Out Of Work/Chapter One

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Out Of Work

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Chapter One

The first of the crew to make my acquaintance was Susan. She was a cute little pixie all of eight years old, with a head of disheveled ash blonde hair, that I enlisted to help me carry cartons up to my flat. I’m afraid she was quite the nosy little moo and dug through each of the boxes before she went down and grabbed another one.

It was boiling by eleven and my shirt was so drenched with sweat I removed it. She got all googly eyed when she saw my bare chest and sighed every time she looked at me. Then, she followed me around like a little puppy and watched me carefully like she had never seen a bare chested man before. After we put the bed together, she trampoline tested the springs with her grimy bare feet and pulled her shirt off. Now it was my turn to stare and found myself attracted to her chest. She didn’t really have anything there except for coppery coloured, penny sized patches under little puffy mounds. But for some reason, they held more appeal to me than a grown woman’s breasts.

“I can’t lift another carton,” I complained, “I simply must have a kip. Sweetheart, why don’t you run along and come back in an hour.”

“I could use a kip meself, can I ‘ave it with you?” She begged wide eyed.

“That wouldn’t be proper, love. As much as I would love you to, there are people who wouldn’t approve if they found out.”

Then, she zipped her finger over her lips and told me, “My lips are sealed.”

“Alright, you saucy little tart, but just this one time,” and I unfastened my trousers and almost dropped them before I realized that it might not be a wise thing to do in front of the girl. So, I dug out a pair of athletic shorts and went to the bath to change.

Even the bath was tiny and it was so small you could shower while you sat on the bog. Combining two tasks at once might be handy if you were running late. Since I neglected to shut the door, the little imp took it as an invitation to follow me in.

“I came in here for privacy so you didn’t have to watch me change.”

“Oh, please let me stay,” she pleaded.

“Alright, but I warned you,” and turned around and quickly removed my trousers and boxers.

Then, the giggles broke out and she said, “You sure have a hairy bum,” and I shot her the stink eye while I quickly pulled my shorts on.

She dogged my heals back to my room and dropped her skirt before she dove into the bed and bounced up and down a few times. Her mum was skint, which was obvious from the condition of her grey, stained and threadbare cotton panties that were about two sizes too big for her. I laid on my back and she curled up under my arm and ran her fingers through the hair on my chest until I put a stop to it so I could go to sleep.

I awoke two hours later and found her face down and still asleep next to me. Her flimsy knickers had worked their way down until half of her fat bum crack was exposed and now that was something I couldn’t take my eyes off of. My fingers had a life of their own and floated over her warm, firm cheeks before they sneaked into the crack.

“Do it some more,” she begged.

“I love your sexy bum,” I told her as I squeezed a cheek.

“That’s what Eric tells me when he squeezes my bum,” she informed me.

“Well, I believe Eric has good taste in sexy bums. Who is he?” I asked.

“He lives on the next landing up and he plays with me and Maureen and Holly and Marsha. Jane used to live in your flat but she moved away.”

“How would you like to have a late lunch with me. I spotted a chippy and a Chinese in the row of shops up the lane.”

“I don’t have any money,” she confessed with sadness in her voice.

“You don’t need money ‘cause I’m buying,” I said as I ruffled her already strewn hair and told her, “I need to dig out my brush and sort that mop of yours.”

We held hands and she skipped at my side up to the shop and then we carried our take away cartons and fizzy drinks back to my flat. Since I didn’t have a kitchen table or even a kitchen big enough to fit one, we spread a bath sheet and ate on my bed. We sat tailor fashion and I noticed just how threadbare her panties were. There was a big hole in the gusset that exposed her clit and an expanse of labia which I couldn’t ignore, so I examined the bare flesh in great detail. She caught my eye and beamed me a smile that ran from ear to ear.

“I’m sorry, love, I didn’t mean to stare,” I quickly apologized.

“It’s ‘aright, I don’t mind. It made me tingle ‘cause you were looking.”

“Yeh, but I shouldn’t have. All of the cartons are here and there’s only one more thing to bring up. It’s a bit big and a little heavy. Show me a muscle,” I told her as I clenched my fist and bent my arm to show her mine. Her tiny little muscle barely popped up and I squeezed it a little and told her, “It may be a bit too heavy for you.”

“Maureen’s home, she’s ten and real strong. What are we carrying up?”

“My telly and it’s a big one.”

“A telly? Nobody that I know in the building has one. Will you let me watch it?”

“Of course you can watch it. The hook ups should be working. If not, we can find a DVD that you will enjoy.”

“Can Maureen watch too?”

“Yes, she can watch too. Let’s go recruit her.”

Her place was at the end of the corridor across the landing from mine and right next to Susan’s. We could hear music playing inside and Susan pounded on the door and screamed, “It’s me, open the door.”

A little golden haired girl about a head taller than Susan opened it wearing nothing more than her panties. I was immediately struck by her sprouting breast buds, prominent peach and… oh so nicely defined camel toe in her dingy panties.

