Exposed/Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Every so often, I took my sandwich and drink with me for lunch on the common outside of my estate. There were swings, a round-about, climbing bars and during the summer it was packed with children of all ages.

Since there were no toilet blocks, everyone used the brambles on the edge of the wood. Some of the younger girls didn’t bother and squatted in place where they were. Ever since my encounter with Jan and Allie, my perspective changed towards young girls. Both of them enjoyed looking at my cock, watching and even making the sperm squirt out. Which I must confess, I deemed a noble gesture. However, I wondered if other young girls held the same interest.

Reliving the now fond memory of my recent experience, along with the young girls playing with abandon in the common, took its toll on me; like a drug. Never before had I experienced such a strong reaction to young girls, but wanted, no needed to experience it again and again. Their little knickers glowed like beacons and my eyes like moths were drawn to them. I couldn’t help it and had to look. Graciously, I was rewarded with the occasional flash of tender pink flesh from the careless ones that neglected their cute little panties. When treated to such a sight, willy responded with great fervor.

As a product of my frequent reflection, I happened upon a plan to feed my addiction. It had worked so well once, and quite by accident, I reasoned it would work again. To prepare, I simply wore my jogger shorts, yes, the very same ones, and a thin t-shirt. The wood in my shorts was almost a permanent fixture now and comfortably slipped down the loose leg and all I had to do was spread my legs a little in order to attract attention. However, I could snap them closed to dispel unwanted attention. As an extra measure of protection, I had my newspaper handy.

It wasn’t long before a group of girls, about seven to eight, played closer and closer to me. It was obvious that one of them had spotted something and informed her mates. I watched from the corner of my eye as they edged closer and closer to my bench in their play. Every so often, they simply paused, looked in my direction and sometimes stared to distraction, then went about their play only to repeat it. One of them, a little blonde haired, blue eyed doll about eight, broke off from the group and legged it towards me at top speed. Then came to a dead halt about six feet in front of me. She made no effort to conceal the focus of her undivided attention, which of course, was peeking from my shorts. This I knew as fact and so did willy.

Then she broke from her reverie, giggled, put her hand over her mouth, and ran back to her chums. There was a little exchange between them, and then the other two girls ran towards me, took a quick peek, and then ran back. I was seriously stiff by now, but needed a pee and contemplated a quick wank. I adjusted myself to be as inconspicuous as possible, and then indirectly walked over to the brambles on the edge of the wood.

There, I found a tree and had a pee. I was so hard it took a few minutes for me to soften enough to get the flow going. Meanwhile, I heard soft little titters and spotted my little voyeurs, who for some reason decided to have a pee not fifteen feet away with their eyes fixed on me. Thankfully, I was able to lower my water before my cock decided to sprout again, throbbing this time. I just knew they would want to see so I turned and gave them a good look before I pulled up my shorts and strolled into the wood, now desperate to get the sperm out.

Possibly two hundred feet in, I spotted a large rock, took a seat and waited to see if I was followed. There was dead silence and I hadn’t spotted a sign of them but the pressure in balls could not be denied. Despite the chance of someone wandering by, I grew daring and removed my shorts. While I held the curious girls in the forefront of my mind, I took a grip on myself and slowly skinned my cock. I was so wound and on edge, it would not take much to get me over. When I heard little titters the sperm blasted from my balls, which felt like they shot out my piss slit along with the sperm. It was that strong and I must have shot five feet across the forest floor in one of the strongest orgasms I could remember.

I rested for a few minutes and the girls had already deserted their post by the time I made my way back. It was fun though and I decided I would do this again so they could enjoy another show, another day.

My exhibition in the common was well received by most of the girls in general. Yes, there were some that were shy or frightened away. But, then there were the bold ones that obviously wanted to look at my cock. About a week later, I encountered one of them. She actually parked herself next to me on the bench and chatted while she had a better look.

The girl’s self-assured and terribly independent attitude immediately attracted me to her. That, plus the fact that she was so cute. Not a real looker but for someone just entering puberty, I thought she was nice.

She was about four and a half feet and seventy pounds with a sweet, creamy complexion that made me want to kiss her face so I could taste it. Her short, shoulder length light brown hair, was parted to one side and barely covered one of her dark brown eyes. She wore a short, red plaid summer skirt with a thin white t-shirt top with obvious dents where the bumps on her chest pushed the fabric out and begged to be freed for my hungry inspection. Then, there was the way she immodestly sat which gave me a lovely view of her little lemon yellow knicker gusset.

