Chubby Love/Chapter Seven

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Chubby Love

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Chapter Seven

The smell of fresh coffee wafted to my nostrils and pulled me out of my sleep. When I opened my eyes, my love's warm smile was the first thing I saw as she bent over my face and told me, "I thought I killed you last night. At least one part of you is still dead. How about the rest?"

It took a minute for comprehension to force its way into my brain, then I remembered last night. My eyes popped open and I smiled, saying, "You look particularly lovely this morning. Did you make coffee for me?"

"That I did and was going to do breakfast but the larder is bare."

"Never fear,” I offered, “We’ll pop out to the cafe for a proper breakfast and stock up at the green grocer's. Does that sound like a plan to you?"

She reached down and gave me a kiss, saying, "I believe it sounds wonderful."

Fifteen minutes later, I had the old banger cranked and chugging and we were on our way to the cafe for breakfast. Besides the green grocer's, we were going stop at the dress shop to see if our tailoring was ready, and then the baker’s because I don’t want to do lunch. I’ve had enough sarnies and take away lately and figured it’s time for a refreshing change in menu.

The morning was cool and the air brisk and refreshing, so we took a table on the pavement outside the cafe and I was able to tempt Cassie into trying a coffee, with milk and sugar of course. She scowled and wrinkled her nose at the black stuff. Then, we both had a hearty breakfast. I rarely had breakfast but all that sexing stuff last night had taken its toll on me.

We spent some time at the dress shop and the shop keeper brought in a new dress that fitted Cassie perfectly and was light enough for the season. The tailored dress and chemise were a wonderful fit. While we were there, I bought her a pair of black patent pumps, white trainers and a number of ankle and knee socks to complete the ensemble. She looked well turned out; a proper lady and right fit if I may say. She still in need of a coiffure and hat and the shop keeper graciously offered referrals.

I had to say, my love looked very smart while we foraged the aisles of the grocer's and laid waste to much of their stock. I’ve never brought this much food in before and wondered if two trolleys of groceries would fit in my boot. We made the baker's and the pasties were so tempting, we picked up several extra for the girls dinner, along with a stargazy pie, one of my favourites, because I knew they would be around soon. In my estimation, we had breakfast, dinner and supper covered for several days, a week if I’m lucky, plus a fresh apple tart for our pudding... better make that two since I'm feeding hungry hoards of girls.

Both of the little loves had waited patiently on the front steps and ran out to greet us. They looked right dishy in their thin and almost transparent summer shifts. Their choice of clothing made a noticeable lack of knickers apparent and I shook my head a few times to clear it before tent propped. Then, they oohed and aahed, and even drooled a little, over Cassie's new apparel. After they paid homage to the gods of smart dress and fashion, they helped us tote the groceries in and pack them away and I did a beaker of coffee.

In as stern a tone as I could manage, I ruled, "The pasties under the cloche are for our lunch. No pinching them or the cakes and biscuits or the fizzy drinks. Do I make myself clear?"

Three heads quickly nodded at me. When, I poured a drink of coffee and sat down, instead of Ina bagging my lap as usual, Tatty did, and wanted me to cuddle her. I put my hand on her hip... sure enough, no knickers. Was I going to scold her for the oversight? I thought not, but I did give her bum a good squeeze which was rewarded with a squirming bottom and a giggle. I can attest to the fact that she had a very nice one, indeed, bottom that is… and might tasty too.

Step one of the girls plan had officially begun. Cassie and Ina left Tatty alone with me and she became very friendly. Needless, I might say, old willy woke from hibernation. Then, she gave me a soft and very warm little kiss, shuddered in my arms and slowly worked up enough courage to give me a bit of tongue. When she poked it between my lips I nibbled on it and she pulled away with a giggle.

“Your kisses are delicious,” I told her, “You’re getting very good. Now, open your lips and play with my tongue now,” and the girl went atingle when I slipped past her moist little lips and taunted her shy little taster.

She flicked it a few times, and then sucked on it before she nibbled with her lips as I withdrew and shuddered again; much stronger this time. Her arousal quickly became as apparent as her lack of knickers. All the while, she rubbed her thighs together while her skin radiated a feverish warmth. The room was cool but that girl was hot. I could not only feel the increased passion in our kiss, but see and taste the moist little beads of sweat that gathered on her upper lip.

“Have you practiced rubbing yourself like I suggested?” I whispered before I ran my tongue over her lips. She tried to speak but the words caught in her throat, so she pulled back and nodded at me. “You probably haven’t had another orgasm, have you?”

She shook her head and managed to croak, “No.”

“You really need one, don’t you?” I asked, and then kissed the tip of nose.

Then, she groaned, melted in my arms and managed a hoarse, “Please.”

So, I scooped her up in my arms and carried her to my bed. Cassie and Ina had latched themselves in my spare room which I used for a study and suspiciously silent. I whisked away Tatty’s filmy little dress and admired her in all of her naked glory while I quickly undressed myself. Then, I eased her back with her bum on the edge of the bed and lifted her knees.