“Wotcha, Maureen, I’m Ricky,” I said as I offered her my hand.

She flashed me a smile so warm it could melt wax, firmly squeeze my hand and told me, “My pleasure! Susan, where did you find such a hot buff... err, handsome gentleman?”

Her initial choice of words didn’t escape my notice and, needless to say, I was chuffed. Not my ex-wife or any of my girlfriends had ever paid me such a compliment, but, leave it to a ten year old girl whom I found particularly attractive in her mostly bare state.

“I’m helping him move his things into Jane’s old place. Come help us carry the telly up. He said we can watch it!” Then Susan squealed as she hopped on her toes and shook her arms in the air.

Telly was the magic word and Maureen squealed, “He has a telly!”

“Go put some clothes on,” I told her, “And meet us in the car park.”

She caught up with us wearing a thin floral dress before we were half way down the stairs. The second storey was not so bad unless you had a lot of big and heavy things to carry up; thankfully I didn’t. The telly should be a cinch with my strong and eager little helpers.

Both of the girls watched in enthusiastic, but rather impatient, attention while I mounted it on the wall in my bedroom. After I had it connected we soon discovered there was no signal yet so I plugged in the DVD player.

“I know where they are,” Susan squealed as she legged it to the stack of cartons in the lounge.

Unfortunately, she brought the wrong case back and had my porn stash strewn across the bed before I realized it. There were ooohs and aaahs as they closely examined the explicit covers.

I’m afraid I had a little heart scare when Susan asked, “Ricky, what’s a dildo dolls?”

Needless to say, I quickly sprung into action, scooped up the films and stuffed them back in the case. “These are the wrong ones,” I explained, “I’ll find the other case and let you look through it.”

“What’s dildo dolls?” The girl demanded but Maureen snickered, which made me believe that she knew.

“I’ll explain it some other time,” I diverted.

“But it said, girls have fun with their toys and in the picture she was poking a willy thing into her fanny.”

“Oh, fuck,” I muttered under my voice and sternly told them, “Not now!” And went in search of the right case.

The only films I had that I thought they would be interested in were “The Sound Of Music” which was immediately dismissed for being too old, “Annie” which was not impressive enough and “Mary Poppins” which drew a maybe. I don’t believe they enjoyed musicals. However, they spotted “Jurassic Park” and that was what I popped in the player. It was fun to watch with them because they squealed and screamed every time a monster appeared and I ended up with a shivering girl under each arm which felt very nice.

After the film was over, we shared a pack of biscuits along with some warm fizzy drinks and I asked, “When do your mum’s get home?”

“Mine doesn’t ‘till six,” Maureen informed me between nibbles of her biscuit.

“Mine’s seven,” Susan told me, “Can we stay at your place till then?”

“I suppose, but I’ll have to put you to work. I want to get the bath sorted and do what I can with the kitchen.”

My enthusiastic helpers dove into the bath cartons and without my assistance, knew where everything went. The overflow then landed in the corridor cupboards while I attended the kitchen. I’m lucky to have kept my old electric cookers because there wasn’t one and really no place to put a stove if I bought it. It was back to the basics for preparing meals and I was thankful that a row of eateries was nearby.

I felt a tug on my shirt sleeve and when I turned to look, Susan stuck my ex-wife’s bullet vibrator in my face and asked, “What’s this thing? It looks like the one on the film case I showed you.”

Meanwhile, Maureen hid in the shadows and giggled because she knew exactly what it was and wouldn’t tell her friend. “Ahhh... you’ll find out in a few years,” I brushed her question off and took the toy from her. Then, I hid it in my bed unit and inspected their handiwork. “Brilliant job, girls!” I complimented them and didn’t notice a thing out of place.

“Mum will be here soon,” Maureen said and then lifted herself on her toes and gave me a peck on the cheek, “Can I watch telly tomorrow?”

“Yes, of course you can. Come by anytime you like,” I told her and she was off in a flash.

“Let’s watch some more films before my mum gets home,” Susan begged and I popped in “Star Wars” which I believed she would enjoy.

She stripped her shirt and skirt off and insisted that I remove my shirt. Then she cuddled under my arm and ran her fingers through my chest hair while I ran my hand over her back and squeezed her bum every once in a while.

“Put your hand inside and squeeze it,” she pleaded.

“You want me to squeeze your bum inside your panties?” I asked, surprised.

She nodded her head and told me, “Feels good.”

So, for the next thirty minutes, I played with her bare bum inside her panties and from the way she wiggled and moaned, I knew she enjoyed it. However, it left a lump in my trousers that I had to take care of after she left.

When it came time for her to leave, she gave me a sweet little kiss on the lips and assured me, “I’ll be back tomorrow.”

“Ahhh,” I sighed, “I’ve been smitten by the girl.”

End Chapter One

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