Short Stories by Hope/Two Mothers/Chapter 3

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"Mine's bigger n' yours," Adam said. "Only just," his friend, Mike, replied, pulling the leg of his shorts down. "Can we go to your house and see what your mum's doing?" The two six-year-old schoolboys knew that Adam’s Mum, Vicky, sometimes did rude stuff on video and they were very curious about it. Adam had his own key and they both crept in quietly. They were somewhat disappointed to see Vicky fast asleep on the couch. She was stretched out on the couch with her feet up on the arm and her skirt had ridden up to expose most of her tanned, brown thighs. There was a half-empty bottle of gin on the table with a glass beside it.

Mike went over and sniffed the glass. “Eww! I don’t know how she can drink this stuff,” he said.

Adam took it off him, sniffed and took a sip. “I don’t know. It’s not that bad,” he said and shuddered slightly as the alcohol went down his throat.

Mike stood beside the couch looking down at Vicky. “She’s not bad looking, your mum, is she.” He reached down and pushed her skirt up a little to reveal more of Vicky’s thighs.

“Hey! That’s my mum,” Adam said. He came over and stood beside his friend. Vicky was breathing through her mouth and snoring slightly. “Have you ever seen a pussy,” he asked and pushed his mother’s skirt further up to reveal her panties.

Mike shook his head. “I dare you,” he said, with a grin.

Adam pushed her skirt even further up and then hooked a finger in the gusset of her panties and pulled them to one side to reveal her shaved pussy. Mike moved around to get a better view. “Can I touch it,” he asked. At a nod from his friend, he reached out and stroked a finger down between the lips of Vicky’s pussy. “Wow!” was all he could say.

Getting a pair of panties off a woman who isn’t cooperating isn’t easy, as the boys discovered. At first, they were very gentle, afraid of waking her up. Then they got bolder and found I could roll her, first one way then the other and then back again, until they finally got them free, pulled them right down and over her feet. While they were manoeuvring one of her feet came off the arm of the chair and this enabled them to spread her legs apart. In spite of the manhandling, or, more accurately, boyhandling, Vicky showed no sign of waking up.

The boys examined the first real pussy they’d ever seen. They’d seen pictures of course, and they knew that between the lips which were now spread apart, they should be able to find her clitoris, urethra and vagina. Vicky’s clit was fairly prominent and, even though she was only semiconscious, she reacted when Adam touched it and when he pushed an exploratory finger into her vagina he found it was quite slippery.

“What are we going to do now,” Mike asked.

Chapter 4