Chubby Love/Chapter Six

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Chubby Love

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Chapter Six

Two wet and dripping girls came in search of towels, which I forgot to leave out for them, again. Ina stumbled upon us in my bed, and screamed, "Tatty come fast. They're doing it."

The mouth on that girl. She startled me so much I almost hit the ceiling when I jumped.

Cassie yelled back, which by the way was very close to my ear, "Ina, keep it down," so loudly, in fact, I could feel her voice vibrate around the cock I had planted in her.

Tatty squealed and came flying into the room, but Ina shushed her, saying, "We've got to keep quiet."

Things got very quiet as the girls stealthily took up positions between our legs to watch; which I was not accustomed to and made me feel self-conscious and vulnerable at first. But, that quickly turned into something illicit within my brain. Maybe an exhibitionist streak beginning to show, and consequently put a little more bone in my boner. The whispered blow-by-blow commentary from Ina, although whispered, distracted me somewhat at first.

Soon, much too soon I was on the edge, looked into my love's eyes and asked, "I'm afraid our audience has me ready to go off any second."

She nodded at me and whispered, "I’m ready, just do it a bit faster."

The brakes came off my hips and I plowed into the juicy furrow with a vengeance. My little love flinched, and then ground her hips into me until I mated with the neck of her cervix. Then, I blasted my juice into the back wall of her uterus. It felt like a bomb went off in my balls the way I exploded inside of her. There were enough tiny tadpoles in the mix to populate a small village and she moaned and milked me of every single one of them. My arms shook so badly I gently eased myself on top of her as the last tremors of our mutual orgasms played themselves out and a warm afterglow infused our bodies.

"Can you see it? There’s so much it’s coming out," Ina squealed in excitement, but quickly remembered her obligation and slapped her hand over her mouth.

I had fallen asleep on top of my love, but a tickling sensation in my lower extremities brought me back around. I let the myriad of tiny feathers flutter around down there until I could stand it no longer.

"Girls, stop it. You're driving me mad," I reprimanded.

"Sorry, Mister Billy. Don't be cross, I was showing Tatty some things," Ina apologized.

I replied, "I'm not cross. What you’re doing tickles. Go fetch yourself a fizzy drink and some sweeties while I rouse Cassie and scrub up."

There were a few disappointed squeaks and chirps… along with some mumbles, before the the little herd thundered through the landing. Cassie didn’t budge at first when I tried to rouse her, so I kissed her eyes and nibbled her lips, but could only evoke a little smile.

"Time to get up,” I said in a low voice, “Our audience is in the kitchen pillaging the pantry and fridge and we should join them while there’s still something left."

"I’m so warm and cozy I don't want to move. Can I sleep over with you? Say yes ‘cause I don't think mum is coming back tonight."

I couldn't think of anything more wonderful, so I instantly agreed, "Of course you can. You are welcome to sleep over anytime you like. Nothing would make me happier than to wake and find you next to me."

Then, she tried to dig my tonsils out with her tongue. Reluctantly, I pulled away and told her, "Why don’t you pop into a hot bath and soak for awhile. I’ll bring you a fizzy drink and some biscuits to tide you over until tea."

She crawled out of the bed and waddled to the bath with her hand tucked tightly between her legs. I must say, we left quite a stain on the bed covers. There was still so much inside her it dripped through her fingers while she tried to hold it in.

When I entered the kitchen, I was greeted with bright and cheery smiles. That was until the girls noticed the sad state of my noodle.

"Looks like a grubby worm in a thicket," I heard Ina whisper and they tittered until they saw the stern look on my face, quickly covered their mouths and then things got very quiet.

I inventoried the larder and decided there wasn’t enough to cook; which I didn’t want to do anyway. So, I asked the girls, "Are you staying for tea? We could do some Chinese take away if you like?"

"Dunno yet,” Ina chipped in, “We hafta wait till mum and auntie get back."

"Let me know as soon as you can. Just so you know, Cassie is having tea with me and sleeping over tonight."

Then the bomb went off. The girl's eyes got very wide and they fidgeted in their seats while they suppressed the endless stream of questions that wanted to stream out of their mouths. Ina tried to allay some of Tatty’s by explaining in a low and conspiratorial voice, "They're going to do the sex thing all night."

"I’ll bet you're jealous, now aren’t you?” I asked Ina.

She motioned me over and whispered in my ear, “It’s not just me, Tatty wants to do it with you before she has to leave."

"Lovely," I thought to myself.

