Chubby Love/Chapter One

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Chubby Love

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Chapter One

The sun blazed its way through my garden window and left a scorching promise of the day to follow. It was very quiet, and only broken by little screams that came from two girls while they mucked about in the garden. I was in the kitchen while I minded the kettle and watched them push each other and wrestle until the much larger Cassandra, decided to sit on her smaller opponent, and pin her to the ground. The dress that Cassie wore was so thin, and the straps so light, the front gaped open and one of her fatty breasts popped from its little cradle and caught my attention. I sipped my coffee while I watched the smaller girl struggle about, but couldn't move. She reached a finger up and poked the breast, calling out, "Your tittie popped out, miss fatty."

Doina, whom we call Ina, had quite the mouth on her sometime, and just had to take a poke at Cassie's weight; which upset her immensely and she began to cry. Between little sniffles, she told her, "You're mean like the others."

The little scene disturbed me, so I rushed out and made my presence known, then clamored, "There will be none of that while you are here," and Ina turned her head quickly to where I stood, looked at me in surprise and knew I was cross at her. I called to her, "Ina, apologize before I send you home."

She probably thought she was in for a caning and began to cry as I walked over to them. I helped Cassie tuck her breast back in then urged her to her feet. She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a great hug. Ina however stayed on the ground and grabbed her mouth to hold a snicker back. I blazed daggers down at her, and it was then, I realized I was standing over her and she had an perfect view under my dressing gown. When she saw me look at her, she quickly straightened, got to her feet, and I reiterated, "Ina, tell Cassie you're sorry for making fun of her. She can't help how big she is."

It's amazing the way girls turn on the little tear valves and cry in an instant. I held her to us, and with a quivering lip, she told Cassie, "Sorry I said that. I didn't mean it." Then her ears perked up when she heard her mum call and ran off to meet her.

I took Cassie into the kitchen, wiped up her face and offered her a fizzy cola, then she asked, "Do you have some biscuits or cakes? I'm famished."

I answered, "Why don't I do sandwiches since it's past eleven. I haven't had breakfast and need something myself. We can have cakes later." She smiled at me and I saw that her dress straps had fallen and she was perilously close to spilling out again. I pointed it out, "Better pull your straps up before you pop out, again."

She asked, "Don't you think they're too big? My chums poke at them all the time and pinch my fat bum."

I told her, "I believe they are pretty, but you need something to keep them from coming out of your dress." I thought of a brassiere, but would never suggest such a thing to someone her age. The tortuous devices are meant for someone much older, and I asked, "Don't you have a vest or something to wear?"

"Mum can't find one to fit or knickers either," then she pulled up her dress to show she was bare, and I noticed the little downy tuft on her bulging mons. I shouldn't have looked and thought, "It would have been wise to toss off this morning instead of willing it to go down," while the blood quickly flowed down to my prick, and he raised his head a little.

She spotted the movement under my gown, giggled and pointed to it, "Your gown wiggled at me."

"Sorry, love, it happens sometimes when I see a pretty girl."

She replied, "You're just saying that, ‘cause I know I'm fat."

I admonished, "Cassie, you are not fat. You're a very pretty girl and just bigger than the rest. I think you're lovely the way you are."

I had to get my mind off of her because old JT threatened to poke out my gown, and I had to tuck him up and cinch the belt tight. It was time to make our lunch and keep myself faced in the opposite direction. At least until I got a measure of control back. All the while, I tried to redirect the conversation to keep it light and away from the tent.

But, her interest was piqued and she wanted to know more, asking, "Was that your willy that jumped?"

Then Ina crashed through the door, begging, "Can I have one? My tummy's rumbling."

I laid down the plated sandwiches, and offered, "Here, love, you can have mine and I'll do another."

Then opened a pack of crisps and served the girls. The two had some kind of secret confab between them that caused a few sniggers to erupt, then it got heated with lots hand waves and body movements. When I sat down with them to eat, food spattered from Ina's mouth as she tried to stifle a guffaw.

I gave her a questioning look, which made her control herself and apologize, "Sorry. It was funny, that's all."

I had a feeling I knew what had started it, so I asked, "Would you care to tell me about it?"

She held her hand to her mouth, and said, "Can't."

I wouldn't let her loose and asked, "Can't what? Did I do something funny?"

Then she nodded her head, and told me, "I can't because it's too naughty to say."

I halfheartedly demanded, "Girl, out with it. You know you can talk about anything with me."

Then came the great revelation, "Ah, it's poking out your gown." And I was. The little bugger snuck out on me.

"That was a bit careless and I'm sorry. I can't control it all the time. Hurry up and finish your lunch and we'll talk later."

Then she added, "Cassie thinks she should be able to look at it because I already looked in the garden... and just now."

Pointlessly, already knowing the answer, I asked, "When did you look?"

She caught me with, "Ah, when you were standing over me and I could see up your gown, but it was just a worm. Not big like it is now."

This was deeper than I wanted to wade, so I told her, "I thought that was the reason you giggled when I helped Cassie up."

Then she dropped it with, "If you won't show us, can we play water fights in your garden?"

