Barefoot Beauties/Chapter Two

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Barefoot Beauties

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Chapter Two

My dog, Buddy, yeah, I know, who would name their dog Buddy? He would always find, pounce and then lick me into submission when it came time for his afternoon walk around the neighbourhood. Sadly, Buddy is now chasing rabbits in heaven since he passed last year. I really miss the old boy, but to this day I still take our traditional jaunt. It’s good for me and the only exercise I get anymore.

We used to weave in and out of several adjacent lanes and managed to cover most of the estate during our venture. It had been several days since my foray with the girls at the cafe and I longed to see them again. The two little urchins carved a place in my heart and caused it to race every time I thought of them. Unfortunately, I believed it to be a chance encounter and since we didn’t exchange contact information, I had no idea how to reach them. This afternoon, quite suddenly, that was about to change.

“Dick, Dick, Dick… stop, it’s us,” I heard immediately before two small bodies collided with me so hard I almost lost my footing.

Imagine my surprise when I saw that it was Millie and Sandy in their little play dresses and lovely bare feet as usual. I was so happy I wrapped my arms around them in a tight embrace and was so happy my vision blurred as my eyes teared up.

“Oh, my, it’s you two,” I exclaimed, hugging and kissing them, “I didn’t believe I would ever see you again.”

Millie wrapped her arms around me, pressed her cheek to my chest and told me, “I missed you big bunches.”

Sandy did the same and said, “We spotted you walking and had to come out and see you.”

“I’m glad you did. I take it you live close by?”

The entire estate was given to semi-detached houses with large back gardens, a very big park, wood and stream on one end, which was closest to town, and a school on the other. Next to the school was a large common with a pull-in straight off the new dual carriageway. Sandy pointed to a two-storey stone tudor with a driveway and back garage. Very similar to my own home.

“It looks like we are neighbours. I live three lanes over.”

Both of them jumped up and down while they begged, “Show us your house.”

“I’ll walk you over if it’s alright with your mum. We need her permission.”

“Dick, Dick,” came the cries from the front step of the girl’s house, where Claire waved to me as she walked towards us.

I waved back, met up with her half way and we exchanged pleasantries. “Howdo, Claire? I was out for my afternoon stroll when your girls spotted me.”

“I’m not doing so bad. You must live nearby?”

“That I do, just three lanes over and the little ladies want me to show them my house. I told them we needed to check with you first.”

“I’ll walk you over. I believe I would like to know you better. You never know, I may need your help with the girls some time.”

I wondered what exactly she meant by ‘help’. So, I handed her my card and said, “Here’s contact information with my address.”

“I’m impressed, Dick. It says you’re a ‘Statistical Analyst’. I have no idea what that is.”

“It’s a fancy word for a number cruncher. I takes stacks of them, analyze trends, and then present them in human readable/understandable reports. It’s very dull work but it pays well and I’m quite good at it. Plus, it’s not steady and I have plenty of free time.”

As soon as I opened the door, the girls spotted my office straight away and went flying towards it. I thought it would be polite to offer refreshments, so, I asked Claire, “Fancy some coffee or tea? There’s plenty of fizzy drinks for the girls.”

“Mum, you’re not going to believe this. Dick has three computers, quick, come see.”

“Don’t touch a thing,” she shouted. Then she looked around the office and asked, “I can see one computer, but why three?”

“Each one has a devoted remote connection to a different proprietary database. It’s a question of client security. The computers are on different networks and can’t talk to each other.”

“Oh… I have no idea how it all works, but I’m even more impressed.”

They had a seat in the lounge while I put on a beaker of coffee and poured colas for the girls. We sipped our drinks while we chatted and got to know one another better. I really enjoyed their company and it filled a void in my life I never knew existed until I met them.

“Come on you two,” she instructed the girls, “We need to get out of Dick’s hair and get back so I can do tea. I’m sure he has plans for supper.”

“But, mum, can’t we stay a bit longer? We’ll be home before tea.”

“I don’t believe we should impose on him in that manner.”

I suggested, without sounding too enthusiastic, “They won’t be the slightest bother. I’ll have them home whenever you say.”

I stood at the window with my arm around the girls while we watched their mum walk away until she was out of sight. Then the girls grabbed me, dragged me to my bedroom before they pounced on me like a pair of wild tigers. Somehow, I believed that would happen. Of course, I enjoyed every second of it and had no intention of fighting them off. Needless to say, I was so stiff my cock got caught up my pants when they tried to tear them off and had to help them free the old boy.

“I didn’t say that you could undress me,” I jokingly informed them.

“Ahhh, Dick, don’t you want us to play with you?” Sandy asked with mock sadness in her voice, but it was clear that she knew I was yanking her chain.

However, completely undeterred, her sister ignored me and went straight for the dick. She wrapped her lovely little hands around me and I was in heaven.

“Aren’t you glad we wanted to stay with you?” Sandy whispered in my ear.

I tried to repress a groan as I haltingly told the girl, “Very… very... much. I’m so happy you wanted to stay.”

“How much did you miss us? We missed you and it made us sad when we thought we would never see you again.”

“You have no idea how much I missed you. I go hard just thinking about our time together and have to pull on myself.”

