Out Of Work/Chapter Three

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Out Of Work

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Chapter Three

“That feels really good, baby,” I told Susan.

She let herself into my flat like she had done before, climbed into bed naked and quickly claimed my morning wood. I woke up to the feeling of her nimble little fingers skinning the shaft. So, I took a handful of her bum cheek and squeezed it while she entertained herself with my hard pole.

“This is so neat,” she observed while she skinned my cock with her hands, but then squealed, “That tickles,” when I rubbed my finger around her little puckered anus.

“Well, it so happens that I enjoy tickling you, especially here,” I told her as I pressed the tip of my finger through the centre of the little muscled ring.

“Your finger went in my poo hole,” she said as she wiggled her bum.

“Want me to take it out?” I asked.

“No,” she explained, “I like the way it feels.”

“You do?” I asked, “Why don’t you tell me about it.”

“This is embarrassing,” she told me, “But sometimes I put my finger in there when I’m in bed at night or in the bath… when I’m playing with myself.”

“There’s nothing wrong with that. I play with myself all of the time because I don’t have a girlfriend that will do it for me.”

Her eyes popped open wide and she offered, “I can be your girlfriend. That way I can play with you and you don’t have to do it all by yourself.”

“Hmmm, I kind of like your idea. It’s a lot nicer when you play with me like this and I know how I can make my girlfriend feel good too.”

“You can? Show me,” she demanded as she released her grip on my dick.

“Remember that dildo thing you found? I believe I should show you how it works.”

“Yes,” she told me as she straddled my belly and I pulled her down for a kiss which lasted a lot longer than intended. “I like the way you kiss,” she said as she brushed her lips over mine.

“Boyfriends and girlfriends kiss a lot to show their love for each other,” and then I dug my fingers into her sides and she squealed as she wiggled out of my grasp.

“Does that mean I can be your girlfriend?” She asked enthusiastically.

“Of course it does,” I answered as I dug the vibrator and lube out of my bed unit, turned it on and pressed it against her palm.

“That feels so funny,” she told me.

“I’m going to show you where it feels the best,” I offered as I laid her on her back, lifted her knees and spread them apart. Then, I rubbed a little lube around her clit and on the tip of the plastic toy. “You’re going to love this,” I explained as I pressed the buzzing tip against her clit, which evoked a deep moan and made her snap her knees together.

She bit her lip, pushed her head back and then rolled it around in circles in obvious pleasure. The expression on her face alone made my cock throb, so I squeezed and stroked it while I played the buzz toy around her stiff bean. Her little clit had doubled in size and with every ring I made around it, her arse hole and pussy twitched. Then, her hips rolled and her eyes popped open in surprise before they screwed shut as she succumbed to her orgasm. Her unconscious sighs were like music to my ears and bubbled from her lips with every spasm inside her pussy.

Then, her eyes popped open and I asked, “What do you think? Pretty nice, wasn’t it?”

“Oh, wow, Ricky, that was the most super feeling I’ve ever had.”

“I’m glad you liked it and there’s plenty more where that came from. Now, I’m going to show you how we can make each other feel good and get the super feeling together. Are you ready for another one?”

She definitely was and quickly nodded her head. I helped her straddle my hips facing me, gave her little slit a good coat of lube and smeared some on my cock. Then, I settled her down on my cock with her clit pressed under the head and slid her back and forth until she decided to take over.

“This is nice. I like rubbing myself on your thing,” she exclaimed.

“You’re doing such a great job I’m ready to squirt.”

“I want you to squirt, Ricky,” she told me as she hunched herself faster and with even more determination.

“You’re making me feel so good, girlfriend,” I sang, “It won’t be long.”

Then, her movements became irregular, her eyes rolled up in head and she looked like she would collapse. So, I braced her hips and when her pussy lips nibbled on my cock, my balls violently erupted and launched long ropes of semen across my chest. She played her fingers through the bits that dribbled out and rubbed them in circles over my cock head.

“You girl, are the best girlfriend a man could ever hope for. Did you see how much spermies you made me squirt out? I don’t believe I’ve ever squirted that much before.”

“I wanted you to squirt out lots and lots for me.”

“Let’s get cleaned up and do some breakfast,” I said as pulled her down for a kiss, that turned into a snog and we rubbed the pooled sperm between our bellies and chests.

As I took a sip of my coffee, a faint knock came to the door and Susan squealed, “That’s Maureen,” and flew to answer it.

“You’re already naked,” Maureen squealed, “What have you been doing?” She asked as Susan led her to the kitchen. “Ricky,” she screamed, “I missed you so much,” then she plopped herself in my lap and plastered her lips to mine, “You are so handsome when you’re naked.”

