Hot Masala/Chapter Two

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Hot Masala

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Chapter Two

I’m a very sound sleeper, and nothing bothers me except when it comes to my cock. You could say, I was only half conscious and thoroughly enjoyed the way my cock felt right now. He must have regained some of his strength the way he throbbed, in what felt like a small hand. There was a problem though, that dragged me abruptly from my sleep. It wasn’t my daughter’s because that’s not something she would do outside of the bath and only briefly there.

When I opened my eyes, I jumped because there were four girls gathered around me and two of them were obvious strangers. Dark strangers with skin so dark in colour, they looked African. One of them held my cock in their hand while she showed its salient features to the other girls.

Mary saw me open my eyes, and quickly jumped in with, “Daddy, this is Aditi and Chandani who are from Bhopal in India.”

The two Indian girls were also quite naked and the oldest, Aditi, appeared to be about twelve years old and sported a very nice pair of cone shaped boobies with giant puffy areola that were even darker than her skin. She also held my cock in her grip in a practiced way that told me it was not her first. When she caught my eye, she told me, “It’s stonking. I would like it very much if you put it in me.”

Carrie quickly shook the girl’s arm and tried to pull her from the bed. I was struck for a moment, and wondered to myself, “Indian girls seem to be a brazen lot. Did she just tell me she was impressed with the size of my cock and ask me to fuck her?”

Then Carrie jumped in with, “Don’t pay her mind. She’s never been to England before and doesn’t know it’s impolite to speak like that to a gentleman… or, remove your saree when you visit.”

I never really considered myself a gentleman, but I knew she was embarrassed with her guest’s behaviour and tried to apologize for them; since they were ignorant. Aditi smiled and nodded her head as she asked again, “Please, I would like to.”

That was too much for Carrie to stand, so she grabbed the girls by their arms and dragged them from the room. I must say, the two of them showed off a pair of very nice and very squeezable bum cheeks that were a pleasure to watch as they jiggled their way out. I wouldn’t mind giving them a bit of proper attention. Their faces were not very pretty by our standards, but their bums were to die for.

As soon as the girls left the room, Mary pulled off her knickers and pounced on me. If she wasn’t hot before, she was smoking now. She pulled me on top of her and popped my cock into her fanny notch, telling me, “Put it in me. You have to push hard so it will go inside.”

“Love, it’s going to hurt you a lot if I push hard. Wouldn’t you rather have me do your bum?”

“You have to try the front first,” she demanded.

She was certainly lubricated well, so I ran my cock through her split before I put it back in her slot. I didn’t want her to anticipate the pain so I shoved it right in… and met a brick wall. The force that I exerted bent my throbber in two and I think we both screamed in pain at the same time. That was something I should file away as a well intentioned attempt.

Then, I rolled off my daughter and inspected my cock for damage. Nothing was noticeable right off; except it did look a bit crooked now. I knew it was going to be a job for something a bit stronger. Mary climbed over me, laid her head on my shoulder and began to cry. I could feel her warm tears fall on my skin and a feeling of helplessness consumed me.

When she began to sob, it was too much and I pulled her against me to sooth her sorrow and told her, “Give it more time. I know how much it means to you. It means something to me too. You have no idea how much I long to be inside of you. I’ll come up with a plan that will make us both happy.”

She raised her head up and gazed into my eyes, and with a quivering upper lip asked, “Would you shag Aditi if I asked you to?”

Actually, I could think of worse things than being asked to poke a little Indian girl. I told her, “Love, I would never do anything to hurt you. It doesn’t matter what Aditi wants, it’s what you want. Don’t you believe it would hurt our relationship if I shagged the girl?”

“Why would I think that? I want to watch you do her. She really likes your willy. I’ll wager that Carrie and Chandani will want to watch too. Say yes, yes, yes… would you?”

I considered it for a few milliseconds before I answered, “Yes, if you want me to I will. Right now, I want to be inside of you. What about it? I’m sure I can still do your bum.”

Almost reluctantly, she crawled to her knees and pushed her bum in the air, but I could see how tense she was. Her little pucker was clamped down tighter than a gnat’s chuff. It would take a battering ram to get through that blockade.

She was simply too distraught and the mood had left her. It would be a bit before she relaxed enough for us to proceed any further. But, I still had a bit of a problem. My balls were bursting and felt like they were turning blue. Not a fun thing, so I kissed my girl’s pretty little bottom hole and told her, “You need time to relax. It will be painful for both of us if we try to force it. My balls are hurting and I need some relief before they burst.”

“Does daddy want me to help him get his little spermies out?”

“Would you? You don’t have to. I just want to hold you next to me while I wank.”

I held her to me and when I came, a few streamers draped themselves over her arms and she softly moaned, “Hmmm… warm.” Which was much more pleasant than, “Ewe, you got your goo on me.”

End Chapter Two

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