Exposed/Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

“Bam, bam, bam…” came the pounding on my garden door. I suspected it was Janice and that was not her happy knock. Then, I opened the door and she flew into my arms crying, “Billy, where have you been, I’ve missed you?”

“I didn’t know my little love missed me so much,” I told her while I showered her face with little kisses, “I’ve been eating my lunch in the common and made some new friends there.”

“You showed them your willy, didn’t you?”

It’s not that the girl was a natural mind reader. I believe she sensed how much I liked exposing myself to girls like her that wanted to look.

It wasn’t in me to lie, so I leveled with her, “Yes, I showed them my willy.”

“You can’t do that. You’re only supposed to show me and maybe Allie if I’m around.”

Possessive too, so I offered, “Let’s do it this way, you can come with me and watch. Then you get to see it too. We’ll all have great fun together.”

“What if I don’t want to share.”

“But, love, we’re not even boyfriend and girlfriend. How can you act that way?”

“Don’t you want to be my boyfriend?”

“I am a lot older than you are and don’t know if I’m ready for that. What does it mean to you if I’m your boyfriend?”

“We can do all sorts of things only boyfriends and girlfriends do, like sexing it up.”

“I can’t even consider it. You’re way too young for that.”

“Am not. I’m almost nine. Allie put a big carrot in me and said you will fit.”

“She did what? She put a carrot in you?”

“It felt good too. She moved it in and out just like real sexing and it felt so good I sploded. I want to do it for real with you. Please say you will and make me your girlfriend.”

“Love, we don’t have to have sex for you to be my girlfriend. You’re very sexy and I would really like to but I’m afraid I might hurt you.”

“Can we try? I want to show you that I can do it.”

Really, I could think of nothing nicer, but kept asking myself, “What if I hurt her? I couldn’t live with that,” so, I suggested, “There’s no need to rush into it. Why don’t we spend the day together, like a boyfriend and girlfriend would and I’ll consider it?”

Maybe I should settle down with Jan as my girlfriend. She was special to me, but so were the other friends I’ve made; especially Edith. That girl was primed and ready and I had looked forward to being her first lover. Then again, she’s not that much older than Jan and it would devastate me if I lost her. The problem was, I didn’t want to lose any of them. However, Jan was first and we had been intimate much longer than with the rest.

“We can spend the day together naked in your bed. Billy, I really want to do it with you and if you let me show you, I know you will want to,” the girl pleaded.

Feminine logic was a hurdle I had tried to jump over in the past and landed on my face. Women, and now I believe girls, were relentless when they wanted someone and would go to extreme measures to get it; whatever it takes. Will I cave? Maybe. For now though, this would be a test. Probably a test of my resilience, which wasn’t very strong sometime. However, I would put my best foot forward and try not to let her shove me back on my heals. Resolve… firm resolve is what I needed now. That would include and the ability to not listen to my dick so often. You know, he only has one thing on his mind and she’s going to exploit that to full advantage to get what she wants.

“Have you eaten breakfast yet?” I asked, “I’m going to do some runny eggs and fried bread. There’s jam in the pantry. I need another beaker of coffee but there’s orange squash if you like.”

“I’m a little hungry. You can do the same for me. Milk and two with coffee.”

After breakfast, she planted herself on my lap and got very kissy kissy. It all started with the wiggle her bum on me. Her bum was so nice and warm I could feel it through my gown. She didn’t talk much but gave me little pecks for kisses. I tried to remain resolute and not give into her right away. But what can I say, she tugged my heart strings, not to mention my dick, and my facade quickly crumbled.

Her first healthy blow came when she gave me those puppy dog eyes of hers and I drowned in the deep pools. I dove in head first and I know she sensed it when I stiffened under her bum. She knew my armor was pierced and she could launch her salvo in the attack. So, she eased her lips to mine and nibbled, while she teased her little tongue against my gums. I was spineless, waved the white flag and surrendered at that point. So, I mashed my lips to hers while I dipped my tongue into her mouth. She did not fight fair and sucked on it while more blood pumped into my cock. I admitted defeat when she reached down and squeezed my cock. That was the point my upper brain shut down completely and left my dick to man the wheel.

The light in the room dimmed, acquired a rosy glow and the silence was so thick it was like we were the only two people left on the planet. Then, I plastered my lips to hers, gathered her into my arms and carried her to my bed. After I gently eased her down, I laid at her side and devoured her mouth. We kissed feverishly while I peeled down the straps on her sleeveless summer smock. Then I sucked and nibbled my down to the minuscule little pebbles on her chest. The nipples were nothing more than little bug bites in the centre of a darker pink ring. But, they were, oh, so sensitive. She squeezed her thighs together and squirmed while I rubbed them between my fingers and lavished them with my tongue.