“Hiya, love, I’m Billy, what’s yours?”

“I’m Edith. You know, my brother’s thing is a lot smaller than yours.”

I acted surprised, closed my legs and told the girl, “Oh, my, I didn’t know I was showing. It was awfully naughty of you to look.”

“You don’t mind me looking, do ya?”

“Looking at what, my thing?”

“Yes, and I could see it from a long ways off and wanted a closer look.”

“A young girl like you shouldn’t look at a man’s thing.”

“I like looking at it. Will you show it to me some more?”

Fuck me, the blood rushed to my cock after she said that. There was no question in my mind now that I should give her what she wanted and told her, “Not here in the open. I know a place in the wood that’s not far and I’ll show you.”

We needed to hurry though, not only were my balls bursting, my tent was impossible to hide and I had to cover myself with the newspaper. So, I led her by the hand around the edge of the common so we could avoid the crowds. When we got to the brambles, she pulled away, quickly squatted and told me, “Halfta pee,” and then she pulled her gusset aside and fired off a five foot stream that was simply amazing.

I had no idea a girl could shoot one off like that and was hypnotized. Not only of the stream but I was transfixed by her bare little cunny. If she had any hair down there, I was too far away to notice. Then, just as quickly, she stood up again and entertained me with her bubbly chatter while I led her to the rock in the wood. If possible, I believe she was more excited than I was.

“When you see your brother’s willy, does it stick out like mine?”

“His always sticks out like that, ‘cept when he pees.”

While I squeezed my cock inside the leg of my shorts, I told her, “Yeah, boys have trouble getting their pee out when it’s hard. Do you ever watch him pull on it?”

“He’s always pulling it in front of me. He just never stops. That makes it feel better you know.”

“I believe it does make it feel better. Would you like to see me pull on mine?”

“Can I look real close? My brother won’t let me and smacks my hand if I try to touch it.”

I pulled the leg of my shorts up, which was a relief because it was getting kind of cramped. The girl bit her lip, her eyes got very wide and she exclaimed, “Wow, it’s even bigger than I thought.”

“Have you seen the white goo come out of your brother’s yet?”

“I saw it once but he wouldn’t tell me what it was. Becky, we’re besties you know, she said it was spunk and I shouldn’t get any on me because it makes babies.”

“It makes babies but not how you think. It’s got to go up inside your, your… down below. Do you call it your pussy? It has to go in your fanny to make a baby. You’re not having monthlies yet, are you?”

“Mum said I’ll get them anytime now and I need to be prepared. How does it go inside the pussy?”

“You’ve got a hole down there and the man, or boy for that matter, puts it inside when it’s hard like this,” and I shook my cock at her.

“What hole? There’s just my bum and pee hole there.”

“I’ll show you where it is in a few minutes. Do you still want to touch me? I need to get the sperm out. It’s what your mate called spunk. You can get it out if you want.”

“It won’t get me pregnant, now will it?”

“No, never, unless it goes in your pussy hole after your monthlies start.”

“I can’t imagine where the pussy hole is. You’ve got to show me. So, what do I do?”

I took her fingers, wrapped them around the shaft and guided her through a few strokes, then said, “All you have to do is pull on it like I just showed you.”

The girl’s hand felt excruciatingly good. So good in fact, I vowed never to wank myself again. I know, Misses Palm would be jealous but she couldn’t hold a candle to the way the girl’s hand felt on me now. As randy as I was, I doubt if my balls will be able to contain the sperm much longer.

“Oh, look, your sperm is already coming out.”

“That’s not the sperm but you’re doing such a brilliant job, it won’t be long before it does.”

“What is this if it’s not sperm?” She asked as she rubbed it into her palms.

“It makes things slippery so it goes inside of you.”

“In my pussy? You’re not going to put it inside my pussy, are you?”

“Oh, never, you’re too small for it to fit. The slippery stuff comes out so I’m ready and it will slip inside.” I was so close, those last words were down to a hoarse whisper.

“You’re still going to show me where the hole is, aren’t you?”

“Yes, yes… here it is... ugh, ugh, ugh...” The distance I shot the other day was nothing compared to this. I believe I knocked off tree bark at ten feet.

The girl held me with both hands away from her and only squeaked once with the first squirt and you should have seen the amazement on her face. Then she squealed, “How wicked was that!”

End Chapter Two

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