Cutie/Chapter One

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Chapter One

The heat was stifling today. It seemed much cooler outside so I took my laptop with me, sat on my front steps and worked on my report. I am a actuarial consultant and do contract work for small independent insurance companies. My latest job was a detailed risk assessment analysis where I compiled data set profiles on specific types of industrial accidents, including poisoning. They paid me to crunch the numbers across a spectrum and break them down into easy to read tables included in a report. Not that I’m all that recognized, but some of my work has been published in the IALLS Life & Annuities colloquia. It’s dull and boring, but I’m very good at it and have the innate ability to spot trends. I worked at it for years on the university level before I struck out on my own and established a small firm consisting of me, and me alone. It not only paid well, but the workload was light and I essentially worked when I wanted to with nary a deadline.

My seven year old neighbor girl, Stefanie, was out and about today and looked somewhat bored. She usually had a chum or two, from up the lane, around and they frequently held water fights in their front garden. That was not the case today, so when she saw me on the step, she decided to wander over and see what I was doing.

“Wotcha, Dick,” she greeted me.

“Hey, cutie chops, you look awfully pretty today in your bathers. Don’t you have a top to go with them?”

“Nope, these only have the bottoms and mum made me wear a shirt.”

She was about four foot, fifty pounds with an unkempt mop of mid-back length brown hair done in the sweetest little braided pigtails, tipped with rolled yellow bobbles. Lovely brown eyes that sparkled with a glint of mirth along with a petulant snub nose which she liked to wrinkle up to show her disdain.

“I like the shirt ‘cause it shows off that adorable belly button of yours,” and she put her fingers on either side, pulled and peered down at it.

“It just looks like a belly button,” she informed me, so I poked it with my finger and she pulled away laughing.

“Now turn around and let me see the back,” she did a half twirl and looked over her shoulder to see what I was looking at.

I loved her new light lime green bottoms with their little yellow ties that rode below her hip bone. They were a bit slouchy on her and showed a little bum crack along some nice, pert cheek peeking out the bottom.

“Mmmm, sexy bum. I love your new cossie,” I told her.

“You like me bum?” She asked, and then bent over and pulled the bottoms down a little which showed some more crack and gave it a little wiggle for emphasis.

“Don’t tell anyone, but I think you have the sexiest bum of any girl in the estate. Why aren’t you and your chums playing in the hose like usual?”

“Mum runned it over with the car and broke the end so the water don’t come out.”

“You can use mine if you like? It’s in the back garden. Go check with your mum and see if it’s alright with her to play with it.”

Her eyes lit up, and then she spun around and ran screaming, “Mummy, mummy, can I play with Dick’s hose,” which sounded a lot like something else completely.

“Hiya, Dick,” her mum Lisa yelled from a window, “Just toss the little moo out on her ear if she’s a bother.”

“I’m sure she will be the perfect angel,” I yelled back at her and she shook her head and rolled her eyes up at me.

Then the little fifty pound bundle of joy came flying out of her house with a bath sheet and ran at me screaming, “You have to squirt me with water.” I braced for sudden impact as the girl raced towards me at high speed, but came to a stop with two feet and two hundred milliseconds to spare, “Put your cossie on, so I can wet you,” she demanded.

“Love, I don’t have a cossie,” I informed her.

“Well, wear your knickers like I do when I don’t have one.”

“Boys don’t wear knickers, cutie chops.”

Her eyes got wide and she asked, “They go naked under their trousers?”

“We don’t go naked, we wear pants under our trousers,” and I showed her the elastic band of my boxer shorts.

“Oh, then wear your pants,” she reasoned.

She was a sharp one, and it made sense, but I might have to explain what jumped around inside my pants or maybe a tent; her little belly and bottoms were taking their toll on me. I really wanted to see more, especially wet. Those baggy little bottoms will probably hang halfway down her bum, not to mention what the front may reveal… so, I agreed.

“I have something I can wear that is not quite as revealing as the ones I have on,” I told her.

“What’s wrong, don’t want me to see your willy?” She asked.

“It’s not proper for girls to see men’s willies,” I told her, not to mention somewhat illegal.

