Another Flash/Chapter Fifteen

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Another Flash

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Chapter Fifteen

Little Millie grabbed my collapsible chair while I slung the pack with my camera kit over my shoulders and the girls directed me to their secret hideout. As she took off in the lead, I got a nice rear view of those tight little shorts she wore. Not that I complained, in fact I was very appreciative, but I couldn’t help but wonder what her mum thought when she bought them. They should be called ‘booty shorts’ the way they clung to her bum cheeks like a layer of skin and sank into the crack.

The hideout really was a secret and if you didn’t know where the entrance was, you would never find it. From the outside it was so well camouflaged it was pretty nigh invisible. There was a switch back from a little two foot breach between two hedge rows, that entered a short maze, which led into a ten foot wide opening and a clearing that extended for well over a hundred feet.

As soon as we entered the clearing, Millie quickly lost the chair, wrapped her arm around my waist and asked, “You’re still going to show me, aren’t you?”

“Yes, yes, of course I will,” I answered and pulled her into me for a hug.

“And take me picture, too?” She added.

“Can I take some bare naked pictures? I really want some with you rubbing yourself.”

“Yea, but I get to take some of you rubbing yourself, too. Come with me,” she demanded and dragged me into one of arms behind the maze, and explained, “This is where we pee,” and quickly pealed down her shorts, squatted and fired off a four foot stream straight at me.

I was just out of range, although a few spatters did end up on my shoes, and when I backed up a bit, I bumped into Emmy who had her camera out and filmed it. Before I could recover from the sudden exposure of the little girl’s hairless, podgy pussy, Poppy rushed in, dropped her somewhat baggy athletic shorts, which displayed her distinct lack of knickers, and then gave me a double dose of the pussy show. She had just the barest hint of a triangle of fine blonde hair at the top of her split. I’m afraid I groaned at the rich visual delicacy that was spread before me all of the way down to her dank little pucker which was visible under her pussy’s yawning pink mouth.

I’m sure it was deliberate the way she squatted with a big cheeky smile and allowed me plenty of time to admire her succulent pink wares. She had a more developed carbon copy of her sister’s little snatch, with a glistening wet cunny that blossomed before my eyes. To make matters worse, well, not really worse but I believed quite nice, she pressed two fingers into the top of her split and pulled upward as she thrust her hips in the air. I watched her little pee hole pooch out like a tiny tube as she unleashed the flow and spewed her fountain skyward. Then, she giggled and tittered while she twisted her hips around and used her arc of pee to paint a circle at my feet.

The greatest thrill of all was when Bella rushed in and gave each of the girls a thorough tongue wipe. Millie giggled and pushed the girl’s head away when she tried to go further than a simple wipe, but that was not the case with her sister. Poppy wanted the full treatment and it didn’t take long for Bella to satisfy the girl’s craving. If I wasn’t so gobsmacked by events, I could have beat Bella to the punch and dished out a few choice licks of my own.

Me, well, the scenery led me to propped quite a tent in my pants which Millie noticed and hobbled over with her shorts around her knees for a closer look. But Emmy beat her to it and handed Poppy the camera to man while she helped my dick depart from my trousers.

Millie just froze and stared rabbit eyed with open mouth then tucked her fingers into her bare naked little noonie. It became hard for me to concentrate on anything farther than Emmy’s face after she stuffed me inside her steaming wet mouth. She had never attacked my cock so ravenously before and I believed it was to show off for her friends. After I had recovered from the initial shock and became aware of my surroundings, I noticed that all of the girls had moved in closer for a better view. In fact, some of the other girls on the footy team, that I had not met yet, giggled from a distance through their hand covered mouths, near the edge of the hedge screen.

Emmy popped me out of her mouth just in time for a little driblet of juice to work its way out of my piss slit. Poppy zoomed in close to capture it on film before she dipped her mouth in and slurped it right up. She almost got more than a little juice with that move. Then, she held my ball bag up and moved it around for the camera before her sister pushed her face in close and got in the way. Of course, the kind sister she was, moved the girl’s head back a little before she wrapped her little hand around it.

