Barefoot Beauties/Chapter One

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Barefoot Beauties

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Chapter One

Lunch on Saturdays, especially during the summer months, consisted of one Imperial pint of the local ale, a roasted beef sandwich, with pickles of course, and a tall mound of chips, which were the finest in my town. The venue was the quaint, vine covered courtyard of Bixby’s Cafe right off the town square with the greatest baker’s in the county adjoining them through a dining room entrance. They were usually packed out just because they are so good, but on this Saturday, there were plenty of free tables.

After I placed my order, two gorgeous, if I say so myself, young beauties took the table directly across from me, which I appreciated immensely. There’s nothing I love more than dining with such a fine tableau. One of the first things I noticed about them, beside their little, frilly little pink dresses, was their apparent lack of footwear. I don’t have a fetish for feet, but for some reason, I find little girl’s bare feet attractive. They’re especially attractive when mixed with long, bare legs and… and… and… bare thighs. A little tight knicker gusset on prominent display always completes and tends to enhance the overall picture.

These two were unaccompanied in the courtyard, because their parents dined inside and let them take a table where they could keep an eye on them. Of course, I also wanted to keep an eye on them.

“Hey, mister, you eatin’ by youself?” Queried the younger of the two little minxes.

I would say she was maybe seven, fifty pounds sodden wet, every inch of four foot and cute as a little kitten. Her hair was a mousy blonde with tiny golden threads woven through it and sparkling blue eyes that told you, “I do what I like, when I like.” My kind of girl; the very definition of naughtiness. Her sister appeared about nine with the same hair and eyes but was much more quiet and reserved, at least until you made friends with her or she with you.

“Yes, love, I’m afraid I have no one to dine with.”

“I’ll sit with you if you want,” she informed me.

“I would absolutely love it if you did, but what would your mum think since I’m a strange man.”

“Hah, hah, you’re not strange. I’m Millie, what’s yours?”

“My friends call me Dick, but my real name is Richard.”

“I can’t say dick, oops, that’s a bad word… oops, I didn’t mean to. Mum said to say willy. Why would someone name you after a willy?”

“Don’t talk like that,” Millie’s sister scolded and gave her the stink eye.

“Dick is short for my real name which is Richard. Maybe you should call me Richard instead?”

“Can we still be friends if I call you Richard?”

“Of course we can, love. I would be privileged to have you for my friend.”

Since we were friends now, she jumped up and sat in the chair next to me with her legs spread immodestly wide. I swallowed hard because of the amount of tender pink thigh and taut knicker gusset I was treated too. That was something I believe she did deliberately to study my reaction. When I finally tore my eyes away, I was treated to a smile and a naughty twinkle in her eye that said, “I know what you were looking at.”

“Sorry, love, I shouldn’t have stared,” I apologized for my indiscretion.

My eyes once more became riveted to her tiny gusset when she dropped a hand between her legs and scratched it. My throat was so dry I couldn’t swallow and I released a groan, which she heard. When I looked up, she still had that ‘devil may care’ smile on her face and her eyes blazed a fiery blue. I’m afraid things became a bit tight inside my pants after that.

We were interrupted when a member of the waiting staff served my beer and fizzy drinks for the lovely young ladies. My companion sipped on her straw and her eyes continually darted to my crotch as if she expected something to pop out at her.

The eldest felt neglected and brought her drink over to our table, pulled up a chair and sat next to her sister. I offered her my hand, which she took, and introduced myself, “Hiya, love, just call me Richard. What shall I call such a beautiful young lady as yourself?”

She spluttered, sprayed some of the drink in her mouth and informed me, “Sandy, can I call you Dick? I really like Dick.”

“I’ll bet you do… oh, oh,” escaped from my lips before I caught myself, and then apologized, “Forgive me, I didn’t mean to say that.”

Both of them tittered and Sandy reiterated, “I do like Dick better, because it sounds much nicer than Richard.”

“You can call me whatever you like,” I told her.

Meanwhile, little Millie became more brazen by budging down in her chair and wrapping her legs over the arms. My collar got very tight after that and I had to loosen it while I worried that the growing tent in my trousers might get out of control.

“Is it hard?” Sandy asked her sister, which immediately got her sister’s attention and forced her to render an observation, which she whispered, “It looks like it to me.”

In all of my years, I’ve never met girls that were as openly sexy and verbal as these two. They were teasing me with a goal in mind and knew exactly what to do.

“You girls are just too sexy for me.”

“Ya think so?” They both chimed in unison, and then giggled.

“You’re way too sexy, both of you and shouldn’t do this to me. I might not be able to control myself if you keep it up.”

“Whatcha gonna do?” Millie asked, and then Sandy added, “Yeah, whatcha going...” but she was interrupted when our lunch was served.

I had just taken a bite of my sandwich when the girl’s mum came over and asked, “Are my little moos being pests? I don’t want them disturbin’ your dinner.”

Then, I swallowed, or rather gulped, telling her, “Not to worry. They are perfect little ladies.”

“Not these two,” she winked at me, “If they’re a bother, a firm smack on the bum will straighten ‘em up,” and then she calmly strolled back inside to a jeering, “But, mum!” And she turned back and answered, “I meant it.”

The surprise visit broke the tension and diminished the swelling I had experienced earlier, at least until Millie rubbed me with her bare feet and her sister decided to place her foot on my leg and give me peek of her lovely gusset. If I was not mistaken, a little wet spot appeared suspiciously close to where her little pussy hole would be.