While I suckled and tweaked the tiny buds, she bounced her bum from the bed and twisted her hips in excitement. A warm flush spread across her chest and up into her neck and made her skin hot to the touch, even feverish, while I worked my hand between her clenched thighs. She gracefully spread them and I was astonished that they were so slick. The heat radiated from her pussy and warmed my fingers as I gradually worked them up until they brushed the leg band of her knickers. The thin little gusset was saturated to the point her secretions dripped from it and coated my hand.

Then I pushed a finger into her little groove and rubbed the slick fabric into her clit. A muffled wail came from the throat as her bum bounced from the bed and jammed her pudenda into my hand. She wiggled and squirmed as she frantically tugged her dress up to her shoulders, and then raised her arms to pull it off. That left only her sodden knickers to contend with and when she reached for them, I brushed her hand away.

“Allow me,” I insisted, and then covered her mons with my mouth and sucked her essence through the slick fabric.

While I nibbled and chewed her fat peach, I gradually drew the waist of her tiny panties down. The soft, sweet musk of her natural perfume assailed my nostrils and instilled the strong desire to bathe my face in the syrup. With more urgency, I tugged the tiny scrap of fabric down while I nibbled and nips over the tender flesh as it was exposed, to her soft, tender titters and sighs. I became increasingly more desperate to get my lips on the source of the savoury sauce so I could draw it into my mouth and cover my tongue with it.

While munching on that juicy peach of hers, my tongue snagged the fleshy hood of her tiny trigger so I insinuated it under the folds and against the hard little pearl that was buried. She squealed and bounced her bum while I gripped her hips and pelted the stiff little kernel until she could stand no more, so I eased off. Then, I tugged her soaked knickers down over her ankles and off. I couldn’t resist holding the fragrant gusset to my nose for a parting whiff. Then I was on to even better and even wetter things. I lifted her knees and parted them before I bored my stiffened tongue into the swampy mouth of her pussy reamed it out. She grabbed handfuls of my hair and ground herself into my mouth while I relentlessly fucked my taster into her before I mopped my way up to her joy button, but she pushed me away.

I looked at her in surprise and she mouthed the soft, desperate little words, “Put it in me.”

The fight was on again between my two brains as they dueled for control of my dick. On one hand my upper brain pleaded, “Don’t do it, you will hurt her and injure her for life.” But on the other my lower brain parried, “Go for it. She’s broken in and you’ll slide right in there without a hitch.”

Guess who won an argument that was lost before it began? I was careful though and exercised as much restraint as I could muster as I climbed over her and nudged myself into the slick little mouth. The lips graciously parted and swallowed my knob into steaming entry of her baby tube and my eyes went wide with concern when she groaned and automatically figured that I hurt her.

But when I gazed into her blaring eyes there was not a hint of pain and with trembling lips, barely above a whisper, she demanded, “Put it in me, now!” With considerably more emphasis that before.

I knew she was determined, so I applied more pressure and slipped passed the slight restriction that rolled itself around my cock head and trapped it just inside the tight little tunnel. She grimaced while squeezed more of myself into her, but not because of pain. Her mouth hung open while her tongue lolled on her lips and her eyes clenched but still I pressed in even harder. She moaned and I groaned as the trek began to the entrance of her womb. The little tunnel gripped me so tight I could feel the slightest movement withing her and when she coughed, I almost spilled my sperm in her. It was like she had swallowed me down her throat.

Although not her throat, her little pussy continued to swallow me at a slow and steady pace. I didn’t rush it and as nice as I felt inside her, I more concerned with her experience. All of her muscles were tensed, even those in her pussy, which slowed things down considerably and didn’t allow her to stretch and accustom her to the intruder. The good thing was, the grip was so tight the blood couldn’t escape from my cock and there was no fear that I would soften.

Suddenly, she went into total apoplexy like an epileptic seizure with her eyes rolled back in her head and her eyes and mouth tightly shut. It only lasted a few seconds then her eyes popped open and a bright smile beamed from her face as her body relaxed and I slipped completely inside and nudged her undeveloped womb with nary an inch to spare.

“Wow,” she exclaimed, “That was much better than the carrot,” with a little giggle.

I breathed a very big sigh of relief that she was alright and had just experienced an orgasm before I was fully inside of her. However, I felt like it took a year from my life and showed on my face.

“What’s wrong, Billy? You’re pale like you just saw a ghost?”

“It was no ghost. You’re just so small and tight I was scared I had injured you.”

“You’re silly. I told you we could do it.”

“Forgive me love, I will never doubt you again.”

I never did, doubt her again that is. But, let me tell you, we tore up the bed covers and busted a few springs in the mattress that day… and every day after that. Sometimes several times a day, but who’s counting.

It made up my mind though and I took her for my girlfriend. I missed my little girls in the common but we did manage a few reunions with Jan in tow. She wasn’t nearly as possessive as I once thought. Go ahead and call me a cuck. I was very happy with my place in our relationship. Of course, she was the only one I fucked and I believed I had fallen in love with her. Let sleeping dogs lie, I was not going to tempt fate. For some reason I didn’t believe things would go well if I did.

The End

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