Smooth Operator/Gabby's Party/Pull off her dress/Aroused by the site of Gabby

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Jordan couldn't deny it, seeing Gabby presenting herself stirred a fire in him and apparently in his loins as well, his cock began to stiffen up again and with in seconds he was at full mast ready to tackle the task at hand.

Gabby giggled, feeling excited at the sight of his peepee becoming hard again, knowing that Jordan was most going to put it inside her vagina. She moved her paws down so that she could grab her labia and spread them apart so that Jordan could better see inside.

His eyes were glued to her now exposed entrance, seeing an actual girls vagina right before his eyes made his heart race, though he had seen pictures and videos of other girls vaginas, having one right here in front of him was an entirely new experience. Leaning in Jordan wanted a closer look and noticed a few things that were different from ones heed seen, Gabby's was a much lighter pink color and her vaginal opening looked a lot smaller, "Gabby, are you sure about this? I might not be able to fit inside".

"No, It will! I know it will!" Gabby shouted frantically, she became a little embarrassed as her ears became bright red, she looked up into Jordan's eyes "Please Jordan".

Jordan was a little taken aback but he gave her his warmest smile and nodded, without anymore hesitation he moved up closer to the side of the bed, grabbed his shaft and lining himself up with her entrance, pressing his tip up against her warm and surprisingly wet flesh "Okay, I'm putting it in".

Gabby smiled wide "Okay, I'm ready" her tail flicking back and forth both in excitement and anticipation. Then she felt her nethers give way as the sensation of a foreign object was slowly pushed threw her small opening.

He struggled a bit to get his tip in before he was able to slide in, he was greeted by the warm embrace of vaginal walls around his head and a squeezing that felt as if trying to push him back out "Gabby are you okay?" he asked concerned.

She definitely felt a small bit of discomfort but she nodded "Yeah I'm okay, I want to keep going".

Jordan could tell she was putting on a brave face but she wasn't going to let a little pain stop her, he nodded in response and pulled his hips back a little then thrust forward giving him further entry, he had been able to squeeze roughly half of his length inside her tight tunnel before he felt a resistance pressing against the tip of his shaft, his ears perked as he realized that he must have reached the entrance to her womb. He was a little disappointed he wouldn't be able to fit his entire length inside her but what he could fit inside still felt amazing and he wanted to feel even more pleasure, pulling his hips back and thrusting in slowly with a bit of trouble, he tried his best to get into a rhythm.

Gabby couldn't hold her legs up any longer as they fell the only thing keeping her legs spread apart was Jordan's waist, her paws now free she placed them over her pelvic area as she felt contours of his penis thrusting in and out of her pussy, she let out soft moans as she started feeling more pleasure than pain now. Looking up at Jordan and smiling "I can feel you inside me down there" she said giggling.

Jordan felt his face grow warm as her words excited him, he became a little bolder speeding up his thrusting, sliding himself in and out of her tunnel more easily, it seemed she was getting just as excited as her passage was becoming quite slick with her own juices. He was starting to reach his peak once again as the all the sensations of having sex for the first time started to overwhelm his senses, he would try his best to hold back his climax but the way her inner muscles started squeeze down around his phallus inside her already tight tunnel would prove to be a difficult challenge. Thrusting with new vigor and determination to keep this feeling going for as long as possible he started pounding into her but not being to go any deeper inside her pussy his tip just continuously smashed into her cervix which drew lengthy moans and mewls from Gabby, Jordan's ears perked up "Gabby? Are you okay, that didn't hurt did it?".

Gabby shook her head quickly "No it didn't hurt, it felt like you are hitting my tummy and it feels really, really good" she said looking at Jordan in an almost dreamy trance, she was lightly purring "keep going, keep going".

Needing no other encouragement than that Jordan got right back to savagely pummeling her deepest reaches as he heard more mewls of passion to slip from her lips, he was starting to recognize what would give her pleasure and what would cause her pain. Now on the edge of reaching climax he starts frantically thrusting into her finding it almost impossible to fight the urge to cum now "Gabby, I'm going to cum, can't hold it in anymore".

Mewling excitedly "Yes! I'm ready for lots of Babies!" she said, practically shouting the word babies, her short legs attempting to wrap around the older boys waist and pull Jordan deeper inside but it just ended up more of a gentle hug with her legs.

Unable to hold back any longer Jordan gave her a few more pumps before plunging into her depths one last time pushing as far as he could inside getting his tip pressed up tight against her small cervical opening before he felt all his muscle begin to tense up, creating a tight seal just in the nick of time as his ejaculation erupted out of him, his second climax for that day but for the first time being able to release it inside a girl. Grunting loudly in a state of euphoria he attempted to push deeper inside her while still in the midst of his climax only getting the opening of her cervix to budge open just enough to let the next thick torrent of seed threw, splashing against the walls of her small womb and filling her baby chamber quickly.

Gabby moaned and mewled more frantically, a pleasant warmth was felt as though it was spreading throughout her belly as she started to feel a tingly, ticklish feeling in her privates, that sensation was growing and building up inside becoming more intense the more Jordan thrust and released his semen until finally something gave way inside her. She let out an audible gasp, her eyes shot open wide looking at Jordan, her body started shaking violently all over as she experienced her very first orgasm.

The door starts to creek open...

The door suddenly swings open...

(WIP: This page is still a little messy, just wanted to get it up before closing my browser.)