I told her, "That's your best idea yet. But no dripping on my floor. Do you have bathing costumes you can fetch?"

"Can't we just go nudie like we do at my place?"

As much as I would have liked to let them, I had to warn her, "No nudies in my garden. The crotchety old bit..., neighbour, Misses Gilroy will come out and take a stick to me if I allow it."

A sniggering Ina asked, "Were you going to say bitch?"

I admitted, "Almost, but didn't"

So, she added, "Mum calls her the wrinkly old bitch."

But, I cautioned, "She would take a stick to your mum if she heard."

Gladly, they both kept their dresses on while they soaked each other. A few minutes of peace without nosy girls around should give me time to get my swelling under control. At least that's what I thought when I took a few pulls, and gave a sigh of relief while I watched the thick ropes spit into the air. Then the door flew open and Ina took a few sodden steps inside, before she stopped and froze like a statue.

The asked, "That is so twisted. What are you doing?"

I was too far gone to give her much notice and squeezed the last spurts out before she flew to my side and pressed her face in. It gave me a wicked thrill to watch her face, inches from my cock while she studied it.

She was a very attractive girl and had played in my garden since her mum and her moved to the cottage next to mine. She was so attractive, so adorably cute in my book, I could spend hours watching her play with her friends. Her heritage left her with beautiful dark olive skin, long black hair and eyes that were so dark a brown, they were almost black. She was a gangly eleven and about four inches shorter than her plump playmate, at about four feet ten. But, I must say, she was probably the most exotic looking young lady I had ever seen.

Her thin dress was drenched and left a puddle on the floor next to me. The top hung so low, it gaped open to reveal the lovely little twin walnuts perched on her chest. They were little dark brown puffs with a tiny little pebble in the middle. I had to tear my eyes away from the beauties or I would never go soft. She heard someone call and tore out the door. So, I took the opportunity to pull on some joggers and a shirt and grab a few towels.

Ina had left Cassie to play alone in the water. As sopping as her dress was now, it was so thin she may have very well been naked. Hopefully, Misses Gilroy will have nothing to moan about. I'm afraid I had to admire the way it rucked between her wonderful bottom cheeks and barely contained her titties as they jiggled around under it.

She was also eleven and a big girl for her age, at about five feet two and over eight stone, with soft brown hair, cut in a bob that grazed her shoulders, and hazel eyes that sparkled in the sun. I wouldn't say she was fat, just a bit chubby and big for her age. Let’s say it was obvious she didn't hide out at meal time. But, I really liked the extra padding here and there; like her breasts and bum. Her pudenda was so pronounced, it pushed her dress out, and I wondered what it would feel like to cup my hand around it. As long as I'd known her, she had always been the affectionate type in need of a hug and she was always so soft and warm, it was hard not to hold her. A lot of times, I went hard when I did.

She came to the door with her hand tucked in her crotch and told me, "Gotta go."

I draped her in a bath sheet and told her, "Mop up the water after you. Ina already left me with one mess to clean."

After she finished, she came back and handed me her dress in a ball, asking, "Would you hang this for me."

I didn't expect her to strip off her dress, but couldn't object. Her body struck me and I muttered to myself, "Incredible," as I took her dress and spread it on the drying line.

She asked, "Do you have some biscuits and maybe something to drink?"

She seemed perfectly comfortable with her nudity and I couldn't help but enjoy the amount of bare flesh I was treated to. While she sat on my leg and sipped and munched, old John Thomas woke up a little and she laid her hand on him. When he jumped, so did she; right off my leg and exclaimed, "It moved."

"Maybe it liked your hand?" I told her.

But she didn't understand and simply asked, "Huh?"

So, rather than avoid it, I explained, "He has a mind of his own sometime and does things like that."

Quite honestly, she responded, "I didn't expect it and it startled me."

I had to tell her, "I need to cover you up a bit so he doesn't get so excited."

She gave me a bewildered look, that told me she had no idea what I was talking about. So I tried to explain further, "Love, I think you are very beautiful, and your body is very exciting for me to look at. I need to cover you up a so I can calm down."

"I'm sorry, Mister Billy. I thought you would want to look at me, cause you said I'm pretty," she stated.

Then, I got mushy with, "There's nothing to be sorry about, little chick. You are gorgeous and I like your body very much. It's just that it’s so nice, my willy goes hard and I have trouble keeping my hands off of you."

She reassured me, "You can put your hands on me,” she said with a little giggle, And I won't mind. It always feels so good when you hold me."

I had to tell her, "It feels good for me too, but this is a bit different and you may not be ready."

"Will you show me what moved? I want to see you."

I didn't know how to answer, so I told her, "I'm not sure, love."

My tent kept getting bigger and deep breaths did not slow the swelling. Of course, my little head screamed, "Let me out!" and my big head answered, "No, you’ll frighten the poor girls."

Meanwhile, the pee in my bladder cried, "Let me out, NOW!"

