his cock and and out of him.

Trevor watched with glee at the absolute best payback he could have possibly imagined. And it was about to get even sweeter for him. While he really didn’t have any issue with Ryan’s younger brother, Wyatt, he was simply guilty by association. The six year old had been stuck in the bully’s grasp and hadn’t bothered wasting energy trying to get away. But as his brother was whining from Torbin’s hard, repeated thrusts into his ass, Wyatt started to wriggle around in a panic.

“Hey, chill out, kid,” Trevor looked down and suddenly saw the source of Wyatt’s sudden alarm. A wet spot was growing at the front of his pants.

“Yo, the kid is pissing himself!” Trevor said, causing his brother to look back and see for himself while he continued to thrust his teenaged man-meat into the older boy. The team of bully’s couldn’t believe their luck. Had they not seen the two kids head into the bathroom, or waited just a moment longer, Wyatt would have already finished his business and they would have missed out on such a glorious moment—even if Charlie was the one they really wanted.

Ryan’s hair dripped as he felt torbin’s cock driving in and out of his ass. He was used to being fucked in the ass, but the older boy was going out of his way not to be gentle. Torbin caused him to wince several times as he picked up the pace. But he didn’t last long, keeping up a steady pace.

Torbin moaned, unleasing his cum into Ryan’s ass and pulling him in for a last few hard fucks.

“Alright, let’s get out before some staff member realizes the bathroom’s locked,” Torbin pulled his cock out of Ryan’s freshly fucked ass, leaving a trail of cum dripping down the back of his legs. Ryan was relieved when the two bullies left and took a moment to collect himself and clean up a bit before pulling up his pants. He found his shirt on the floor nearby, still laying where Torbin had tossed it.

“Mom is going to be mad and blame me for having an accident,”Wyatt was crying, standing there is wet clothes and understandably upset. Ryan didn’t really know what to say and simply led his brother out of the bathroom. As they walked back into the arcade, the boys had never been happier to see Charlie and Ricco walking up to join them.

‘What happened?” Charlie ran up, seeing that Ryan’s hair was a wet mess and Wyatt still visibly crying.

“Trevor,” Ryan paused before going on to explain what had transpired. Fortunately, Ricco was happy to help out, buying Wyatt some fresh clothes and treating the crew to some ice cream to help them unwind. Still, they were all understandably shaken and knew this meant only one thing. For them—it was war.

Chapter 17