Another Flash/Prologue

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Another Flash

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“You sure have a lot of cartons, Mister. I really miss Mister Crenshaw who used to live here… wait, give me a tick, need the loo,” and the girl trotted down the corridor.

She was the cutest thing in her lovely plaid school uniform. A bit disheveled, by the looks of the rumpled clothes and the tousled bob of golden hair with the sweat soaked bangs stuck to her forehead. Most striking were her piercing eyes that had a blue flame that blazed behind them. I would say she was nine from her four foot six height at about sixty pounds. If I guessed correctly, I would imagine she just gotten off the school bus I spotted not far up the lane and ran here when she saw the removers.

“Mister, there’s no loo roll,” she hollered out.

“It’s in one of the cartons, love. I’ll have it in a jiffy,” and in my estimation, it was in a stack in the loo.

Since the door was open, I stuck my head in and spotted her on the seat with her dark blue uniform knickers around her ankles, while her little legs swung away to some silent rhythm. “May I come in, so I can find it?” I queried, “I don’t want to embarrass you.”

“It don’t bother me… I was bursting,” she acknowledged, “All done now.”

Then, I held my hand out to her and introduced myself, “Wotcha, I’m Dick,” which made her giggle.

She took my hand and retorted, “I’m Emmy, it’s really Emily, hee, hee, hee… I like that, Dick, your name.”

Did I detect a hint of suggestion in her response? Nah, couldn’t be, she’s way too young to play with words like that.

Then, I scavenged the cartons until I found a pack of tissues, tore it open and offered her the roll. When she pulled her skirt up, leaned back and opened her legs, I gasped and my dick crawled down my trouser leg, and then she mentioned, “You do it. Arny always wiped me when I had a pee.”

Now, that was suggestive, and I’m afraid I froze in place, while my eyes soaked every little detail of the proffered pussy into my absorbent brain cells. Operating on pure reflex, I tore off some tissues and with hand a shaking, slowly descended on my target, while my third leg threatened to tear a hole in my trousers; which she didn’t miss.

With a bright smile of approval, she informed me, “Arny always did that. He would go hard when he wiped me.”

It had been so long, and I was throbbing, I knew I would probably shoot down my trouser leg without much ado. I was compelled to rub the wad of tissue through her split, dab a few stray droplets and drop it in the bowl. Then, I tore off more tissues and dragged them very slowly and deeply, thoroughly drying the damp little trench, while I allowed a bare finger to slide through the slick recess.

I felt I had gone too far, too fast, so I dropped the tissue, and declared, “All dry now.”

“You wipe really nice, why don’t you check some more and see if you got it all. You don’t need tissues.”

All semblance of control departed while I rubbed around the mouth of her little opening, gathered some slippery dew and gently worked it up to her stiff bean. It was obvious that she enjoyed the attention I gave her. But, suddenly the game seemed to be over.

She tugged up her knickers, gave me a peck on the lips, telling me, “That was nice. I like you Dick, but I hafta leg it before mum comes looking for me. No school tomorrow, so I’ll be by early and help you sort things,” and then off she went.

After I dropped my trousers, it didn’t take two pulls before I knocked chunks out of the wall tiles. But, this was just the beginning of yet another story.

End Prologue

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