Both of the little she devils smiled at me while they ate and traded little surreptitious glances at my crotch. They were not disappointed for long, for soon, the burgeoning beast was back to straining my flies.

While I unconsciously rubbed Sandy’s little foot, which was now on my thigh, she informed me in a low voice, “Mister Dick, will you show it to us,” and then both girls broke out in laughter.

“I’ll show you what?” I asked her, and then in a low voice asked, “What if we get caught out?”

“After we finish, we can move to the table in the corner and I’ll show you mine,” I was informed.

These girls were a lot more knowledgeable and worldly than they appeared on the surface. I mean, never in my life has any girl, or girls, come even close. There were some that wanted me to look at their knickers and made a point of showing them to me, but none have ever asked to see my cock. Sure, I’ve showed it to a few and they made it clear to me that they enjoyed looking at it, but they have never blatantly asked to see it. At least, this early on. We barely knew each other. So, I decided to play along with them and discover in which direction the ball would roll. Hopefully, I wouldn’t end up with a free ride to the grey bar hotel.

Sandy whispered something to her sister, and then ran inside the cafe. Then, Millie led me to the corner table and had me sit with my back to the trellis wall and she pulled her chair up next to me.

“Where did your sister go?” I asked.

“She needed a wee and to tell mum where we moved.”

“There she is, my lovely barefoot girl,” I announced as Sandy skipped up to the table.

She smiled at me, picked up a serviette, stuffed something in it and handed it to me. Then she pulled a chair up and sat down. I opened it and a tiny pair of knickers fluttered down to my lap. I was surprised at first, but now the only thing on my mind was her now knicker-less condition and it excited me,.

Suddenly, my erotic reverie was shattered with, “It was terribly ill mannered of me not to have introduced myself,” said the girl’s mum which startled me because I didn’t see her approach, and she continued, “I’m Claire and I’m sure you know my little ruffians by now.”

“Oh, hiya Claire, I’m Dick and your two darlings are captivating.”

“I don’t know what spell you’ve put them under; they’re never this well behaved. Hopefully, they won’t show you their horns. But, if you would like to visit more, my husband, Randy, and me need to bring in some groceries and should be back within the hour.”

“Oh, well, sure, go about your business. I’d be delighted to mind them for an hour and maybe spoil them with something sweet.”

“You’re a love, Dick. I like that name.”

“Your girls said it was a bad name and wanted to know why I was named after a willy.”

“Yeah, that’s probably my fault. It is funny though. See you soon,” and with that adieu, she blew me a kiss and took her leave.

“What happened? You’re not big anymore,” Millie complained.

“It’s hard for me to stay big with your mum around. I doubt if she would understand.”

“You don’t know our mum,” Sandy informed me.

“I believe I know you though,” I told Sandy while I ran my fingers over her neglected knickers, “So, what’s your plan since we have a whole extra hour?”

She tugged her skirt up over her thighs and slowly parted her legs. I groaned with the first flash of tender, hairless pink flesh, and glanced at the wicked smile she had on her face. The reaction in my trousers was almost instantaneous. Unconsciously, I held the little knickers to my nose and inhaled deeply.

“You want to sniff mine, too?” Millie asked and didn’t wait for an answer before she tugged her knickers off and handed them to me.

I was so entranced that I forgot we were in public and someone could have easily observed our doings. My sense of caution suddenly kicked in, so, I quickly stuffed the knickers in my pocket and informed them, “It’s nice and big now if you want to look. We have to be careful so nobody will see us. One of you keep an eye out while the other has a peek,” and then opened the front of my trousers and freed the rampant beast, which was a real throbber now.

My hand reflexively took a firm grip and it felt so good, I closed my eyes and groaned. That was the signal Sandy had been waiting for, she darted under the table and exclaimed, “It is a big one,” and then scrambled back to her chair so that her sister could have a turn.

“This is so wicked,” Millie stated from under the table, “Can I hold it?”

“It’s very tender, so be careful,” I instructed her.

I needn’t have worried about her being careful. She obviously knew her way around a cock and tenderly grasped me in both hands. Her grip was so good it made my balls rumble in their bag. When I lifted the tablecloth to look, her smiling face wasn’t six inches away and I wondered if she was going to take it in her mouth. I wouldn’t have lasted two seconds if she did. However, she did give it a quick kiss before she rushed back to her chair so her sister could take her place.

Sandy’s hands felt even better and she added stroke to her grip, which worked some juice out of the tip. She knew what to do with it too and rubbed it around the shaft and tip before she wanked me with her slick hands.

That was too much for me and I warned her, “I’m… I’m… getting close. You had better stop before I squirt on you.”

She released me and said, “Don’t squirt yet ‘cause Millie wants to watch you do it.”

I was impressed that they were so thoughtful and considerate; such a rare quality in sisters. It was even more impressive when they both took a grip on my shaft and tossed me off in a synchronized rhythm. All I could do was throw my head back and try to suppress the loud bellow that wanted to escape from my chest as the boiling hot sperm raced up my shaft and burst forth.

The ejaculation was so forceful, it hurled me back in my chair as a fusillade of long gooey ropes erupted, accompanied by the girls soft little appreciative noises, along with the spurious, “How wicked!,” that was verbalized while they admired the fruit of their labour. Quite possibly, that was the most intense orgasm I had experienced to date.

End Chapter One

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