However, Mister Willy was so intrigued, it didn’t take him two ticks to go horizontal. Ina saw the movement and quickly snatched him up with her hand and squeezed. That was all it took for him to go full throbber.

It surprised her so much she asked, "Did I just do that?"

"I'm afraid he likes your hand."

She squeezed and stroked me, “I like it when he’s big like this," and then she shook my cock at Tatty and said, “He’s just so handsome.”

“Alright, new rules my little wenches. I want you to know that I love having you around and playing with you, but from now on, we need to check with Cassie first before we do anything together. I don’t believe she’ll mind, but we ask her first, understood?”

“Is she like your girlfriend now?” Ina inquired.

“They’re in love, miss nitwit, don’t you know anything.” Tatty added.

“Well, you could say she’s my girlfriend and we are in love and I want it to stay that way. I don’t want her to feel threatened by the likes of you two randy little minxes,” I told them with a big smile on my face.

“We’ll talk to her,” Ina offered, “I know she won’t mind.”

“I’m glad you understand. Now, no more sweeties or drinks for you. I’m going to take some to Cassie who is luxuriating in the bath.”

“Ew, are you going to do it some more? We want to watch,” Ina begged.

“No, we’re not going to do it and if you want me to have Chinese with us, you should stay here and watch for your mums.”

Quietly, I crept into the bath and Cassie looked so hot. I already thought she was hot, but in another fashion. The hot bath had suffused her skin with a deep blush and sweat rolled down her face. She brushed a wet lock of hair from her eyes and smiled when she saw me.

“How does my girl feel now?” I inquired.

“Better, thanks to you,” and she blew me a kiss, “Than I can ever remember,” and she sat up to accept the drink and biscuits I brought her.

“I’ve asked the girls to check with their mums to see if they can eat with us and they haven’t arrived yet. I hope Chinese is fine with you. That’s what I told them I would get.”

“Chinese sounds lovely,” she told me as she nibbled on her biscuit, “I want the orange chicken balls. If you don’t stop feeding me so well I’m going to get even fatter.”

“In my opinion, that’s not a bad thing. I kind of like your extra cushion especially in bed,” and winked and smiled at her.

“You’re the only one that likes me the way I am. My chums at school are so mean they make me cry. Then, I have to punch them.”

“I certainly wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of one of your punches. Does it do any good to report them?”

“No. They just tell me I need to take care of myself, so I punch them.”

“You’ll end up the one in trouble then...”

Then, my two little randy birds flew into the room squealing, “Mum said it’s alright just be home by eight. Cassie, can me and Tatty sleep over with Billy before she has to go?”

“Ina, you should tell her the rest, you know, how it involves me,” I informed the girl.

“Me and Tatty talked a lot about it, you know, doing it like you do with Billy. Since Tatty has to leave soon, she really wants to do it with Billy before she goes.”

“You want to do it too, don’t you?” Cassie asked her.

She bit her lip and nodded, and then added, “Just let Tatty go first.”

“What do you think, Billy?” Cassie asked me.

“Love, you know how much I like Ina and how much I like playing with girls. The same goes for Tatty. I love them both. But, I don’t want to do anything to hurt you or have them come between us. If we’re playing around and one of them wants me to give her a shag, you should know that if I believe it won’t hurt her and she’ll enjoy it, I will probably give her the shag she wants.”

“I love Ina and don’t mind if you do what she wants and the same goes for Tatty.”

“Yeah!” Ina squealed and clapped her hands, “Can we get supper now?”

As little as she was, that girl could tuck away the groceries. The way she eats, she must have a hollow leg or something. But, that couldn’t be true because her legs were so small. We got dressed and I escorted my troupe of little birds to the Chinese in the village.

I held Cassie’s hand for the short journey and we chatted about little inane things until she brought up the girl’s request and informed me, “They can have you tomorrow but you are all mine tonight.”

“You don’t know how much I’m looking forward to sleeping with you, if sleep is possible with what I have in mind,” then I planted a little kiss on her lips.

She squeezed my hand and told me, “I think I know what you have in mind and I like it.”

After the girls left we retired to my bed and needless to say, didn’t go to sleep right away. After a long and slow shag, we sort of passed out in each others arms, only to wake up and do it again a little later. I lost track of how many times we did it and I want you to know that my sperm production was at an all time high. If I was to guess, and this was later confirmed by the condition of the bed covers the next day, I would say I pumped about a pint of sperm into the girl that night… I’ll never know for sure because it was all a foggy dream the next day.

End Chapter Six

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