I knew she was excited but I didn’t know just how much until now. Not only was the poor girl shivering as if cold and sweating, her little slit was so sodden, the lube coated her thighs and had left a large wet spot on the back of her dress. The tiny fan of fine, thin hairs at the top of her split was glued with her juice and I reached down and carefully ran my tongue over them. Oh, but then it struck me. The primal scent of a highly aroused female radiated from her little crotch and punched its way into my nostrils. That rich, pheromone laden batch of musky delight made my cock lurch.

She didn’t require any foreplay to warm her up, the girl’s blood was boiling and she needed relief. That required a swift and focused response on my part in order to remove the sharp edge as quickly as possible, and then bring her off as many times as possible before she couldn’t stand it any longer and pushed me away.

The first thing I did was gently ease my pointer finger into her swampy little tube and it slipped into her like a hot knife through butter… and she was cooking inside. She was reluctant for my finger to leave, so she moaned and pushed herself into my hand as I withdrew but would quickly return. There wasn’t a hint of restriction and I wanted to have a look. Sure enough, not even a trace of hymen. So, I added a finger, drilled them into her and pressed my thumb into her clit while I ground my knuckles into her. It wasn’t a minute before the first of many orgasms popped off so strong her muscles turned to putty and she melted into the bed.

I wouldn’t let her rest through it and immediately put my tongue to work so none of her tasty juice went to waste. The cleanup was especially difficult between her bum cheeks because the only thing I could focus on was her puckered little brown rose. Not only were the colours exceptional and ranged from the almost chocolate brown wrinkles of puckered hole, to a lighter, creamy brown pigment that covered the inside of the crack between her lovely olive cheeks. It didn’t end there but crept up around the little opening to her pussy and stained the lips all of the way to her fat clit hood. Not only was visually stunning, the shimmering pink inside made it appetizing and delicious. Truly, a succulent feast fit for royalty.

So, what did I do? I drilled my stiffened tongue into her chocolate brownie. If nothing else, the sudden intrusion dispelled her lethargy and she quickly became an active participant. She had learned from her previous arse reaming that it was much nicer to invite the tongue inside and that was what she did. Her little pucker blossomed open and sucked my tongue inside. It I went a lot deeper this time and I enjoyed the strong embrace of her anal canal while I lapped the lining of her rectum. When I rubbed my thumb into her clit, she jumped and jerked while her sphincter muscles tried to chew my tongue off while another orgasm pounded her.

She recovered much faster and remained more alert this time. All the while, her little bottom ground itself against my face while I tried to tickle her throat with my tongue. The way she squirmed and wiggled it was almost impossible to keep my tongue inside her arse but I solved that by going after her clit again. That sensitive little bundle of nerves had a hair trigger on it and I could keep her in perpetual orgasm for as long as I kept my thumb on her throttle. Her little tach red lined almost every minute and sometimes a lot less.

After she had her daily dozen of the good feeling, she clawed my scalp and dragged me up to entreat me with her plea, “Please, you gotta do me now... please… oh, please, I need it in me.”

So, I tucked a bath sheet under her bottom and climbed into the saddle. I was so randy my sack had drawn up squeezed my balls until they ached. Add that to my cock which was ready to split open any second.

But, when I nudged the head of my cock into her little indent it didn’t budge a bit. I believed it was so small I wouldn’t fit. When I looked down to where I pressed into the little opening, which was much smaller than my Cassie’s, my cock head dwarfed it. It’s not that I’m all that big, just typical in size, but I couldn’t see going any further than I was. While my mind was in turmoil, little Miss Impatience decided not to wait and humped herself up into me, hard. It lodged my mushroom in the warm and slick mouth while the heat sizzled around me.

“Maybe she just needed to stretch a bit,” I assured myself.

I didn’t have all that much experience fucking an eleven year old so this was new to me. Live and learn. Then she hunched herself into me again, really hard this time and kept up a firm, steady pressure. She did stretch, slowly... I sank about two inches into her, and let me say, it was a fine two inches. The end of my cock felt like it was clamped into an electrified vice the way the nerve endings crackled.

“Push some more, you have to help me,” the girl begged.

That surely meant she wasn’t in pain but my cock literally bent from the strain I placed on it. Then, her inners loosened and steadily, I started moving into her. It was slow going, and before I knew it, I had bottomed out nigh an inch that did not make it inside.

“How does it feel now?” I asked with concern.

“I feel fine. Aren’t you supposed to move it?”

“Well, uh, yes...” and I tentatively withdrew a little and dragged her bum across the bed.

She fixed that by grabbing my shoulders and wrapping her legs around my thighs. Getting back inside was much easier the second time around. She was still awfully tight but had loosened nicely.

I was so wrapped up with the task at hand, I never heard the girls enter the room until Ina whispered, “If it will go into her, it will go into me,” then came the muffled smack when Cassie hit her.

Three long and delicious strokes later, the little pussy locked up on me and I watched the girl’s eyes roll into her head. From the expression on her face, the orgasm appeared massive. I didn’t know just how massive it was until her pussy contracted around me and sucked the load straight from my balls in what had to be the shortest fuck on my books to date. It was awesome though and that little pussy of hers was so tight it was like a cock ring and kept me rock hard inside her.

End Chapter Seven

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