I’m sure she could feel my balls churn in their sack. It was sweet torture while I tried to restrain them from giving up their creamy filling too soon. This was an experience that should be savoured as long as possible. Emmy though, became more assertive and challenged the limits of my control as she wanked me and attempted to siphon the sperm from my balls. She was off to such a good start, not that I wanted to, but I was powerless to stop her.

“Make it squirt so Millie can see,” Poppy begged as she moved in closer.

“What’s going to happen?” The little girl inquired.

“I want you to see the sperm squirt out,” the older girl answered, but Poppy was befuddled by the remark.

My balls were much too impatient to allow Emmy a chance to pull me all of the way out of her mouth before they decided to launch their first batch. It splattered the girl’s lips before she could open her mouth all of the way, but the next several spurts draped themselves across her tongue. She looked like a baby bird that begged her mother to feed her. The way my legs wobbled, it was a wonder that I keeping my footing after the blast.

“Ew, that looks nasty,” Millie observed.

“The sperm is not nasty,” her sister corrected her, and her statement had a bit of insight in it about the girl.

I found myself staring down into Emmy’s open mouth with her tongue afloat in a pool of creamy white sauce. Then, with a big smile on her face she guzzled it right down. Somehow, I managed to remain attentive while I watched the four girls briskly frig themselves along with at least a one member of the footy group from a distance. It looked like everyone except for little Millie had a nice cummy.

“Does your sister have orgasms,” I asked Poppy, “You know, get her good feeling?”

“I don’t think so but she rubs herself all of the time,” she replied.

“Come here,” I told the little darling as I knelt and pulled her into my arms, “Let me help you with that.”

Then I pulled her hand away and slipped a finger between her little lips. She was somewhat damp but needed more lubrication. So, I dipped my hand under Bella’s skirt and coated my fingers with her abundant dew, which made her squeal in surprise.

“It’s for my little love here,” I informed her, “So she doesn’t hurt herself rubbing.”

I smeared the slippery juice around inside Millie’s split while I cupped a bum cheek and tried to find her tiny clit. She jumped and squeaked at first, but then held me tight while I diddled the sensitive little nub while contented little sighs poured from her lips.

Then, I gave her soft, warm bum a squeeze, rubbed her rubbery wrinkle and asked, “Does that feel any better?”

She hugged me hard and whispered in my ear, “It’s tingling real bad like I hafta wee.”

“Sometimes it just feels like you’re going to pee but that means you’re really getting close to your good feeling. When you get it, all the good tingles you have ever felt will happen at once.”

“It feels like something is going to happen ‘cause my tummy’s all swimmy… oh, oh.”

“Just let it happen. Isn’t that right, Poppy?”

“Don’t be afraid, you little moo. It’s the bestest of the best feeling in the world.”

“You heard your sister and she knows,” I told her in a low voice and gave her cheek a nice pucker.

I rubbed a little harder and faster over her clit which punctuated her little sighs with sweet little musical chirps and short gasps for air. Then, I worked my finger down into her diminutive opening and barely dipped inside, while I pressed more insistently against her bottom hole. Her body gave the slightest little shiver while she twisted her hips in short but jerky circles. Then, she began to lose footing and slide over the edge and into the blissful abyss.

“Something’s happening,” she sighed in a tiny breathless voice while I felt her vulva clench and nibble my finger.

Then, my finger slipped through the ring of her arse while my other squeezed through the slight restriction of her hymen and enter the slick confines of her cunny tube which clamped around the intruder. With a slight jerk of her body, the sweet sensations flooded her veins and she fell against me. One of the most sensual and erotic experiences of my life was to feel the hard, snapping contractions inside her pussy and bum.

Somehow, I manage to stuff the four girls into my car and we popped in to the Chinese in town for take away and brought it back to our hideaway to recoup our nutritional needs before a strenuous and rewarding photo shoot… if you know what I mean.

End Chapter Fifteen

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