“I’ll close my eyes if I see it,” she explained.

I loved her little girl reasoning, which in a number of ways was very humorous. Then led her through the house to my back garden.

“Your place looks just like mine,” she explained as her eyes darted around, soaking up every detail, “I know where everything is.”

Then, I fitted her out with the hose and went in search of my baggy black shorts. After I had changed, I hung around the garden window and watched her entertain herself with the hose. She was soaked and her thin little shirt was now transparent and the fabric of the bottoms was so heavy, when wet, the gusset fell about two inches below her pussy. The rear view was even more revealing with half of bum crack and cheeks exposed. I’m glad my shorts were loose, so my rapidly stiffening bone would not be very apparent, at least when they were dry.

I had not left the back steps before I was hit with the first blast of water… right in the shorts. Which made my wood hanging at four o’clock very obvious.

“Hee, hee, hee, Dick has a stick in his knickers… oopsy,” she slapped her hand over her mouth and corrected, “In his pants.”

“You little minx,” I called out as I charged her, and then her eyes went wide and she dropped the hose, which I quickly retrieved and sprayed her.

The water hit her on the belly and between legs, and then those little bottoms fell like a sack of bricks to her ankles. She quickly covered herself and squealed, but not before I got a good look at her fat, hairless little peach.

Then, I taunted with, “Cutie’s now a rudey nudey.”

“Help me, Dick. You have to tie them for me,” she pleaded, “I’m not good at it.”

“What if I want you to stay naked?” I cajoled her.

“Don’t tell mum, she will murder me if she finds out I went naked.”

“I’m not going to tell your mum. Here, let me help you with the ties,’ and then knelt beside her and pulled the little bottoms up her legs, worked on the knots for her, and then she checked them.

That gave me a chance to feel her bum and even got a finger on her tight, soft little pussy lips. All the while she bit her lip and smiled at me.

“All set to go,” I told her with another squeeze of a supple bum cheek.

“What’s that big thing sticking up in your pants?” She pointedly asked.

My throbber was closing in on twelve o’clock when I informed her, “That’s not something we should talk about.”

“Come on, Dick, I want to see.”

“I can’t show you, love. I would get in a lot of trouble and I’m sure your mum would murder me if she found out.”

“You’re not going to tell her I was naked, are you? I won’t tell mum if you want to show me.”

“I’m not going to tell your mum, but I just can’t show you.”

“But, it’s only fair since you saw me.”

Besides word getting out, her mum would murder me before I could end up in prison. What could possibly go wrong? However, it made my cock throb to think about showing her and maybe she would show me hers again… and let me feel around some more.

I hesitated for almost two seconds before I relented and told her, “Let’s go inside. It’s not safe to do it out here.”

The way she jumped and cheered, you would think I had just given her a new Barbie dream doll with full wardrobe. Then she grabbed my hand and dragged me into the house with her.

We made it all of the way to the lounge, before she plopped on the floor and demanded, “Now show me.”

I hesitated with my thumbs tucked into the waist of my shorts and asked, “Have you ever seen a willy before?”

“Course I have, I see my cousin Mark’s all of the time.”

“How about when it’s big, you know when it’s gone hard?”

“That’s when he shows it to me and wants me to pull it for him.”

“Bugger,” I thought, here goes and pulled my shorts halfway down.

Her eyes went wide and she slapped her hand over her mouth, exclaiming, “It’s enormous… and very hairy! I didn’t know they got that big.”

Since I’m pretty well average in size, my pride welled up and I took it as a compliment. Then I pulled my pants back up and told her, “Now that you’ve seen mine, you have to get naked first before I take mine off.”

“Can I touch it and, like, pull on it?”

“Are you going to let me touch you, too?”

She bit her lip, nodded her head, and then dropped her bottoms. Then she pulled off her shirt and threw her arms out and yelled, “All naked!”

The sight was almost enough to make me unload in my pants. “Please, please, please,” I begged my cock, “Wait until she gets her hands on you first.”

We were friends before, but we were even closer friends after she got her hands on me and, of course, mine on her.

End Chapter One

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