“Did you do it every day?” She wanted to know.

“Oh, yes, even twice a day,” I informed her.

“Good,” Sandy told me as she leaned down, gripped me just below the bell end and licked a clear drop of fluid from the little eye.

Her tongue felt like it was connected to the electric mains and that move almost earned her a face full of gooey sperm. However, it did leave my balls churning in their bag with the sperm seeking a quick exit. I tossed my head back and bellowed when she sucked the head into her steaming hot little mouth and felt my balls draw up and tighten.

“I’m… oh, Sandy, I’m… it’s… it’s… ahhh,” I tried to warn the girl.

But, she paid me no mind and sucked while she siphoned the sperm from my balls, straight down her neck and into her tummy. I was paralyzed by the intensity of an orgasm that melted my inners to feed my hungry little bird. She would have chirped had her mouth not been filled with cock, but it was evident that she relished every swallow she took.

After she pulled her mouth away, the only evidence that remained was a little dribble at the corner of her mouth. When Millie saw her lick it up she screeched, “You didn’t leave any for me.”

“Don’t fret love, there’s plenty more if you want it,” and shook my cock at her.

It had been ages since I’ve been this excited and my libido was through the roof. My throbber was undiminished and I certainly wouldn’t mind another round.

“Oh, you’re still big,” Millie observed, “And I like it.”

“It’s because the both of you are so sexy. Go ahead and have a suck, and then I want a taste of your little goodies.”

“Mine are better than little Miss Moo’s,” Sandy informed me.

“If you don’t mind, I’ll have a taste of you both so I can arrive at my own conclusion,” gave her a wink and blew her a kiss.

“You halfta taste me first since my piggy sister sucked you first,” Millie informed me before she tucked me down her neck.

“Holy Mother,” I groaned and laid back while the seven year old devoured me with that incredible mouth of hers.

The girl knew how to suck and it was so intense my brain melted down and the only thing I could concentrate on was what her mouth did to my cock. If possible, I believed she was even better, a lot better, than her sister and thought it amazing that she could stuff me down her throat. At first I figured I would be able to last for awhile after the load her sister just sucked out of me, but now I wasn’t so sure. In fact, after she planted her nose in my pubic hair, my balls bid arrivederci to their creamy contents.

The first squirt went straight into her tummy and when she realized that I was coming, she pulled back and the rest spurted across her wildly flaying tongue. I almost came again when she smacked her lips, swallowed and her face melted in orgasm. It was incredible to watch the girl come when she swallowed my sperm. Surely, my cock would have deflated after two intense orgasms but the man refused to go down.

Now my tummy grumbled, I was hungry for pussy, really hungry and decided to lick those two within an inch of their life. It had been a long time since I had bald young pussy in my mouth, but that wasn’t all I wanted to do. I wouldn’t be happy until I bathed them with my tongue and tasted every inch of flesh I could find, starting with their feet. However, there was an inch or so of grime on their soles that needed to be removed before I started.

“I want both of you to know that nobody has ever sucked me as good as you have. Now, it’s your turn,” and I brought in a pot filled with warm water and flannels to wash Millie’s delicate little feet.

The water and scrub removed a lot of the ticklishness she would normally experience for what I had planned and I intended to have her begging for an orgasm by the time I reached her pussy. First, I dried them by sucking and licking the water off, which made her giggle at first but she really got into the toe sucking and her legs shook by the time I lapped her soles and tenderly chewed the arch.

Then, I nibbled my way up over her Achilles tendon and slowly but tenderly gnawed my way up the back of each calve in turn and was pleased by the way her legs shook and the muscles rippled beneath the surface. Another hot spot that would make her pussy tingle was the back of her knees. I gently massaged and licked each one until she purred like a moggy and squirmed, but I kept the heat up until she groaned as I nibbled my way up the inside of each thigh.

They were so sensitive her legs jumped and smacked my face, but as hard as she tried, I wouldn’t allow her to close them. Then, I rolled her on her tummy and went after the crease where her thighs joined her fat bum cheeks. It was so sensitive she squirmed and ground her mons into the cushion and from there, I parted her bum cheeks and nibbled inside the crack and around her wrinkled brownie while I carefully avoided it. While I watched the juice gush from her tiny pink opening, I decided to administer the final blow to her senses that would rock her world.

I rolled her on her back and while she held her knees to her chest, I nibbled down each thigh and over the crease that led to each fat little pussy lip. Her little sighs and chirps were musical accompaniment to ragged little gasps for breath. During my next foray over her sensitive little lips, she snapped her thighs shut and hunched her cunny against my trapped mouth in desperation.

Then I took mercy on her and ran my tongue through her wet furrow and lashed her tender clit with my stiffened tongue. Her squeals only increased in intensity while I flayed the stiff little nubbin, then her orgasm crashed down on her when I pierced her little arse hole and drilled my finger into her rectum. Her body shook as if she was being electrocuted, but suddenly stopped when she went out for the count.

“Wow, what did you do to her?” Sandy inquired.

“The same thing I’m going to do to you,” I told her as I pulled her squealing body to mine and tenderly tortured my next victim until she was reduced to quivering mass of tender flesh.

End Chapter Two

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