I squeezed her bum through her dress and since I didn’t feel any panties, I told her, “And you’re so sexy when you leave your panties off,” I told as my fingers did a quick inspection run.

She nodded, popped to her feet, flung her dress off and told me, “Now, I’m naked all over. I told Holly, Marsha and Eric about you and they want to come over and visit later if it’s alright with you. They got really excited when I told them about your telly.”

“Gawd, you are so gorgeous,” I told her as I pulled her in for another kiss.

“Guess what?” Susan squealed, “Ricky’s my boyfriend and I’m his girlfriend,” but instead of being glad to hear the news, Maureen looked a bit crestfallen.

She was gutted, so I quickly told her, “I always wanted to have two girlfriends, what do you think?”

“You can have two girlfriends?” Maureen quickly asked.

“If you’ll share me with Susan and she doesn’t mind. What do you think, Susan? Do you want to share?”

“Yeh, but I’m your number one girlfriend and I get you first.”

“That’s not so bad, now is it, Maureen?”

“Alright,” she agreed, “I’ll be your number two girlfriend but I want another kiss,” and she stole it from my lips.

Her warm bum felt so good in my lap and I loved the way her pointy titties poked my chest while we kissed. Then, I squeezed her bum and asked, “Want to watch a film with us?”

“Which one?” Maureen asked.

“The ‘Dildo Dolls’ film I wouldn’t let you watch before,” I told her.

“You’ll let us?” They both chimed.

“Yes, and I want to show Maureen how the toy works while we are watching it.”

“You’ll love it,” Susan explained, “It’s the most super, wicked thing I’ve ever felt and Ricky knows how to use it real good.”

“Ricky, since I’m your number two girlfriend,” she leaned in and nibbled my lips, “Does that mean that I can make your spermies squirt out?”

“Of course it does. As long as Susan doesn’t have a problem with it, neither do I.”

“I get to go first if I want to,” Susan added as she asserted her position.

“It’s film time,” I told the girls, grabbed the DVD case and led them to my room.

While they both sat on the edge of the bed, I took the vibrator out and handed it to Maureen. Then, Susan quickly stepped in, twisted the dial and handed it back to her. Maureen rolled her eyes up while she caressed the buzzing toy in her hands.

“Ricky’s going to rub it on your tingle button and make your tummy ‘splode,” Susan told her.

“Let’s start the film so I can make Maureen’s tummy ‘splode while we watch it,” I told the girls.

The film opened with an attractive woman walking into a sex shop and then browsing the merchandise. She didn’t seem to know what she wanted until she came to a case with a large assortment of dildos in it. The shopkeeper was a short, fat bloke with an obvious tent in his trousers that the girls pointed to and giggled. Then, the woman spotted a seven inch vibrating dildo, not unlike mine, and asked to see it. She turned it on and lovingly ran her hand over it, just like Maureen did, which drove the shopkeeper mad and he openly squeezed his bulge several times.

Then, the woman purchased it along with extra batteries, put it in a carrier bag and rushed back to her flat so she could try it out. Her clothes were strewn in a trail from the door all of the way to her bed and she laid back on a stack of pillows, spread her legs and flipped the toy on. For the next fifteen minutes she rubbed it around her clit while she moaned and sighed the whole time, and then came to a screaming climax.

“Why did she scream?” Maureen asked.

So, I stopped the film and told her, “I need to show you.”

Then, I scooted her bum to the edge of the bed, raised her knees and spread them apart. She was so deliciously wet down there, I wanted a taste, but waited for another time. Unlike Susan, her slit was drenched so I turned the vibrator on and pressed it into her clit.

“Oh, wow,” she squealed as she clutched the bed covers and held on for dear life.

I held her slit open with my thumb and index finger while I twirled it around her tingle button. Then, I pulled her clit hood back until the hard little pearl popped out and when I pressed the tip to it, she went off like bomb.

She lay stunned and motionless for about thirty seconds before she sat up and said, “Let me have that,” and snatched the toy from my hand.

Then, she laid back, pressed it to her clit and didn’t stop moaning until she had another orgasm. I was so throbbing hard I slowly stroked myself while I watched her until my number one girlfriend pulled my hand away and took over for me saying, “Your girlfriend needs to do this for you.”

In her loving hands, I was powerless and the only thing I could do was enjoy it. When Maureen saw what we were doing, she sat up and asked, “Can I help?”

Susan gave her a quick nod so I took one of her hands and cradled my balls in it. Then, I told her, “Gently,” and her eyes lit up while she made the big marbles roll around. I wrapped her fingers around the lower part of the shaft and the two of them fucked me with their fists. It was so extraordinary, it quickly drove me to the edge, where I hovered for about a minute and then bellowed as I shot so hard little spoogecicles hung from the ceiling.

End Chapter Three

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