Cutie/Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

We sat down on the floor together and her hands flew out and, drawn like magnets, attached themselves to my cock. She was clearly fascinated with her new toy and I was fascinated with her devotion. Since she sat tailor fashion, her delectable little pussy opened wide for my appreciative gaze.

“It’s so big and hard inside,” she declared, “What is this stuff coming out?” She asked as she ran a finger through the bead of juice and pulled away a sticky string.

“He’s crying because he’s so happy,” I explained, which was not a lie, he was very happy.

“Really? He’s happy?”

“Yes, because he likes the way your hands feel on him.”

“I like making him happy,” she told me while she twirled her finger around in the juice, and then squeezed the head, coating her palm with slippery fluid.

Happily, I sat still and enjoyed her exploration. It was certainly a first for me, having a girl her tender young age excite me this much. You could say it was learning experience for both of us.

Then, I dipped my fingers in the juice and spread it over her little clit that had started to make its presence known. It was like a tiny, tender finger that pushed out from the top of her split and while I twirled my finger over it, her little bum fidgeted and squirmed around.

At first, I used a feather touch, but when I applied more pressure, she squealed, “It tickles funny.”

“Do you like it?” I asked, “I’ll quit if it bothers you.”

“Don’t stop, it’s giving me tingles.”

“That’s why it’s called a tingle button. It can give you really big tingles if you rub it long enough.”

“Will you give me some big tingles?” She asked.

“Of course, I will. Would you like to give me some, too?”

“How do I do that?”

“Just keep rubbing me like you’re doing and I’ll get a big tingle, and lots of slippery juice will come out.”

“Lot’s more?”

“Oh, yes. When I get the tingles, it makes a lot of juice come out.”

“What happens when I get the tingles?”

“Girls are a lot different. Some make juice and others don’t and if we keep this up, we will soon find out which one you are.”

Things were very uncomfortable the way we sat on the floor. So, I fetched a bath sheet and spread it on the sofa. Then led her over and laid her back with her feet on the cushions and parted her knees.

She enjoyed my ministrations, I could tell by the way she smiled as she bit her lip and strained her neck back. Her legs scissored back and forth and she squeaked every time I hit a hot spot. The inside of her little pink palace also developed a sheen and I spotted a drop of clear syrup that slowly worked its way out of her little opening. Then I dipped my finger in it and smeared it around her nubbin.

Her tight little pussy lips began to bloom open and thicken as more blood flowed into them. They also took on a rosy hue and it was obvious that she was aroused. Gently, I began to apply more pressure to her tender bundle of nerves as I twirled my finger faster and fluttered it over the tip. From the ripples in her thighs and the way her bum jumped, I knew she was getting close. Then, like a flash she closed her eyes and mewled like kitten as her first ever orgasm took possession of her body and carried her into the heavens.

Suddenly, her eyes popped open and she raised up telling me, “I think it just happened.”

“It was pretty nice, wasn’t it?”

“Wow, it was the best feeling ever.”

“Would you like another one? You can have as many as you like.”

“Yes, yes, yes, give me another one.”

“I’m going to do something different, that feels a lot better.”

“Yes, do it. I want some more.”

While I held her little lips apart, I ran my tongue up from her tiny hole, which had collected even more juice, dragged it through her split, and then drilled it into her clit. She held my ears while her thighs squeezed my cheeks and bounced her head against the cushion.

“Eeeh,” she squealed while I continued to lash her clit, and she jumped and pounded her mons into my nose.

As suddenly as her orgasm began, it stopped and she lay back panting with a far away look in her glazed eyes. That second one must have been really smashing because of what it took out of her. So, I let her rest and recover her strength.

It also left me with a pair of bursting balls and a drooling cock. I may not be able to wait for her, so I took matters in hand.

She lifted herself up and asked, “Is it going to squirt?”

I nodded my head and hissed, “Yes!” As my cannon fired a gooey blob of semen that spattered her chin. Then draped ropes across her belly and chest while she wiggled and squealed and crossed her arms and hugged herself.

“That stuff is so slippy,” she observed while she ran her hands through it. I captured the little blob that hung from her chin and rubbed it over her lips, and then she ran her tongue over them and smacked, “It doesn’t have a taste. What’s it for?”

“It’s baby juice, love,” I informed her.

“Where’s the baby?” Logically she queried.

I dipped my finger in a puddle of semen, pulled her cunny lips apart and pressed it into her little opening, telling her, “When you’re much older, if you squirt it inside this hole, it can make a baby.”

She bent over double and tried to see where my finger went inside her and explained, “I didn’t know there was a hole there. How does it get inside?”

“A boy or man puts his willy in there and quirts,” I indicated as I squeezed my finger in to the first joint.

Her eyes got wide in disbelief and she stated, “No way!”

“It stretches, a lot. That’s the same hole the baby comes out of.”

She looked at me like I had lost my mind, so I promised, “I know it’s hard for you to understand, so I’ll show you some films sometime that will prove it to you.”

Normally, she chattered about this and that, but after my revelation, she was very quiet and reflective. After we washed up in the bath, we shared a pack of biscuits and some pop before I dressed her for home.

Before I opened the door, she wrapped her arms around my neck, jumped into my arms with her legs around my waist, and gave me a wet pucker, asking, “Can I come over tomorrow so we can do more stuff?”

“Of course you can, I’m looking forward to it,” I told her, gave her a kiss on the nose and squeezed her bum.

Then she legged it into the sunset, which was really just next door. While I watched her little bum cheeks wiggle as she ran away, I felt suddenly empty now that she was gone.

“Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow, you’re only a day away,” I sang to myself.

End Chapter Two

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