So, I headed to the loo and hanged out over the pan. I was so hard my pee valve had shut off. But, I persevered and tried to get my mind off the girl. It never occurred to me that she would follow me in to watch; albeit from innocent curiosity. Now, not only could I not pee, but what began as a good half-hard, quickly became a throbber. Now I was in for a penny and couldn’t spend one.

"Alright," I thought, "She has to learn about this sooner or later," so I took a firm grip on myself a started to tug while I gazed at her beautiful naked flesh and burned the image into my brain.

Her feet were firmly rooted to the spot while her eyes soaked up what my hand was doing. We both released a little gasp when my sticky goo splattered against the cistern. Then, it took a minute for me to catch my breath while the swelling went down. It took longer than usual, but I kept my eyes on the matter at hand until the tap opened and the flow started. When I next looked, my little bird had flown and I wondered what had happened to her. Maybe she was so shocked she ran home naked.

But, I found her in the kitchen with Ina, telling her about what she witnessed. They were well into their conversation and all I picked up was Ina’s recount, "My tummy got all swimmy when I saw it and knew it was naughty for me to look."

Things got quiet when I wandered into the room and all eyes were on me. Cassie got up and wrapped her arms around me for a hug, and asked, "Are you cross because I watched?"

I told her, "No, love, I’m not. I was worried about what you thought, and figured I might have frightened you. Ina caught me earlier and I was worried about what she thought, also."

Then Ina jumped in, "I didn't think anything, I just wondered what you were doing. It was totally wicked."

Cassie tipped in, "I wanted to know what moved when I touched it."

I was a little relieved now, so I added, "Both of you got to see a lot more than I intended."

Cassie commented, "I liked watching you and it was so handsome."

I kissed her and said, "I liked watching you too. You really are nice to look at without your clothes."

It was almost as if nothing out of the ordinary had taken place and it was usual for me to have a naked girl in my lap while we chatted with her friend. Even though I had taken care of the pressing problem earlier, I tried to keep something unexpected from popping up, but my fingers had a mind of their own. It was hard for me to restrain them from the soft and silky thighs with the curly little puff of hair between them.

I needed to get my mind elsewhere, and since it was near supper, I offered, "Would you girls like to come out with me for take away? I want you to check with your mums before we leave."

Ina's eyes lit up and she ran out the door without a word, but Cassie didn't budge and I asked her, "Your dress should be dry now. Let me get it so you can check with your mum?"

She sadly told me, "She's not in and I usually eat with Ina. There's no food in the house."

It surprised me to hear that and I questioned, "Doesn't your mum feed you?"

She answered, "Not much. She's never around."

I wasn't sure how I should digest that bit of information. It was repulsive for me to consider a parent that would neglect their child that way, and I told her, "There's always food for you here if you get hungry. I'll never turn you away."

She gave me one of her great hugs as Ina ran through the door and shouted, "Let's get Chinese. I want the orange chicken balls."

I pulled Cassie's dress from the line for her and we dressed to make the jaunt up to the row of shops. A queue had not formed yet and we quickly picked up our food and fizzy drinks for the girls, and then made our way back to eat our supper.

While we enjoyed our meal, there was some low level girl chatter going on in the background, and when Ina waved one of her chicken balls at Cassie, it caught my attention, then they both broke out laughing. They gave me a smirk when I looked at them, which cracked into a foot stomping guffaw. I had no idea what set them off. Both of them looked at me like they were going to laugh again, and I had to get to the root of the matter, so I asked, "Give it up? What's so funny? It has to do with me, doesn't it?"

I waited for them to quiet again, then Cassie showed me her fork, and asked, "What does this look like to you?"

I wondered what silly game they came up with, and answered, "A chicken ball."

They both broke out laughing again, then Cassie spit out, "Close... but... but, it looks like something... else, doesn't it?"

The penny dropped, and I told them, "Both of you are the naughtiest, and most twisted two girls I have ever met. Now eat your 'balls' and I'll open a packet of biscuits for you."

The mention of sweeties really motivated them and it didn't take ten seconds for their meal to completely vanish. Ina jumped into my lap and happily munched while she spilled crumbs down her dress, and over my trousers to the floor, and made the most annoying smacking sound with each bite. They merrily chatted their nonsense, until she popped up and asked me, "Can we see them again?"

I had no idea what she meant and inquired, "What's that, love?"

She poked me with, "You know, the hairy bag and the willy worm." Then there were more guffaws of laughter along with bits of partially masticated biscuits, “I want to see it go big again and the stuff squirt out.”

They were getting a little too naughty, so I asked, "Ina, what brought this on?"

She told me, "It was wicked and we both liked it. Won't you show us again?"

I had to pitch, "Don't you think you've seen the hairy bag and willy worm enough today?"

Then she really started in with, "Cassie has only seen it once. What's the white goo that came out when you pulled on it?"

This needed to end before I broke down and showed them, again, so I said, "I believe you two have learned way too much today and we should hold off on further shows for awhile."

"You will show us more and explain it, won't you?" Cassie asked.

I told her, "Yes, I believe I will. Just before I cook you both for dinner tomorrow."

Then I went for Ina's ribs, and she laughed so hard she peed on me.

End Chapter One

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